
WTF ? Optics plate loose again !

I know it is all the rage right now but in my 10 years working for LGS besides seeing guns fail for all kinds of reasons the second issue was handguns with optics. Plate issues, screw issues, optics breaking or not working properly etc. I can see them if you are using them on a range gun but for concealed carry, when my life might depend on it I just won't do it. This is a personal choice.. I think I am quite informed on optics and for me its a no-go for ccw.
I know it is all the rage right now but in my 10 years working for LGS besides seeing guns fail for all kinds of reasons the second issue was handguns with optics. Plate issues, screw issues, optics breaking or not working properly etc. I can see them if you are using them on a range gun but for concealed carry, when my life might depend on it I just won't do it. This is a personal choice.. I think I am quite informed on optics and for me its a no-go for ccw.
For sure everyone should do exactly what they want, cause Merica! For me Optics are the way and any issue that could be, are alleviated by Co-witness.
Everything goes through the 'burn in' or work out the kinks phase, otherwise we would still be riding horses and using swords. I keep getting the newest Optics for my CC guns and they just keep getting better, I change out batteries one time a year just because, other than that dumb Hellcat OSP I mentioned I have never had a single issue in the years I have been running them. Now that I am moving to Greens it is even better IMO
Ok NFG here bought a 5” Prodigy NIB with the Hex Dragonfly already mounted. Run 250rds thru it and all the screws came loose , loctite and factory specifications re-torque and off I went 300rds later loose again , wash rinse repeat and now 380rds and the plate screws are loose again !!! I’ve cleaned all surfaces and threads , used RED loctite and torqued to spec inch lbs !!! WTF am I missing here ? I’m heading to Nationals in Tx next month and need this thing spot on every stage !?!? Plz help if you’ve found a fix for this issue let me now your secret sauce!
If you are putting loctite on the screws you are likely over torquing them (until the loctite sets up it is nothing more than a lubricant). Over-torqued is just as bad as under-torqued (BTW is your wrench calibrated?). It is also possible that the optic plate and slide plate are not completely flush. If they are not then upward pressure could being applied to the screws each time you fire. Also, just like lug nuts, optic screws need to be tightened gradually (take each one up to 1-2 in. pounds, then each one up to 3-4 inpounds, and so forth. Good luck!
I know it is all the rage right now but in my 10 years working for LGS besides seeing guns fail for all kinds of reasons the second issue was handguns with optics. Plate issues, screw issues, optics breaking or not working properly etc. I can see them if you are using them on a range gun but for concealed carry, when my life might depend on it I just won't do it. This is a personal choice.. I think I am quite informed on optics and for me its a no-go for ccw.
Optics like firearms are as good as the engineers that make them.
Dont blame optics on a gun. Blame the quality.
A piece of **** will fail. Period. Dont buy a piece of ****. Optics or gun

If you bought a piece of **** optic, it will fail.
Dont buy ****
Dont scrimp on firearms ever
A quality red dot on a pistol will outlive the debate.
The SCS still has a battery (non-removeable) in it, although the solar panel can keep it topped up for a long, long time.
And you can manually top it off with a solar watch charger any time you like should you feel it hasn’t “seen the light” quite enough. All my current optics are SCS and none have had an issue. The only one optic that I owned (not an SCS) that had an issue, the front glass came out while shooting…just like I’ve had a couple of IRON front sights fall off while shooting, as well as rear IRONS coming loose. Nothing, really, is infallible.
Agree ☝️☝️Lots of people may use them on there CCW gun, but I am not relying on a battery and such in case the time I need it, battery is dead, dots have there place, don’t get me wrong, but personally I don’t think on a CCW gun…..
Anyone who likes the idea of a "dot" optic but is wary of batteries, should checkout the new HIIZ Fastdot H3.
Anyone who likes the idea of a "dot" optic but is wary of batteries, should checkout the new HIIZ Fastdot H3.
Iron sites have worked for me for over 30 years, personally I don’t need the change, but yea, several dots don’t have a battery or they are solar charged capable, my 2 Springfield’s, Hellcat and XDm Elite compact came with dots, there still in the boxes
Iron sites have worked for me for over 30 years, personally I don’t need the change, but yea, several dots don’t have a battery or they are solar charged capable, my 2 Springfield’s, Hellcat and XDm Elite compact came with dots, there still in the boxes
i only been into this sport/hobby, for 4 years now, and have yet to invest into red/green dot sights.

not that they do not work, or are costly, or are a PITA to either zero-in, or mount (read MANY problems such as the o/p
s) ....but because i just don't want them.

will i ever break down and get a red/green sight..???

i don't know, but i do know enough, not to say..."never"
Just for reference for anyone who might have plates or optics come loose - aside from making sure that you are using good screws (fyi, Holosun screws are notoriously shite) - it is always a good idea - particularly if you are going to use Loctite, which many of the manufacturers recommend, as well as most of the companies that mill slides, to ensure the threaded holes are oil free, as well as the screws. Use a solvent (ethanol, lacquer thinner, acetone etc) to clean both the threaded hole and the screw itself to ensure a good bond. Allow Loctite 24 hours minimum to cure in most cases.