
What Happened to Peanut Butter And Jelly

Still my favorite is white bread good white bread like home pride chunky peanut butter and only goose berry jam not jelly the ultimate p and J yes
Gooseberries! Could be good! Loved gooseberries since was a kid! Planted a few bushes grew like weeds from 1' tall when planted to likely 8' balls in a couple of years! Have to try that combo if can ever keep blasted birds out of bushes.
Well, at the threat of being tagged a traitor here, I'll say that I always thought of a mom feeding a kid a PB&J sammy was in some way akin to child abuse. The article above backs up my theory. Not in all my 74 yrs have I ever eaten more than maybe 3 PB&J sammies. And if I make it another 74, I'll guarantee I won't eat another 3. So there !!!

Strange as it is, I love most jellies ..... will eat some with a spoon right out of the jar. Also truly love peanuts, specially boiled and raw. But I cannot stand even the thought or smell of peanut butter ..... no time, no how, no brand, no way.
You want to hear something weird? I love PB&J, but I love it exponentially more when I get it out at a cafe or sandwich shop! I don’t know what that says about me…

PB&Js? That's a rarity in most restaurants have gone. BB&J's like fried bologna, braunschweiger sandwiches seem to be extinct outside of homes anymore. About same with a good old simple fried egg or plain tomato sandwich in most places.

They all usually taste better when someone else makes them. Mom's And grandmothers usually make the best ones. For kids, some people take a cookie cutters after sandwich was made and cut out different shapes too.

Another thing some people do or don't do is butter the bread before spreading peanut butter on. Isn't bad either way from experience. Just different ways is all.