
What are you doing right now??

The weather is just right. I am shooting primer on the cabinet project today. If all goes well it will be color coat tomorrow. I am ready ro be dome with this project, my shop is full of cabinets


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@TEXASforLIFE, you can come retrieve the 1/4 acre of your panhandle dirt that deposited itself in my pool the last couple days. 😏😩
You can even swim when you’re finished. Just warn us when going with the mankini, as we have kids around😝😝😝

Seriously though, I cleaned it last week end and it dumped another ton of dirt in my pool with 3-4 days of gusts up to 50mph and sustained 25-30mph from w texas winds.. .
It was spotless last sunday.. took about an hour to vacuum it all up. This is after I had already been at it for a bit….

i am in recovery, and it hurts immensely.

at about 8:30 this morning, i was wide awake, had my breakfast, coffee, metamucil, prune and date, so i was "fibered up"

went outside with the garden tools, leaf blower, Flex Seal, ammonia, Pine Sol, garden hose that leaks, rake, and recyclin bags.

cleaned up all (or as much) of the dead leaves, sand/salt in the yard and front sidewalk.

Flex Sealed a crack in the alley way to hopefully prevent a mouse from entering.

i had to sit down to seal that crack....as i got up, i lost my balance, nearly fell down, but didn't

i finished at 12:15 PM..

somehow, i don't know how, i got a painful stiff neck

took 4 yes 4 pain killing Ibuprophens, took a nap.

got up, about 3 PM, went to the basement, got out the snow thrower, to dump out the gasoline, and let it run till it died.

life sucks when you get old.

wife is "yapping away" at me for over-doing things in one day

i told her to go to the BIngo Parlor, i need money for my pills.
@TEXASforLIFE, you can come retrieve the 1/4 acre of your panhandle dirt that deposited itself in my pool the last couple days. 😏😩
You can even swim when you’re finished. Just warn us when going with the mankini, as we have kids around😝😝😝

Seriously though, I cleaned it last week end and it dumped another ton of dirt in my pool with 3-4 days of gusts up to 50mph and sustained 25-30mph from w texas winds.. .
It was spotless last sunday.. took about an hour to vacuum it all up. This is after I had already been at it for a bit….

View attachment 78450
You don't even want to know what my INDOOR pool looks like! Your outdoor looks way cleaner. The uv light is out and needing to reroute the pump thru the sand filter to get it working again.
@TEXASforLIFE, you can come retrieve the 1/4 acre of your panhandle dirt that deposited itself in my pool the last couple days. 😏😩
You can even swim when you’re finished. Just warn us when going with the mankini, as we have kids around😝😝😝

Seriously though, I cleaned it last week end and it dumped another ton of dirt in my pool with 3-4 days of gusts up to 50mph and sustained 25-30mph from w texas winds.. .
It was spotless last sunday.. took about an hour to vacuum it all up. This is after I had already been at it for a bit….

View attachment 78450
I know how you can fix this problem you are having. Ok so you start by draining all the water out of this fancy pool thing you have . Then you break up and remove all the cement . Ok , you following so far ?? Great! Now smooth out the bottom of this fine pit you have and then fill with water.

Us country people call this , what you will have , a pond. You can put Bluegill , and catfish , and other fishs that you like. Plus you can still swim in it .

Now for the best thing about all this. You won't never have to spend so much time cleaning dirt out of it because it will just filter down to the bottom and you'll never see it.

If you have any more problems you just let me know and I'll help you out with those too. 😁

i am in recovery, and it hurts immensely.

at about 8:30 this morning, i was wide awake, had my breakfast, coffee, metamucil, prune and date, so i was "fibered up"

went outside with the garden tools, leaf blower, Flex Seal, ammonia, Pine Sol, garden hose that leaks, rake, and recyclin bags.

cleaned up all (or as much) of the dead leaves, sand/salt in the yard and front sidewalk.

Flex Sealed a crack in the alley way to hopefully prevent a mouse from entering.

i had to sit down to seal that crack....as i got up, i lost my balance, nearly fell down, but didn't

i finished at 12:15 PM..

somehow, i don't know how, i got a painful stiff neck

took 4 yes 4 pain killing Ibuprophens, took a nap.

got up, about 3 PM, went to the basement, got out the snow thrower, to dump out the gasoline, and let it run till it died.

life sucks when you get old.

wife is "yapping away" at me for over-doing things in one day

i told her to go to the BIngo Parlor, i need money for my pills.

Sounds like you could use a nap, and possibly an analgesic. Take care.

Thank you for your indulgence,

wive's are a funny bunch ain't they.???

for all the dang blasted years we been together and then married, you'd think i learnt a thing or 2...


save for one thing.....

i still ain't got the hang of 'em.

my wife was beotching at me for all i did today.

"you're to damned old, you old fool, call our boys"..!!!!!!

now she pawing all over me

"what do you want for supper"? she asked

"i dunno"

she put 2 tv dinners in the oven, and is now making up brownies, and the little ones ain't coming over tonight.>!!!

can all those brownies be for MEEEEEEEE....???
I replaced the platform on my 650 along with some other parts. They came from Dillon at no charge. :) I also got several alignment tools (yea!) and I went real slow just to get it done right. Once done, I ran some more .38s and it worked to perfection. Yea again. I cleaned the wife's rifle and she took me to lunch. We skipped breakfast and I was hobbling again after working on the press. Too much bending. A few beers and a sandwich and we're home again. I rubbed some CBD creme on my hip and she made me a stiff tequila drink. Back in my chair with the heating pad, I should be much better in a bit. :cool:
I know how you can fix this problem you are having. Ok so you start by draining all the water out of this fancy pool thing you have . Then you break up and remove all the cement . Ok , you following so far ?? Great! Now smooth out the bottom of this fine pit you have and then fill with water.

Us country people call this , what you will have , a pond. You can put Bluegill , and catfish , and other fishs that you like. Plus you can still swim in it .

Now for the best thing about all this. You won't never have to spend so much time cleaning dirt out of it because it will just filter down to the bottom and you'll never see it.

If you have any more problems you just let me know and I'll help you out with those too. 😁
we used to have a good pond to swim, play and swing out into, but very low on water. more of a kiddy pool now.