Now that we had a little rain all the weeds will be sprouting! Went to Lowes and got year long weed killer. I hate weeds in my front yard.
i tell ya, i have used quite a few weed killing sprays. Ortho being one, Bayer another..
but those are usually used with the garden hose, so to me, probably way too much water getting mixed in.
what i have found, for really quick and long lasting results..???
Round Up.......with it's own battery powered sprayer
Lowes had a sale 2 years ago in the jug with the sprayer, get the refill half price off.
i still have maybe over half a jug of the original, and a full refill jug.
i spray my front sidewalk (cracks in the concrete walk), and into the curbing, maybe when i see the first few weeds in springtime, and i cannot say i have to be bothered for several weeks afterwards.
the "trick" is that the area must be dry, and no rain or other water (like from a garden hose over spray) touch the area for at least 24 to 48 hours
it is a gigantic PITA every time rain is forecasted to get this done.
i even took the Round UP to the cemetery to keep the weeds off some of my family graves, as they can cover the gravestones, that lay flat into the ground.