
Wow, really?

I’m starting to think a lot of us on this forum were born old and never were a teenager doing dumb teenager things. :).
Oh, I assure you I did my share of dumb things when a teenager. I also can assure you I only did most of them one time. My dad's leather belt across my backside with or without the weeks of 'restriction' to the house and yard for a period of time (usually 6 weeks) and with or without any TV/phone privileges during the restriction period typically made enough of an impression on me that I usually didn't do it a second time. The key word is 'usually'!!!
Well I have to be totally honest here . I was a regular Angel and never got into any trouble of any kind. Honest.
It was a legitimate opinion . He was representing a legit 2A Org . I can respect a purist view of 2A . Nudging to not gun rights supporters be taken for granted can be a good thing .

No , I'm not advocating for Harris . Yes , the choice between the two is stark .

Yes , if I was him , I'd have changed my name to Fred Smith , and keep a low profile , at least for the next 10 years .
nice. Ok I'll go first - racing motos, jumping trucks and other crazy stuff as a young rascal. Father forgive me for I have sinned.

Started riding on a 5hp MiniGoat. Dad later bought me a 125 Enduro and I secretly pooled money with a buddy for a 360 Husqvarna (held together with bailing wire) that I kept stored in a friends dirt bike shop he had in his garage. Dad thought I was taking damn good care of the Enduro when in truth it got virtually no ride time.

We had shale cliffs and flats to ride on. At the top of one of the cliffs you had to stomp and catch the berm and loop around going back down the hill. One guy didn't catch the berm and went off the side of the hill onto some railroad tracks about 50 feet below. He died and I could never push quite as hard as before I saw that. I loved riding dirt though!
Started riding on a 5hp MiniGoat. Dad later bought me a 125 Enduro and I secretly pooled money with a buddy for a 360 Husqvarna (held together with bailing wire) that I kept stored in a friends dirt bike shop he had in his garage. Dad thought I was taking damn good care of the Enduro when in truth it got virtually no ride time.

We had shale cliffs and flats to ride on. At the top of one of the cliffs you had to stomp and catch the berm and loop around going back down the hill. One guy didn't catch the berm and went off the side of the hill onto some railroad tracks about 50 feet below. He died and I could never push quite as hard as before I saw that. I loved riding dirt though!
those were the days, I remember running up and down desert hills in the small bikes, (didn't have a Husky tho? damn those still around? lol) and we were like you after the buddy crashed - careful. This might've been due to a second cousin crashing his dad's daily driver 4x4 earlier in the week. We'll never tell. ;)
I questioned Kyle's smarts when he decided to go strolling with his AR and medical stuff. It was self defense, but I never would have gone walking around like he did to begin with.
This. You knowing walk into an area where rioting is occurring while openly carrying a weapon-what could possibly go wrong. Yes, he was “right”, BUT he was also pretty foolish for even being where what happened could occur. Had he stayed home there would have been no issue. Simple sad fact, anyone NOT voting for Trump (whether you like him or Not) is in fact voting for the other side. One must make a stand, and failing to vote as a “protest” (or voting third party) is plain stupid, especially if you believe in Freedom, morality and our country. I would love some day to go to the polls and be stumped on who to vote for because I liked BOTH, rather than voting for the least problematic. I’ve never seen it and don’t ever expect to in my remaining years on this planet though.
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It was a legitimate opinion . He was representing a legit 2A Org . I can respect a purist view of 2A . Nudging to not gun rights supporters be taken for granted can be a good thing .

No , I'm not advocating for Harris . Yes , the choice between the two is stark .

Yes , if I was him , I'd have changed my name to Fred Smith , and keep a low profile , at least for the next 10 years .
He should change his name to
Lucky Tobalive
Started riding on a 5hp MiniGoat. Dad later bought me a 125 Enduro and I secretly pooled money with a buddy for a 360 Husqvarna (held together with bailing wire) that I kept stored in a friends dirt bike shop he had in his garage. Dad thought I was taking damn good care of the Enduro when in truth it got virtually no ride time.

We had shale cliffs and flats to ride on. At the top of one of the cliffs you had to stomp and catch the berm and loop around going back down the hill. One guy didn't catch the berm and went off the side of the hill onto some railroad tracks about 50 feet below. He died and I could never push quite as hard as before I saw that. I loved riding dirt though!
The wife and I bought used dirt bikes years ago and tooled around the desert and mountain roads. I stopped one time and walked it a bit to see what was there and around the corner, the road ended in a drop off of several hundred feet. No sign or posting. It would have been thrilling for a brief time............. I loved blasting around those dirt trails, but you have to trust those gut feelings sometimes.
Started riding on a 5hp MiniGoat. Dad later bought me a 125 Enduro and I secretly pooled money with a buddy for a 360 Husqvarna (held together with bailing wire) that I kept stored in a friends dirt bike shop he had in his garage. Dad thought I was taking damn good care of the Enduro when in truth it got virtually no ride time.

We had shale cliffs and flats to ride on. At the top of one of the cliffs you had to stomp and catch the berm and loop around going back down the hill. One guy didn't catch the berm and went off the side of the hill onto some railroad tracks about 50 feet below. He died and I could never push quite as hard as before I saw that. I loved riding dirt though!
If I may, what is a MiniGoat?