
Search results

  1. Warrior9(Ret)

    What Discontinued Firearm Would You Like To See Comeback?

    how about the Springfield Armory OMEGA Series🤠
  2. Warrior9(Ret)

    The PKM vs M240 Debate

    This is the one I’d rather see being issued than the M240B. Yes, it’s basically a 7.62mm M249.
  3. Warrior9(Ret)

    The PKM vs M240 Debate

    Having humped the M60 as part of a 4 man MG team I can tell you that the M240B wasn’t a move up. Yes, it’s more reliable and you can easily mount optics on it. The problem is that it’s awkward to have to do IMT with. (Individual Movement Techniques). a M249 SAW in 7.62mm like what the SEALS use...
  4. Warrior9(Ret)

    What Discontinued Firearm Would You Like To See Comeback?

    I get this stare just about every morning. Tex says he wants his morning cookies
  5. Warrior9(Ret)

    SigP320 Safety Problems Continue – Resulting In Bans from Police Training Ranges!

    Yep. React first, Research later
  6. Warrior9(Ret)

    An AUG shotgun?

    That’s a new twist on the theme.
  7. Warrior9(Ret)

    Q. on those laser rounds to check sight picture...

    Yep. Range time IS THE BEST TIME🤠
  8. Warrior9(Ret)

    Q. on those laser rounds to check sight picture...

    Murphy’s Law😳
  9. Warrior9(Ret)

    What Discontinued Firearm Would You Like To See Comeback?

    Dan Wesson revolvers. Those 4 different barrels lengths with different grips combo packages. All in a convenient briefcase.
  10. Warrior9(Ret)

    Q. on those laser rounds to check sight picture...

    They assist in aligning only. Think of it as a “Pre-Zeroing” tool. You’re still going to have to put lead down range to adjust and/or verify.
  11. Warrior9(Ret)

    History of the MACV/SOG Knife

    Mine is a Pre- Operation Desert Storm era version. It had the paracord wrapped handle and the OD Green G.I. Nylon pistol belt material sheath. I rewrapped the handle “Strider-Style” and had a custom leather belt sheath made for it.
  12. Warrior9(Ret)

    History of the MACV/SOG Knife

    They were made in Japan. I believe at the same place some of the Vietnam era knives were made
  13. Warrior9(Ret)

    History of the MACV/SOG Knife

    Yes Sir
  14. Warrior9(Ret)

    History of the MACV/SOG Knife

    The one fixed blade that I carried and used for the majority of my military career is the EK Commando knife #5 Bowie. I ordered it in the late 80’s directly from ECK. I still have it stowed away in my buyout bag
  15. Warrior9(Ret)

    History of the MACV/SOG Knife

    I had a Al Mar version years ago. I carried it on my BDU trousers riggers belt. It did everything I needed it to do. The only drawback was that the handle was too short for my big mitts.
  16. Warrior9(Ret)

    Help with SA-35 front sight replacement search

    Yes Sir! I surely do appreciate your help. Hope you have a Tremendous Day 🤠
  17. Warrior9(Ret)

    Help with SA-35 front sight replacement search

    Hey y’all, Many years ago I had a chance to run a few mags through a custom HP while I was deployed to the Sandbox. The HP belonged to a FBI HRT operator. I really liked how my eyes were automatically drawn to the Gold bead front sight. Now that I’m getting ready to purchase a SA-35 I’d like to...
  18. Warrior9(Ret)

    Welcome Message

    Howdy y’all, I’m just an Old Retired knuckle dragging Grunt (1979 to 2008). Glad to be here.