
What are you doing right now??

Having late afternoon appitizer of nachos and margaritas.

Margs can only be made one way. The original way..
- cointreau
-lime juice
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Utterly agree on the margarita. I don’t drink them often, but when I do, that’s the way. On the rocks, salted glass.

I woke up after a nap, since I need to go to work tonight, and found that the nature of the weather had been greatly overstated…we got less than an inch out of 6-8 predicted, and the blizzard warning got cancelled.

I’m not complaining…well, maybe a little, as a full-blown blizzard would have likely meant I didn’t go to work, so…

Anyway. A nice cup of Kona coffee to remind me of mornings on the lanai, and evenings on the beach.
We got hammered. Tornado came through the back of the neighborhood. The gal on the corner across from my daughter no longer has a roof. The guy adjacent to her no longer has a back wall. 4 poles snapped so no one has power or will for the foreseeable future. Two giant trees across the road so my house is as far as you go.
bob, i hope you and neighbors are well. Mother nature is a bad biatch, and looks like she is pissed. Similar weather expected in Georgia and surrounding areas tomorrow. Nothing here in N.E. FLA but gusty breeze right now.
Went to church this morning, it was good to be with friends. Came home, had beef chili for lunch (perfect for a cold day like today), and now I'm loading magazines in anticipation of a warmer day that's not so windy.
Watching videos while loading. I thought this was a decent review:

The FINAL Word.. Springfield Prodigy Compact And Full Size 1911 Double Stack
Tactical Considerations
It was an EF1 tornado. 10 people dead in Missouri. 110,000 without power.

Went up and got my folks packed and settled in a hotel until they get power back. They’re up in an actual town so they’ll get power back soon I’d think. It’s looking like a week or so ( hopefully) for us.
Sorry about the bad storms back there.

Glad you & your family just got a power loss vs. something much worse.
Just got back home after a weeks trip to Ft. Lauderdale. Met my Son and his daughter and some other family down there and we did a nice B&B, ate some seafood, got sandy, took pictures of a sleepy pelican backlit by the moon. Wonderful trip with beautiful sunny weather & got back to Colorado in time for some sleet to be bouncing off the hood of the truck at COS airport. 😬
It was an EF1 tornado. 10 people dead in Missouri. 110,000 without power.

Went up and got my folks packed and settled in a hotel until they get power back. They’re up in an actual town so they’ll get power back soon I’d think. It’s looking like a week or so ( hopefully) for us.
There's an outfit called Grindstone Ministries. Guys with construction & other skills, offering relief to victims of natural disasters. Whether you need their help or want to assist, they're well worth checking out! Guy that runs it is a real patriot and solid Christian. Based out of Oklahoma, but they work nationwide.