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New member here have owned several pistols and now an avid gun lover. Currently own a DDm4 v7, a rock river arms setup, a Baretta 84fs cheetah, a clock 19 g4, a .22 revolver single shot, And a hellcat osp.
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Nice collection. Fun when getting them. Pain when cleaning.
Patriot Tin-Can Sailor Vet
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." ~Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.
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"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." --Thomas Jefferson
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” ~Abraham Lincoln
Thank you for your service! Welcome aboard sailor!
Hi, new here...I just got a Hellcat and am having hard time with the slide, any suggestions?
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Elaborate a little further. What do you mean you are having a hard time with the slide? What is going on?
gripping the slide problem / or / to stiff spring ? /
Recently retired Electric Vehicle Technician.
I also had 16 years in the elastomeric molding field as a Molding and Machinery Engineer.
Currently living in the Puget Sound region of Western Washington State, 40 miles South of the Canadian border.
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Yes, the British were rightfully scared of it. Having said that, the Zulu brought a knife to gunfight.💂
If the British had access to a few Gatling guns, their defeats at the hands of the Impi warriors would never have occurred...like Custer's failure of imagination...
greetings y'all .....newb to the forum
I just got a ruger lcp 22 i love it. Why do people say it not good for conceal carry? I am new fo all this.
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Congrats on the purchase Kandy, enjoy it. Most carry at least a 9mm that has greater reliability and stopping power that a 22lr. A 22lr can stop a threat, but you may need to fire it more than a 9mm and location of hits is of greater importance.
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If you love what you shoot you will most likely have it with you. Two well placed rounds with a 22LR will stop most threats. May not knock them off their feet, but it will stop them.
I always think what you carry on you is better than what you left at the house. If the rim fired 22lr makes you feel comfortable, then do it. I had a LCP II 22lr and experienced some difficulty with what ammo it preferred. Go through several different kinds of ammo before making that decision to EDC that LCPII 22lr. Best of luck.


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I am new to red dots, and recently received my SMSc for my Hellcat. When mounting it, it seems to not seat fully and can see some light under the front edge part of the sight. My question do you have to kinda push down hard on the sight to get it to seat flush, like I think it should? It appears that the battery is flush with the base of the sight. Thanks.
Total Newbie ... First personal handgun since getting out of the Army many years ago: Hellcat OSP. What a beautiful pistol! My problem is that arthritis is making loading magazines rather difficult. Are there any good, Hellcat-specific loaders out there you'd recommend? Thanks!
New to Springfield XD. 4 days ago I purchased a new Springfield XD9 9mm with dark green lower. Now I am in the waiting period. I went to my LGS in California and this was the only XD they had. I already have a Sig P226 that I bought a long time ago. Both of my guns are for home defense and range shooting. The only thing I want to change right out of the box would be to add some night sights.
Question. I own the XDM-Elite 4.5 OSP. The OSP plates to install red dot never cam with the gun. Does anyone know if thse 3 plates come with it? I have read that it does but wanted to reach out.
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You should have received a card with instructions to call Springfield for a single plate but if you mention the ads indicate all three they will send you the three at no charge. I hope this helps and congratulations.
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