
You favorite cartridge

I believe two things:

1. the 380 would drop in to the barrel so far that the firing/striker couldn't hit the primer.
2. the cost of loading a 380 has to be about the same as a 9mm. Can be same bullet, is the
same primer, and the powder for a 380 is a smaller pinch.
If you can use a 40 in a 10, what about a 380 in a 9. Would that make it even a cheaper round. It could be for the recoil sensitive.
SMSgtRod makes some good notes. Also the 380 case is 17mm as opposed to 19mm for the 9mm. Even if you have a gun that will hold the 380 case close to the firing pin, like a Glock for example, you will be likely not have enough pressure to run the slide without seriously reducing your recoil spring weight, and you will be "blowing out" your cases so that they will be a bear to resize without cracking. .40 in 10mm work because the pressure ranges and case diameters more or less overlap.
SMSgtRod makes some good notes. Also the 380 case is 17mm as opposed to 19mm for the 9mm. Even if you have a gun that will hold the 380 case close to the firing pin, like a Glock for example, you will be likely not have enough pressure to run the slide without seriously reducing your recoil spring weight, and you will be "blowing out" your cases so that they will be a bear to resize without cracking. .40 in 10mm work because the pressure ranges and case diameters more or less overlap.
Haven't checked dimensions on a 380
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.45 Auto
.38 Special is a very close second because it's a blast to shoot at ranges.
.38 Special. I remember loading it as a kid with my single stage press, and then blasting it with my Model 19 S&W. Lot's of fun weekends spent that way....
38 Special is the granddaughters happy round. Little SP101 has to go to the range every time she does. I'll surprise her with a box of 100 357 Mags and when she finds that I'll get a dirty look. Loading the 38's I bought some girly pink bullets along with some green her favorite color!
My favorite cartridge is a toss up between the 45 Long Colt and the 445 Supermag. Only have T/C Contender 45LC/410 that shoots the venerable 45 LC round at present. Had a Ruger Blackhawk 45 LC/45 ACP but screwed up and sold it a while back. Been kicking myself ever since.
The 445 Supermag on the other hand is not going anywhere. Great to be able to shoot 44 Spl, 44 Mag or 445 Supermag out of same gun. Of course the 4". 6" or 10" interchangeable barrels make it the most versatile revolver I own.

9mm, 9x23 Winchester, 38 Super, 10mm, .357 mag


.223/5.56, 250 Savage, 257 Roberts, 6.5 CM, 256 Newton, 6.5x55, 6.5x284, 7mm/08, 300 Savage, 308, 30/06, .338 WIn Mag


28 ga, 16 ga.
I really love to load the tiny .380 ACP with 95gr JHP. Sadly, I also like to load 9mm with that same bullet as it’s a blast to shoot. Consequently, I used up nearly all of my 380 bullets on my 9mm. I got smart with my latest order and bought some heavier JHP just for my 9mm. The real benefit of loading the .380ACP is that I can actually feel the cost savings...not so much with the 9mm. With product on sale for $7.49 a box (on occasion), or even at $8.99 pretty frequently...I have to reload for the joy and diversion, and not with any pretense at cost savIngs. And, as you will all likely agree, I’m shooting a lot more since I started reloading.
Well, as for a favorite rifle cartridge, I'll just say this ..... If god had invented the .270 Win first, there would have never been a need for any other! Oh, and no, Jack O'connor is not a relative.

Now for a favorite handgun cartridge ..... would have to be either .38 Spl or the 9mm. Both fun to shoot and reasonably inexpensive.

And to be completely truthful, I do like the .380 for more fun plinking. But carrying a .380 pistol, and/or taking it out to the range, is kind of like loving on a big, ol' ugly woman. As much fun as any, but you just don't want anybody seeing you playing with her! Just something to ponder y'all! :cool:

I don’t reload and I guess if I shot more it would be a cost savings but I have no current plans to get into it.
As far as my favorite cartridge for my handguns it currently is my 40 and 45 in that order.
for my (4) AR’s the verdict is still out.
my .308 is fun for long range shooting.
my AR15 Saint in 5.56 was my first AR and a rock solid shooter.
for my (2) AR Pistols, 5.56 & 300BO I will say I don’t have enough rounds through either one to come to a conclusion on which one I enjoy more.
I’m rambling 5.56 right now is my favorite.
I really love to load the tiny .380 ACP with 95gr JHP. Sadly, I also like to load 9mm with that same bullet as it’s a blast to shoot. Consequently, I used up nearly all of my 380 bullets on my 9mm. I got smart with my latest order and bought some heavier JHP just for my 9mm. The real benefit of loading the .380ACP is that I can actually feel the cost savings...not so much with the 9mm. With product on sale for $7.49 a box (on occasion), or even at $8.99 pretty frequently...I have to reload for the joy and diversion, and not with any pretense at cost savIngs. And, as you will all likely agree, I’m shooting a lot more since I started reloading.
Saving money now aren't you?? Got ammo too when others don't!!