
How to Spot a Fake Expert


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Here's an old video from the late great Paul Harrell talking about fake firearm experts. I'm sure we've all met at least one guy or gal out there that speaks with the utmost confidence about a firearm subject that they clearly have no knowledge about.

Let's hear the crazy stories of phony firearm experts that you've met.

I already miss Paul, may he rip - he was a great teacher. The "there's no such thing" no 5 type - entertaining as you will meet these ones in many LGS opining about a great many things. Glad he brought up cars and engines and that too is a field where you will be lectured, in the parking lot, about what fit up, engine, etc your own vehicle has, by a total stranger. Lotsa laughs.
Oh, my particular favorite was someone who told me a .50BMG didn’t have to hit you to kill you—that a miss “within a couple feet” would be fatal because of “the shock wave”.

I asked him to explain how I was alive, as I’d worked in the pits at a .50 match once, with bullets passing “a few feet” over my head, many times.

Blank stare.
Heard a salesman at Cabela's in AZ tell a customer, you whip this gun out and people will just run away, you'll never have to shoot anyone.

Use to hear a lot of Internet Rambo talk when I worked at a gun shop years ago.

Just remember, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS
We did have one related event just couple of weeks ago. One of the range officers was very seriously lecturing a woman who does not carry and never has, but now is coming out to the range, on his most excellent opinions. Why he knew what gun she should get, what caliber/cartridge she should select and much, much more. Needless to say we were overhearing quite a bit of wisdom. He was extremely confident about all of it too. Chuckle.
Heard a salesman at Cabela's in AZ tell a customer, you whip this gun out and people will just run away, you'll never have to shoot anyone.

Use to hear a lot of Internet Rambo talk when I worked at a gun shop years ago.

Just remember, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS
yep - we must've had the same salesman lol - the one in glendale perchance?
I will be the first to admit, I am NOT an expert. If I don't know something I will tell you off the bat. I also try not to say, " I think; I believe;" or other ambiguous words that are not of much help. Like Joe Friday used to say, "The Facts, Just the Facts!"
They are everywhere. Usually when they boast about their expertise when nobody asked that’s a give away.

And when I helped out as a RSO at an indoor range when I wasn’t teaching out if the 200 and some odd SEALs in Vietnam I think I met about 600 of them…didn’t even have to ask!!!
There are some gun topics that I'm pretty well versed on, but I have never claimed to be an expert on anything.
But I have also run into many self proclaimed "experts" over the years. Guys who know everything there is to know about every gun ever made. Gun shows are full of 'em.
The one that always irks me is the guy who knows exactly what gun a newbie should buy without knowing anything at all about this person. 🤬
And then there are gun store clerks. Yep, some of them are very knowledgeable. These usually work in LGS. Others are dumb as a box of rocks. You often find these guys working in the big chain stores. But its not exclusive to either. :rolleyes:
I was in one of the chain sporting goods stores one day. Clerk was showing a lady snubby revolvers. He presented facts well enough. This brand, this caliber holds this many, etc. Basic stuff, nothing more. But then when she handed him the gun back, he wrist flipped the cylinder closed! And he did this on every gun he showed her! :eek: I swear I wanted to reach across that counter and slap his dumb azz! 🤬