
When it comes down to it, what is your "go to" EDC?

For the last few months, this. HK VP9SK. Before that, for over 10 years, my SA XDs .45.


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I have carried a Ruger SP101 as my EDC for many years, but of late, I am thinking of going to a semi auto for various reasons. Although I love the SP 101, in this day and age, combined with my getting older and other factors, there may be better choices for EDC. I know alot of guys that carry micro, compact, medium and large frame semi autos as their EDC. I have been fortunate enough to try many of them at the range and have asked everyone the same question....Why is this your EDC? It's obvious that there is no one "best" EDC, it depends on the person and many other factors....

I am pretty sure alot of us have experimented with EDC pistols, trying to find "the one" that is perfect for you and your situation. I know I have shot over 15 different semi autos in the last 2 months or so and have narrowed the field to a handful. I will be making my final decision soon after a bit more shooting and research....I am not one to switch between multiple handguns for seasons, area to be visited and such, so I need to consider several factors in my final decision...

Just curious, what is your "go to" EDC? Even if you have cycled through multiple choices, what one EDC do you always return to and why? Thanks for any input...
At this time, usually a gen5 G19... lightweight, concealable, and capable of hard hits depending on ammo used. Frankly, however, altho I own a couple and have for years, I'm getting tired of the whole "glock thing". Never been comfortable with the lack of a safety.
Sometimes a S&W 411 in .40S&W. Solid metal, no plastic, and DA/SA hammer-fired. It's an oldie, dated certainly, but powerful and hard-hitting. I like the DA/SA feature and the hammer-drop. 180 gr JHP suit me fine.. Looking at a .40 S&W Beretta PX4 Storm which might be an edc for me in future.
I used to carry one version or another of the 1911 most of the time but have gotten away from it as newer cartridges and loadings become available. Still I keep a .45acp available.. set back my little .38's but keep them around cuz... ya never know, right?
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This is so sad. I don't even really like it. I currently carry my Smith CSX. Its milled for and has a red dot. Its small, light and carries 12+1.


Bbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt.........., it is not what I want, but it is probably as close as I can get. For a while.

So until someone comes out with a DA/SA sub 21 oz. 9mm or .40 that is optics ready, has a rail for a light and has 10+ capacity. I will be lazy, discontented and make do.

My EDC is a Hellcat Pro that will soon be the loudest, sparklest glittery gun available re the Armed Attorneys video on the safest gun to carry in your car. Watch the video. So, so many people have been falsely accused of pointing a gun when they did not, but are in prison as a felon because they carried a gun that was exactly the "black or dark silver" gun the accuser claimed. Even when the accuser had an arrest for false reporting of use of a gun. Bring on the glitter!! Now for the holster---
Does your license plate read:

View attachment 67892
That would be fun but just my Handicap Plates. I do love the new black license plates that say you donated extra to 1st responder families. Could have been my family, back in the day as 1st female SWAT team medic I was filling in as 2nd officer in a Power Squad car and the windshield was shot on my side. Has anyone watched the Armed Attorney's video on the pink gun? Any feedback?