
First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

Rob Leatham on GunTalk hints at other models in the works stating that the magazine is capable of accepting other calibers. Personally, I would like to see a lightweight model for concealed carry similar to the offering at Stacatto.
Yup. My Prodigy wish list:

• Officer's model with a 3.2" barrel. Smoothed out, no rail, alloy frame.

• Government 10mm

I'm not generally a patient man, but I can wait. :cool:
Worked on the sear spring today. Wow! That puppy was maxed the F out. 😄 was able to take off a LOT of tension. It is right where I want it now. Will shoot to make sure everything is fine, let it set and wear in and then go back and polish some surfaces if warranted.

The disco movement is now just perceptible with the slide but barely. Right were is should be.

Should it have come this way from the factory? Yes for about $1000 dollars more. Lol.
Rob Leatham on GunTalk hints at other models in the works stating that the magazine is capable of accepting other calibers. Personally, I would like to see a lightweight model for concealed carry similar to the offering at Stacatto.
There is actually a sentence in the owners manual that alludes to other calibers. It’s just a matter of time.
That’s what I’m getting on mine. I thought my Wheeler might be faulty. Mine is 2lbs 11. I have not worked on the trigger or sear at all.
I just adjusted the sear spring. Drop in parts, production guns, and assembly monkeys. It is still heavier than these two. 🤣 piece of crap dumpster fire. Man am I getting ready to do some major troll hunting. Well after I finished work on the bathroom remodel. 😢
I've been too lazy to dig out my gauge so far, but the trigger on mine definitely feels like it's lightened up some after 500 rds. The weight feels pretty darn good now.
Guess what just showed up. 5 pull average 2lbs, 10.8 oz. Wow! Without a polish!View attachment 30822
Man I'm jealous.

I tried a Staccato "C" today at the range and honestly I liked the Prodigy more overall -BUT- The trigger pull was a lot nicer on the Staccato.

If I could get my Prodigy trigger pull to be as light as yours it's be perfect.

I had my first 'failure' at the range but it wasn't the Prodigy's fault!
I was using some Merica 115gr brass FMJ and I noticed it does run 'dirtier' than others I usually use.

Put a few mags through it and suddenly one of the rounds felt incredibly soft when it went off and the gun didn't go into battery, in fact the slide BARELY moved at all.

Long story short, the round was bad and I noticed unspent gunpowder ALL OVER the table in front of me and some inside the chamber as well.

Looks like the bullet was a dud and it didn't burn all the powder when it went off, which would explain why it felt so soft. I stripped it down and nothing was stuck in, cleaned out the chamber and put her back together.

Ran another 100 rds through it without any issues after that. Kind of freaked me out a bit, never had ammo fail on me like that before!
I just adjusted the sear spring. Drop in parts, production guns, and assembly monkeys. It is still heavier than these two. 🤣 piece of crap dumpster fire. Man am I getting ready to do some major troll hunting. Well after I finished work on the bathroom remodel. 😢
View attachment 30823View attachment 30824
I have the 226 Legion SAO RXP as well. I call it The One Gun. It is the gun that everything else get measured against and to date everything, including my Prodigy, have been left wanting. A couple of weeks ago I was shooting with @KillerFord1977 while he was zeroing his 1940s Garand and managed to hit two bulls at 47 yards with the Legion.
Man I'm jealous.

I tried a Staccato "C" today at the range and honestly I liked the Prodigy more overall -BUT- The trigger pull was a lot nicer on the Staccato.

If I could get my Prodigy trigger pull to be as light as yours it's be perfect.

I had my first 'failure' at the range but it wasn't the Prodigy's fault!
I was using some Merica 115gr brass FMJ and I noticed it does run 'dirtier' than others I usually use.

Put a few mags through it and suddenly one of the rounds felt incredibly soft when it went off and the gun didn't go into battery, in fact the slide BARELY moved at all.

Long story short, the round was bad and I noticed unspent gunpowder ALL OVER the table in front of me and some inside the chamber as well.

Looks like the bullet was a dud and it didn't burn all the powder when it went off, which would explain why it felt so soft. I stripped it down and nothing was stuck in, cleaned out the chamber and put her back together.

Ran another 100 rds through it without any issues after that. Kind of freaked me out a bit, never had ammo fail on me like that before!
If you are willing to look at some Atlas videos about adjusting you can easily get there. I had more room to work with but i dont like to go much below 2 1/2 pounds. There are others out there as well. Once you understand the concepts of what you are doing it is not hard.
I have the 226 Legion SAO RXP as well. I call it The One Gun. It is the gun that everything else get measured against and to date everything, including my Prodigy, have been left wanting. A couple of weeks ago I was shooting with @KillerFord1977 while he was zeroing his 1940s Garand and managed to hit two bulls at 47 yards with the Legion.
This is actually a regular Legion but I bought the RXP slide set up with the Romeo 1 Pro a few weeks or months ago when it was on sale so I can run iron or optics with just the slie swap. It also has the older coating so it is a legion 2 tone. Lol.
Put 70 rds of FMJ through my Prodigy today with zero issues still. I then decided to run a selection of defensive rds through it with mixed results.

10 rds/10 yds - 1 for the Gods.

When I first shot my Prodigy I did not get through 3 rounds of Sig V Crown before I abandoned ship. Shot 1 and 3 jammed bad enough to have to give it the hand slam to get it free. So I figured if it’s not worn in by now it’s never going to be. These were the results:

Sig V Crown 124gr
10 rds/ 3 failure to return to battery/1 stovepipe which fired when reinserted

Speer LE. Gold Dot 124gr
14 rds/ 3ftrb had to slingshot

Underwood 124gr jhp
10 rds/ 1ftrb tapped in

Underwood Xtreme Defender Monlithic 68 gr
20 rds/ 1 ftrb which nudged in

The interesting thing about the Underwood Monolithic is that it has a solid head that look like a Phillips head tip and it has a 1750fps rating. It leaves these enormous starshaped holes in paper. I can only imagine what it would do to a bad guy - or 5 standing single file.

So 124 rds total. All fired but a few of the defensive rounds had to be coaxed. I bought this gun as a range toy, so I’m ok, but I don’t know that I’d be eager to use it for HD/SD.

Underwood Extreme Defender Monolithic rounds are pretty obvious.
Im curious if any of these damage marks and the screw could of happened during shipping? Me, being a logical thinker would have to think no one in their right mind would let it leave the repair shop like this. Any sane person like yourself would do what you did and send it right back. That just makes the repair workers MORE work and cost them more money. Its a lose all around.
I don't know when/where the damage happened but it happened sometime between when sent to Springfield and receiving it back. They sent is back in a small tan gun case that was padded and it was a tight fit for sure. Possibly the 20 rd mag was rubbing on it when so tight in the gun case they sent it back in, I do not know and even if that is the case, Springfield should not have packed it the way they did. As for the loose screws, again, I find it hard to believe there was enough vibration in shipment to cause them to come as loose as they were if they had been properly tightened at Springfield prior to return.

So I am inclined to believe that the loose screws were not properly tightened at Springfield and no one QC/QA'd the gun after the supposed repair work and test firing was completed. The damage to the grip module, again hard to say and not sure how Springfield secures them on the work bench when completing their repairs, it looks like it was in some sort of vise but again, not sure. Around the Mag Release it had what looked like "pry" marks and would not have been in contact with the loose magazine in the box.

I agree with you thinking they would have taken better care as it now is creating more work for the repair workers and costing Springfield more money but that is on them at this point. Had there not been damage to the grip model, I would have just tightened everything up and taken it to the range to run it even with the disconnector still stopping/catching the slide. If I still had issues with the slow/catching slide, I would have corrected that myself as I have a couple ideas why it is and how to fix the issue.
Way to go Springfield...ANOTHER 9mm for a flooded market. Apparently they've given up on the XD, XD(m) .45's
Isn't really a flooded market, it's a double stack 1911 in 9mm there are only a handful of manufacturers making them and Springfields price allows more people to get their hands on it
I don't know why every wants it in .45 or 10mm this is literally built to be a 9mm and a 9mm only, if you want it in different calibers there's already hundreds of 10mm and .45 1911s to choose from
Man I'm jealous.

I tried a Staccato "C" today at the range and honestly I liked the Prodigy more overall -BUT- The trigger pull was a lot nicer on the Staccato.

If I could get my Prodigy trigger pull to be as light as yours it's be perfect.

I had my first 'failure' at the range but it wasn't the Prodigy's fault!
I was using some Merica 115gr brass FMJ and I noticed it does run 'dirtier' than others I usually use.

Put a few mags through it and suddenly one of the rounds felt incredibly soft when it went off and the gun didn't go into battery, in fact the slide BARELY moved at all.

Long story short, the round was bad and I noticed unspent gunpowder ALL OVER the table in front of me and some inside the chamber as well.

Looks like the bullet was a dud and it didn't burn all the powder when it went off, which would explain why it felt so soft. I stripped it down and nothing was stuck in, cleaned out the chamber and put her back together.

Ran another 100 rds through it without any issues after that. Kind of freaked me out a bit, never had ammo fail on me like that before!
And now the Staccato C is discontinued - same day as the Prodigy came out.
My 4.25 is running great. I chose to run the 14lb spring since my slide was slow out of the box after cleaning and lots of racking.

With just 1 issue, a stove pipe in the first 500 rounds and my slide really feeling great I dropped in the stock spring yesterday at the range and it ran through the 200 rounds I had left without a hitch and was dropping with enough slide velocity.

I did increase my extractor tension because I had some erratic ejection after the swap, probably due to the higher slide velocity.

It literally takes a few minutes to pull the extractor and give it a few light bends. Now it is throwing the cases within inches of each other.

Very crisp but still too heavy trigger is my only legit concern at this point. I will work on that a bit next. My sight plate came loose again. The locktite I used was pretty old so will pick up a fresh tube and look up the torque specs.

Here are the first shots with the 12lb spring and before the extractor adjustment.

Hammer hit the nail on the head. 😆
Do you have a link for the spring you went with?