
What are you doing right now??


Praying for your family @Bassbob. I'm glad @Belt Fed is no worse for wear. I hope @belladonna is feeling better soon.

I accidentally got to my gig two hours early so I decided to see what you mooks are up to. Carry on.

Thank you for your indulgence,

what about me..?? i had a dental cleaning earlier, i am now eating chocolate chip cookies, and i still ain't had my afternoon nap yet..
Working on trying to keep something in my tummy. 😒🤢
why do some say..tummy..??


i went to my dentist, for a cleaning. the hygenist had to "probe" my gums to check for the last deep cleaning to have started the gums to heal...

she laughed and said a man a few days ago told her not to say "probe"

i said like WTF is the difference?

you go to your urologist, and HE PROBES you

you go to the proctologist, and HE PROBES you

you get kidnapped by an alien, and IT PROBES you....

just call it what it is..PROBING the gums.....

she had to sit down before she started working on me....