
What are you doing right now??

Got smacked with a .44-40 on the nose yesterday while running the timer. Said a few choice words and got a rag for the blood. I expected a large bruise, but no, just a swollen nose this morning and a scab. It doesn't want me to touch it.
The wife's Lightning was having none of being loaded so I'll check it out today. The other one we brought ran fine, so the new OAL worked. I got cocky on a stage with my pistols using .38's and got 2 misses for it. Enjoyable day and weather, but it seemed like I was timing all of the black powder shooters and I have a low tolerance for the clouds anymore. I need to load shotgun and 9mm this week and may plant a replacement tree in the yard.
When we had our dog spayed, we put her in a "onesie" instead of the cone of shame.

Soft cone on our Maggie Marie after being spayed.

Went to the range with the guys at the gun shop, i couldn't stay long as all i took was one of @Bassbob favorite shotguns. shot everything i took without a hitch. now this place is called the Arkansas Waterfowl association and let me tell you. this place is awesome.

Had a blast, they brought a few toys. i am going to join this club as it is only about 12 miles from my house and cost 75 bucks a year. has three ponds to fish in. decent size ones too. a rifle range that goes out to 200 yards and a pistol range. has steel already up.

can go anytime you like, was not a soul anywhere but us three. this place is huge. only thing is you can't shoot full auto there. i didn't take much pics and didn't get all the range in the pics. the other two pics i took won't load. says too big.

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Wow! Too much fun! :D

Today I'll vacuum the house. Tomorrow is the dentist and a haircut. Wednesday will be range day. I'll get to try out my new sights on the VP9. Woot!

Thank you for your indulgence,

Just finished up doing my taxes. I usually wait until near the deadline since I always owe and am in no hurry to pay the government. But since I had all my paperwork ready and stacked in a neat pile, I decided to just get it done and over with. I was pleasantly surprised that it was about two grand less than what I thought I would have to pay. That made my day when it turned out that my owed tax was less than I expected. I always set aside money every year for income tax, property taxes, home insurance, etc. Now I either have a good start on a nest egg for next year's taxes, or a couple grand to blow on a new toy! lol No, no more guns for the moment. The wife and I are interested in getting a UTV, and they ain't cheap!
Finding I'm a tad peckish while awaiting the return of the Wonderful One, I'm snacking on Triscuit. If there's a tastier, healthier store-bought snack, we've yet to find it. Whole grain wheat, canola oil, and sea salt!
Wasted many hours trying to connect wife's phone to her earbuds. No go. Called the tech and an hour later he said contact earbud manf. Arrrrgh! I hate new technology.............. Went to Best Buy and bought new buds. They need to charge for 3 hours before connecting. I used about half the phone's battery trying to fix this and it's supposed to be a 2 day battery.
Need to keep guns and sharp objects away from me for a bit.
the CZ is all set for tomorrow, but then, on my way up from the basement, i saw that the 1st floor smoke alarm's red "ready light" was flashing 3 times, like the upstairs one was about 2 weeks ago..

sure enough, i had to get a step ladder, and reset that one, then i hiked up to the 3rd floor hallway, and yup that SOB needed to be reset as well

good to "see" on that CZ, that had not been to any range since october, that the Lucas Extreme Duty oil was not evaporated, but i did add a few drops on the frame inner rail, which i had not done at the cleaning back then, only the slide rail was.