
Wuhan coronavirus epidemic

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Also, I'm not making this up... the Chinese lab where the outbreak began is China's version of Umbrella Corporation, I am not kidding. T-virus, anyone??
It's only a matter of time before the world sees a global Pandemic like the 1918 Spanish flu that killed millions. In 2003, the SARS virus (also starting in China), was feared to be potentially that. Perhaps this one will reach the 1918 level. In 2003, I was still working and my company had contingency plans if a Pandemic event occurred. I'm sure with this scare, the same is happening now or will be shortly. 🤮😵
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It's only a matter of time before the world sees a global Pandemic like the 1918 Spanish flu that killed millions. In 2003, the SARS virus (also starting in China), was feared to be potentially that. Perhaps this one will reach the 1918 level. In 2003, I was still working and my company had contingency plans if a Pandemic event occurred. I'm sure with this scare, the same is happening now or will be shortly. 🤮😵

Pandemics of the sort that happened in 1918 seem to happen every 100 years, with varying r0 (R-nought) infection rates, varying levels of lethality, etc. We're due for one and with the numbers of nasty new viruses popping up lately, I suspect we'll get hit soon enough. All levity aside, I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

Being as I have COPD and am on oxygen , I am very worried about this. The biggest problem I have heard about is you can be infected and transmit the virus for 2 weeks without any symptoms. If that is the case there is no telling how bad things will get.
I'm more worried abut the regular flu.

Check out how many influenza kills each and every year.

It's easy for media to sensationalize the latest worry like SARS, Ebola, or this particular strain off the Coronavirus.

Nobody pays attention to the run-of-the-mill influenza that's killing right in their own state, anymore, because no-one listens anyway.
Weaponized viruses are ABSOLUTELY transmittable - that way all they need is "patient zero" to start the cascade effect.

Scary that a work of fiction - Steven King's "The Stand" - could be knocking on our door...

I heard on the news that a group of travelers to the US was being quarantined for 3 days.

Um...with a 2 week incubation period, where it IS contagious...what good is 3 days??

And I'm also hearing / reading that the mortality rate is lower than standard flu. So...not sure how to feel about this just yet. But, I'm taking Airborne like Skittles, just to be safe!
And I'm also hearing / reading that the mortality rate is lower than standard flu. So...not sure how to feel about this just yet.

The R0 and the mortality rate really hasn't been all that impressive - but I think part of the problem with this one is really just how much we can trust the Chinese state-run media machine.

I'm not an immunologist/virologist, nor do I have a background in infectious diseases, so I'm also over here looking at my supply of N95 masks and Tamiflu (OK, not really, but you get the gist ;)), but my wife has a pretty reasonable head on her and is responsible for a not insignificant number of people, and my boss is a trained virologist with some pretty powerful publications on her CV. Neither of these two amazingly smart women that I interact with on a daily basis are worried, yet, so I figure I'll be OK for at least a few more days. :)
I'm more worried abut the regular flu.

Check out how many influenza kills each and every year.

It's easy for media to sensationalize the latest worry like SARS, Ebola, or this particular strain off the Coronavirus.

Nobody pays attention to the run-of-the-mill influenza that's killing right in their own state, anymore, because no-one listens anyway.

Good point!

The flu has a way higher K/D ratio then these other click bait viruses you're talking about.
While Corona is scary, hundreds maybe thousands die each year from the "regular old flu" in the US According to the CDC. 61.000 since 2010. According to the world Health Organization 650,000 world wide. Maybe this will get people to actually get the Flu shot, Wash their hands and practice regular hygiene. Don't Cough and sneeze on people and stay home when you are sick, don't spread it. Stay away from immune compromised people like children and elderly.

That responsible thing being said
I have had a theory that if China wanted to start a bio war, they would wait for the new Iphone release. and overnight contaminate the millions of phones headed to the US. Remember millions of people basically simultaneously getting infected all over the US at one time.
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