
Wuhan coronavirus epidemic

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Maybe these weird alternative medicines they ingest could be exposing themselves to rare strange pathogens, viruses & bacteria that humans would not normally be exposed to. Even weird hipster hippies here are taking holistic crap that cause health problems.

Voodoo/Witch Dr/Medicine man crap has been around forever and some cultures still believe in it, so they kill off the critters to grind them up & consume because some old myths tells them they'll get a bigger hard-on.

The Dark Ages had the plague and the superstitions said to kill the cats that were killing the rats that had fleas that spread the bubonic plague.

But on the flip-side we have become more urbanized and seperated from "getting dirty" out side and/or in rural areas that help our bodies build resistance to the bugs that naturally live out there.

On top of that is modern medicines that we gulp down allow bugs to build resistance to antibiotics as they mutate.

IMO it's a never ending battle between humans doing stupid things, and it will eventually catch up with us.

My. 02
Just read the following on Fox News App,

“Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. stood by his earlier suggestion that the deadly coronavirus may have originated in a high-security biochemical lab in Wuhan, China, telling "The Story" Tuesday that we "need to be open to all possibilities" in exploring the origins of the outbreak that has sickened more than 75,000 people around the world.”
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