
What knives do you daily carry?

Benchmade Pagan OTF and the Gerber daily the other two are clipped onto my motorcycle boots.


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None. I've never carried a knife on my person except when big game hunting. Then it says in a sheath on my belt. I've lived a long time without necessity for a knife on my person. I can live the rest of my life without carrying one.

I own Solingen steel outdoorsman knives. However, I've gone almost completely Havalon: https://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/l...fe-you-need-skinning-and-quartering-big-game/ My recommendation Is to bring a metal container suitable for dulled Havalon blades. A heavy knife still has field dressing utility when necessary for deep cutting required for quartering big game.

I carry a filet knife inside of my tackle box. I never carry it on me. I can't remember that last time I've used it. We're catch 'n' release unless a fish will not survive. In very rare times I clean fish, I do so with absolutely no distraction.

A knife wound could become fatal, not merely by destroying a vital organ. An infection (sepsis, staph, etc) from a knife wound can be just as fatal.

Pepper spray is far better than a knife for self-defense. The most proficient knife attacker can't cut what he can't see.

Knife blades accumulate plethora bacteria. If you're gonna carry a blade, have access to lots of hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin, gauze, and tape. Whiskey is still good as a disinfecting agent. If you were to cut yourself, cleanse and bandage all wounds ASAP. Loosen and inspect wounds periodically for indicators of infection. If indicators of infection are present, hightail it to a hospital. If you're 30 miles from the nearest hospital and sever an artery, get your final affairs in order. You might have a few minutes of consciousness remaining.

Years ago, I watched a TV segment that profiled a woman (I doubt that she was 30 years old) who had cut herself shaving her legs. She blew off the cut as just another nick from a blade she should have discarded after its previous use. Very sad and tragic: from that otherwise insignificant cut, she contracted necrotizing fasciitis. She was dead inside of 2 days.

In terms of self-defense, a knife is deadly force. If I were worried about deadly force, I'll carry my EMP 3 9MM in urban environments and a TRP .45 ACP where mean critters roam. There's a reason cops are taught to shoot suspects armed with knives.

If you're gonna carry a blade, I'd recommend watching "Surviving Edged Weapons"

One last point: I completely get it for professionals who use knives many times daily as tools of their profession. For those professionals, please indulge me a caution: allow no distractions when using your knives to perform tasks of your professions.
SATRP stated: "...I've lived a long time without necessity for a knife on my person. I can live the rest of my life without carrying one."

Freedom of choice is a good thing. 👍
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For everyday carry, I have my K-Bar LE on my left hip. Usually a multi-tool in my pocket (either Sig or Gerber). In my boot, there can be found my Ti-Lite VI from Cold Steel. If it is a dress-up dinner or wedding, then my Microtec is right at home next to my wallet accompanied by my CRKT CEO, so as to not scare the sheep.

I have spent many countless hours on the training floor learning how to make the very best use of my closest friends. I even did some instruction myself for a while. I would not consider going anywhere without them.


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Recently ordered a couple of [small] fixed-blade knives from the CRKT line. They both come with rigid, injection-molded sheaths, which can be mounted/carried in various positions. The models I ord'd were one SiWi, and two of the S.P.E.W.

(Note: Below posted images from the CRKT website)




I don't carry a knife anymore since I left the military. I work in an office environment and really don't have a utilitarian reason to do so.
I am retired from programming and system analysis. I always carry(ied) a large folder, 3.5 inches the largest Michigan allows, always found a use for it, even if strictly carried for an emergency, no firearms allowed at work.

Also carried, for work uses a Gerber multipliers and in my desk was a SAK Cybertool, both got used often from opening boxes to working on equipment.
I like many people am a knife enthusiast. I believe that a knife is a basic tool. Everyone should have at least one. Remember when you reached that certain age and was presented with your first knife? Remember the warning that came with the knife? Sorry I digress. I carry a different knife almost everyday depending on where I am going. A small Leatherman Mica for the pocket watch, a Victorinox Tinker for the left front pocket. And a folder, CRKT, Gerber, Benchmade, spyderco to choose from for the strong side pocket.