
Wuhan coronavirus epidemic

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You never know........lol
Same thing, but in Chinese...
Chinese Umbrella Corporation.png
My biggest concern is that China has no aversion to killing off people by the millions.

They don't. Mao killed many tens of millions of his own people and didn't bat an eye.
Demorats here seem to think he's worth emulating.

Communism killed sm.png
My thoughts confirmed. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

No question this virus was a coronavirus spliced with HIV to make it untreatable.

Read the abstract for yourself. I’ll be surprised if these authors aren’t already dead.

Great find, thanks for posting it. Makes me wonder if this is where the doctor that got arrested for modifying that kid was taken. These were the genes he was working at removing from the child. Perhaps he got disappeared because he went public. A naturally immune person would not need to worry about this form of disease. Farming out such projects without having knowledge of their purpose is not to far out of the realm of possiblity. In this manner there is plausible deniability.

This doctor working on making us immune has nothing to do with our virus that works on those genes.
Great find, thanks for posting it. Makes me wonder if this is where the doctor that got arrested for modifying that kid was taken. These were the genes he was working at removing from the child. Perhaps he got disappeared because he went public. A naturally immune person would not need to worry about this form of disease. Farming out such projects without having knowledge of their purpose is not to far out of the realm of possiblity. In this manner there is plausible deniability.

This doctor working on making us immune has nothing to do with our virus that works on those genes.

Of all people and sources of info, it took Alex Jones to get this information in my hands. As crazy as he can be, if you can keep up with him and sift through the tons of information he pushes, there are some real eye openers.
The Chinese eat dozens of wildlife species, including live foxes, wolf puppies, crocodiles, peacocks, porcupines, salamanders, snakes, rats, and even koalas; and are causing some species to head for extinction. But then again other cultures have done it also.

Eating species into extinction.

Eating Koalas

In fact some like to eat animals alive since they think it gives them more nutrition when the animal is alive vs. dead.
I don't doubt that some disease that a live/uncooked dead animal may have would jump to humans when consumed.
The Chinese are also behind the majority of the illegal elephant and rhinosceros killing for ivory & grinding up the horns for male virility.
Maybe these weird alternative medicines they ingest could be exposing themselves to rare strange pathogens, viruses & bacteria that humans would not normally be exposed to. Even weird hipster hippies here are taking holistic crap that cause health problems.
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