
What are you doing right now??

mine is a sears dog groomer, i bought like nearly 45 years ago..???

when i went to Sears, it was near the personal care area..

i'm like "well, the human one looks exactly like the dog shaver, and the dog shaver is way cheaper"...

"why buy human when dog will do"..?????

works like a charm for unda my arms when they get over-grown, privits area, my chest when that gets over-grown, and my head......

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I cut my hair with the same clippers I used on the dogs. For years. No dogs now, but still got the clippers. I don't do bald, but 1/4". I think #2.
Performed my ablutions and one cup down. Waiting for granddaughter to be dropped off. Dogs trying to convince me it is feeding time. Cat hanging from window screen meowing to let me know food bowl is empty. Horses will start in on me as soon as I walk outside. The resident skink will be waiting for me when I get to the shop, not sure what it wants from me, but I will stay armed just in case. Hope y'all have a great day.
Got new tires installed on the Buick. Really makes a difference in handling. Ready to go on a road trip!
You don't notice the degradation over time because it takes so long or so many miles. Replacing tires on a motorcycle makes a world of difference. On two wheels the tires need to do multiple things like cornering, braking, suspension, wet abilities and even just riding in a straight line. A sudden flat in the rear is a surprising thing, the rear kicks out one way and then the other. Counter steering is a useful thing and you need to change directions as needed. Construction in the Phoenix metro area (60K homes/year) had numerous contractors and laborers dropping huge amounts of hardware such as nails, screws, etc. Not fun having to plug a $200 new tire after running over one or more. It's also thrilling to experience it on the freeway.
I no longer ride and drive a 4 wheeler. Had a low tire warning and went to the tire store for an inflation check. There were 15 ahead of me and turns out a box of screws or nails was dumped on the road where everyone had traveled. I wasn't happy since I had just purchased a set of 4.
Sorry for the lengthy comment.
Iron infusion yesterday...... 3 hours or so, pretty boring.
Up at 3 and started reading the news from multiple sites, then on to email.
Got some parts in the mail yesterday to be installed today, then on to reloading if it's still tolerable in the garage. 96 for a high today, then a cooling trend. Yea!
In bed with my first cup on the phone getting ready to go workout another beautiful day here picture perfect 🤩 Good morning y’all
it's nearly 9 AM there in CA..??

sheesh, by 9 AM, i had all my errands done, went to check a tire dealer for prices, went grocery shopping, then work around the house, like washed some dishes, and silverware, and glasses, and swept the floor, to give the wife some help, as i had laundry down in the basement, and checked my gun for tomorrows visit to the range, and planning lunch for the two of us, and due for my afternoon nap.

and getting tonight's dinner partially set up for the wife to prepare, and talked to the mailman......

and you're still in bed..???

dang......i need 2 naps just thinking how you can still be in bed.