
Where Do You Keep Your Home Defense Gun at Night?

i guess if you are the FBI or other "law enforcement" agency it wouldn't be difficult but I thought we were talking about keeping yourself safe from burgles/home invaders or thief's.
I don't think many people who are intent on breaking into your home have those skills or equipment. A best they may have a crowbar.
Then they still have to gain entry and as soon as the perimeter is breeched the wired alarm system "not connected to a monitoring station" with battery backup will sound instantly at 120 decibels.

I sleep in the upstairs bedroom and it literally will take me 2 seconds to get my firearm. I keep an xdm elite compact in 45 acp and a KS7 loaded at the ready.
Don’t have a pair of pliers with a cutter on them ? Not all burglars and home invaders are complete dumbasses. What I just pointed out isn’t some big secret and doesn’t require the FBI or anything else.

And I made zero judgement about someone’s odds of successfully robbing or burglarizing you. I merely pointed out that relying on a security system that is dependent on internet access is not the best plan.
We have outdoor security cameras located in the front sides and back of our property. they can tell the difference between people and pets. If anyone comes within 35 feet of our home they are triggered and will relay the information to all 4 of our Amazon echo devices one of which is located in our bedroom which will announce that a person is detected and on which camera they were detected on.
What kind of cameras?
I used to keep a gun on the headboard of my bed. One night I had a nightmare and I woke up with my wife laying across me doing everything she could to keep me from grabbing that gun in my sleep.

I now keep my gun on the dresser next to my bed. In order to reach it I have to get out of bed and take a step. By the time I do that I should be awake enough to be handling a gun.
I have zero guns, guns are icky. We posted these signs in our yard front and back so we are safe without all that stuff you folks are talking about...
I have zero guns, guns are icky. We posted these signs in our yard front and back so we are safe without all that stuff you folks are talking about...
View attachment 43337
Which means the police have to stand on the street and wait for the perp to walk off your property since no guns are allowed.
They prefer that. Less mess. Less paperwork and more time to finish the donut and coffee.
Its a win - win. Folks feel safe and cops can work thru their defunded staff. Social networking perfection.
I live in a house with a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle/Lab mix that belongs to my daughter. Anything gets within 100 feet of my house and the Lab will bark, then get a toy to bring to the visitor. The Poodle on the other hand will spin like a dervish and raise a ruckus that will wake the dead. If the Lab does the "Get your gun Papa" bark I know it's something serious.

Many years ago in a college course I participated in a study where we interviewed a number of career burglars serving time in a state prison. The focus was what factors made them avoid some residences and choose others. What I learned was big dogs, making noise getting in, lighting, and nosy neighbors were high on the scale of deterrents. I would imagine surveillance cameras and alarms nowadays are a factor.
Armed homeowners were surprisingly lower on the scale. Overgrown shrubbery was welcome to conceal their movements. Also a large percentage of burglaries occur during daylight hours while people are at work/school and a surprising number involve the burglar entering through unlocked doors and windows. An armed homeowner is the best defense against home invasion.
a surprising number involve the burglar entering through unlocked doors and windows.
There was a rash of home invasion robberies in Colorado Springs during the lockdowns. Going by the news reports, in almost every single instance the robbers entered the home through an unlocked door or the homeowner opened the door and let them in without verifying who they were.

There was a home invasion robbery one night across the street from where I live and according to the news report the homeowners were sitting in their living room watching TV with their front door wide open and the home Invaders just walked right in.
An armed homeowner is the best defense against home invasion.

Based on your paragraph above, I'd say this is the best defense against a home invasion.