
Is it all just Gibberish?

I, as a new shooter, am very confused.

I googled what an HK was because of a comment from a different thread and now I’m lost.

How do you all keep up with the constant word babble of guns. There’s just so much to learn and take in and I feel like I need a learners binder with pictures of guns so I can keep up with conversations.

I know it comes with experience and time but holy cow.

I may very well be incredibly stupid lol
Well, don't feel that way as I've been around firearms for 54 years. HK as in Heckler & Koch. M/P are smith and wesson. Glock is explanatory as are 1911's. Sig is really SIG Sauer. RI is rock island. Walther is as is. I only own s/w, glock, sig, Walther, fn (fabrique nationale herstal) and magnum research (desert eagle). Don't get frustrated as we all will help.
Remember it is impossible to know everything, having spent nearly 25 years in the firearms industry, owning gunstores, running ranges, instructing gunsmithing etc there are still times someone mentions something and I have to to say I don’t know. Don’t think about it as a negative that you may not know everything. There are way too many people out there especially on the internet that “know everything”.
I, as a new shooter, am very confused.

I googled what an HK was because of a comment from a different thread and now I’m lost.

How do you all keep up with the constant word babble of guns. There’s just so much to learn and take in and I feel like I need a learners binder with pictures of guns so I can keep up with conversations.

I know it comes with experience and time but holy cow.

I may very well be incredibly stupid lol
there is "rhetoric" in everything about everything, every day and night, in our daily lives.

of course the manufacturer "pays" for advertising, and for the gun websites that "test or rate" thier guns....for a "GREAT" review

some gun testing websites DO NOT get paid for advertising for a "GREAT" review.

best thing to do is, ask around for good you tube gun testing websites, and watch a few when you can....but still...DO NOT run out and buy what they rave about.....

DO NOT buy a gun on what anyone says, until you can get to a range or club, that rents all the guns you might want to buy.

renting is not cheap, but it can be valuable to get the feel of the gun, it's recoil, and how YOU control and shoot it

like cars, trucks, mechanics tools, household appliances, etc,etc, etc....every has an "OPINION" on what is best...FOR HIM/HER...not necessarily YOU.....

the gun you buy cuz 5 kabillion people say it's "the best" may suck for you, and you blew hundreds of dollars on someone's opinion

there are guns that i like, and will buy and others that i simply will not want to spend money on.

others here and at other gun websites, simply HATE particular brands.

once YOU find a gun, you might want nothing other than that brand, and YOU too will talk good about that brand.
Don't feel to bad, when i first joined the site i'd see them type HK all the time and i thought they were talkin about them space ships on the movie terminator. So much to learn and you never will learn it all, gun manufactures come out with new models every year.

I used to try and keep up but i don't anymore but just being around guns and people who talk about them you will pick up new terms and know what they mean.

someone new it can be overwhelming, just enjoy the talk and looking at different firearms and if you really enjoyed your day at the range you will probably buy another gun at some point. Now maybe not buy them like they are being banned like some of these guys. 😁

In short just enjoy the ride, read, maybe google some stuff, go to the gun shops and look and even gun shows. it's all about enjoying it. You will get all kinds of opinions on what the best gun and worst gun is. So many different types of people and so many different guns. plenty to match everyone's style.
I, as a new shooter, am very confused.

I googled what an HK was because of a comment from a different thread and now I’m lost.

How do you all keep up with the constant word babble of guns. There’s just so much to learn and take in and I feel like I need a learners binder with pictures of guns so I can keep up with conversations.

I know it comes with experience and time but holy cow.

I may very well be incredibly stupid lol many, many folks in our forum that have numerous years of experience with
Many, many folks in this forum have years of experience with a wide variety of firearms. You mentioned shooting on an indoor range do they have rental guns you can try out? Being relatively new to shooting info in this forum could be somewhat intimidating. I can assure you everyone here wants to help but we all have varying opinions on numerous gun related subjects. Good luck and again welcome to the forum.
You’re not stupid! Just like about any thing that you look into, some folks really “get into” knowing all there is to know. All you really need to know is what you like. There seems to be a trend in the gun community that if I just have this gun or that gun, then I could shoot better, like Annie Oakley or Wild Bill Hickok. Some gun manufacturers produce better quality, so don’t go super cheap. Other than that, just have fun!
I, as a new shooter, am very confused.

I googled what an HK was because of a comment from a different thread and now I’m lost.

How do you all keep up with the constant word babble of guns. There’s just so much to learn and take in and I feel like I need a learners binder with pictures of guns so I can keep up with conversations.

I know it comes with experience and time but holy cow.

I may very well be incredibly stupid lol
It takes alot of time. It's normal for it to feel overwhelming. I felt like that too, hell I still feel like that. Just keep at it, read up on things, and ask questions. These forums are a wealth of information and plenty of good people here willing to share.
John Moses Browning* himself would be completely lost on these sites, with all the acronyms, jargon, and buzzwords…even if he was taught computers and the internet.
Just jump in, it’ll come to you.

*JMB - inventor of the American 1911 model pistol, the famous GI “forty five”. Died 1926.
I'm a LEO for 34 years now and Firearms Instructor as well. I certainly do not know everything nor do I claim to. Lots of good stuff here. Like others have said what may work for me may not work for you and vice versa. But I wholeheartedly agree with renting different guns and try what's out there and also when you're at the range look around see what others are using and ask questions. Sometimes when I'm at the range myself I may see someone using something and I politely ask if I can shoot "their " gun and I also let them shoot what I have brought. I also attend many classes as well. I have been in some classes where I know the instructors and they ask why I am there. Sometimes it helps to go back to the basics and be a student as well. Best of luck on your journey it's a fun ride and Welcome again from Pennsylvania.
I, as a new shooter, am very confused.

I googled what an HK was because of a comment from a different thread and now I’m lost.

How do you all keep up with the constant word babble of guns. There’s just so much to learn and take in and I feel like I need a learners binder with pictures of guns so I can keep up with conversations.

I know it comes with experience and time but holy cow.

I may very well be incredibly stupid lol
Eh, sorry. That was my fault. Really it's an inside joke. A long running inside joke around here. Wait until you start hearing about Buicks and HiPoints, crappy Turkish guns and geese.
In time you will gravitate towards things you like, either through trying them or liking how they look or accounts of how they perform and you will learn to ignore the stuff that disinterests you. It's certainly not necessary to be "In the loop" about every type of gun or brand or model. Remember, this forum is largely inhabited by a bunch of cretins and curmudgeons.

HK = Heckler and Koch. They are a high quality German firearm manufacturing company born out of the ashes of WWII Germany. You've no doubt seen many of their iconic firearms without even realizing it. They actually made the first striker fired handgun ( striker fired versus hammer fired IS a subject you should research a bit for sure). They, HK, are also infamous for being expensive ( some would say overpriced) and having total fan boys and detractors, probably in equal numbers. A running theme is someone looking for a specific HK firearm and not being able to easily locate it and when they ask why the answer is " Because you suck and they hate you". You can easily get fully educated on their offerings here if you desire as many of our members have some of the coolest stuff HK ever made. They have many military and LEO contracts as well as civilian offerings world wide. Several guys here have the civilian version of the MP5, which is perhaps the finest 9mm sub machine gun, but certainly the most iconic. And almost everyone has one or more of their handguns. Here's one example.

H&K VP9 SK with Holosun SCS green dot.

I'm a LEO for 34 years now and Firearms Instructor as well. I certainly do not know everything nor do I claim to. Lots of good stuff here. Like others have said what may work for me may not work for you and vice versa. But I wholeheartedly agree with renting different guns and try what's out there and also when you're at the range look around see what others are using and ask questions. Sometimes when I'm at the range myself I may see someone using something and I politely ask if I can shoot "their " gun and I also let them shoot what I have brought. I also attend many classes as well. I have been in some classes where I know the instructors and they ask why I am there. Sometimes it helps to go back to the basics and be a student as well. Best of luck on your journey it's a fun ride and Welcome again from Pennsylvania.
that is actually true about asking to shoot another persons gun..so many times when at the range or club i inquire about the other persons gun (or vice-versa) and the offer is made to shoot a few rounds or a whole magazine. ( i usually offer to the other person to shoot an entire magazine which here is 10 rounds)

many people are ever so helpful to another shooter that way.