Hello All! My name is Mike and I am new member of the Springfield Family. I recently purchased a XDs 9 3.3 OSP and am extremely happy with this firearm...Thank You!
Red Nichols was Bianchi Holster's principal designer from 1970 to 1990, earning 50 patents for gunleather over his career. He retired in 2020 on his 70th b'day after a half century employed in the gunleather industry.
I want to replace the original AR15 Saint M-Lok 556 gas block with an adjustable one. What is the external measurement of the barrel so I can buy the new gas block?
Should have updated sooner. I got the replacement WASP quickly but it wasn't any better than the original. I returned that one the first week of June. Still waiting on the replacement. I was informed by Lexi that the issue has been resolved and the new site will be a keeper. When I get it that is...
I have an older (2009) 1911 45 acp micro compact that shoots very low and to the left. half of the front sight is above the rear sight box to be on target. The pic attached shows the slide to barrel geometry pointing the barrel down. Is there a taller rear sight to correct this? What is the dovetail cut called for this pistol? Any ideas?
I just purchased A Saint Edge in 5.56 and have some 223 REM-62 grain Speer Gold Dot and wanted to make sure it was ok to shoot for my home defense rounds?
I own a Springfield saint edge and saint victor both 16" looking in to getting the best suppressor information possible. does the suppressor thread directly onto the barrel?