I'm not complaining too hard about the BGC when I buy a gun. What I do have a problem with is paying to transfer a firearm I already own to a dealer, then my kid having to pay a transfer fee to have it transferred to her.
I have to agree with the sentiment here, but recognize this is a state or local statute rather than a federal statute as is the NICS BG check. Turn to your state elected officials to repair this. Just for the record .... where I live I can make any 'private' sale to any legal buyer within my home state with no gov't involvement whatever. In my particular case, I have always insisted on my giving him a 'Bill of Sale', and he signing a 'purchase agreement' for me. And realize that as the law regarding what constitutes a dealer currently stands, I can sell virtually as many as I want with no repercussions from the law ..... since the law is so vague right now....... and needs fixing for the benefit of us all.
There are a great many dangerous inanimate objects in this world. If you think about it, it's ridiculous for the one that is a constitutionally guaranteed right to have every aspect of it's existence monitored, taxed, regulated and registered by the government who is supposed to be restrained from infringing upon it.
This is a very common argument we all, 'law-abiding' gun owners will make. By the same token, that they should be taxed, regulated, etc, is likely the argument many/most all anti-gun folks will make. All the sweating it about guns ending up in the wrong hands if we don't have this law, that BGC and those regulations is a pure smoke screen.
All us pro-gun folks recognize that there is NO law that can/will prevent a 'bad guy' from getting his hands on a gun if he truly wants one. This is the basic argument we all should continue to make. The anti-gun folks argue these stupid laws will make us safer when the bottom line is our constitution never guaranteed our safety ...... only our freedom. Anyone with an intelligence level greater than the number of their legitimate parents will understand "You simply cannot legislate either morality nor safety". Don't look now but all those " Wrong handed people", they already have guns and if they don't and they want one they aren't going to Frank's gun shop or Cabelas to go through a BGC to get one.
And hopefully this is one area that will be reduced and/or limited by reducing the numbers of bad guys who are willing to violate an ATF&E or federal law defining (or not) what constitutes a 'licensed dealer' requirement, and their requirement to do a NICS BG check. As it stands right now, the law is so vague it is very difficult to enforce and even more difficult to prosecute.
Hypothetical question: Knowing that all the guns on the streets of America could never be taken away by the feds, cops or anyone else, which of these 2 scenarios do you prefer.
1) All guns are now illegal, no one outside of LEO can have them.
2) All guns are unrestricted, no one can be denied the right to have one.
Before you answer think about this. In scenario #2 where everyone has guns, the people who would have them, but probably shouldn't are the same people that already have them now.
Both these questions are rhetorical and have no logical/black or white answer. And we don't have enough posting space to address them with any amount of clarity and/or detail.
All gun laws are an infringement. Because they only affect people who obey the law.
OK, now here's where it gets a little finicky. Most anti-gun laws are only an infringement to those they directly affect. Let me explain .... The law that restricts mental deficients, drug abusers, and/or women/child abusers don't affect you, nor me, nor any other law-abiding gun owner in the least. That law affects only those people it's directed at. The NICS BG check doesn't prevent you, nor me, nor any law-abiding gun owner from buying or owning (keeping and bearing) guns. Yeh, a short delay maybe and a bit of aggravation, but doesn't prevent us as long as we're doing our part by remaining law-abiding, but just maybe does prevent some 'bad guy' from getting one, especially in the heat of the moment. Now let me qualify this reply by saying I, like you, think the NICS BG chaek is a small delay and an aggravation to me personally, but like I said earlier, for right now it's the best thing we have to weed some of those bad guys out. I don't have a better way, so until I do, and because I'm in favor of doing all we can to weed out those particular individuals, I'll go along with it .
Let me know your thoughts.