
What Cartridges Would Stop A Sasquatch Dead in its Tracks?

I haven't seen one in years. They have gone nocturnal.


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Not sure why I would want to kill one, but it did say if attacked so I best damn well hope my .357 magnum does the job. Since giving up my .44s that's the woodswalker.

On a side note, the question of thier existence is interesting to me. Cannot say I believe but do not disbelieve either. I have seen a few things and heard a few things in the woods over the past 60 plus years that I find hard to explain. Especially in the Upper.
Sightings of this elusive creature are often near midnight or early morning, never with witnesses, and usually after a good nights repast generously sprinkled with copious amounts of a quality hard liquor. The only other known creature that is seen under such dire circumstances is the well documented Jackalope. Also, several highly regarded scientific papers has shown that a large amount of alcohol over a short time, with friends and good times, has proven to greatly increase eyesight acuity and aid in clear recollections of events. :rolleyes:
I haven't seen one in years. They have gone nocturnal.
Sightings of this elusive creature are often near midnight or early morning, never with witnesses, and usually after a good nights repast generously sprinkled with copious amounts of a quality hard liquor. The only other known creature that is seen under such dire circumstances is the well documented Jackalope. Also, several highly regarded scientific papers has shown that a large amount of alcohol over a short time, with friends and good times, has proven to greatly increase eyesight acuity and aid in clear recollections of events. :rolleyes:
Its because the Yeti appears incognito daily on Fox News station and goes back into the woods after his Gutfield! Segment
