So I gather you would support restrictions on other protected rights as well? When the Constitution was written, mass communication didn't exist as it does today. Using that logic, we should restructure the first amendment to limit the dissemination of information to printed matter only. After all, "dangerous speech" poses a far greater threat to society in general than the actions of a single individual.When the Bill of Rights was written every weapon was a single shot, it's time to update that amendment to reflect certain conditions for buying a weapon and the fact that a single gun is capable of mass destruction.
I take solace in knowing the soul of the shooter is now being tortured in Hell for killing all those innocents. It's time for a national Red Flag law. It's time for requiring safety and training courses before anyone can buy a gun. It's time for a law prohibiting anyone under the age of 21 to buy a gun and it's time to ban all video games that promote violence.
As for a national "red flag" law, how would that be structured in such a way to insure due process (another Constitutional protection). Does your neighbor have the right to determine you dangerous? An ex? Someone who doesn't agree with your political views? A person who has been ruled mentally incompetent already is prohibited from owning a gun. The NICS is supposed to catch that. If you can guarantee that it's possible to predict criminal behavior with 100% accuracy, I will listen to that argument.
How would safety and training courses prevented this tragedy? Do you really think this kid didn't understand that guns can be lethal and must be handled properly?
As for age restrictions, they already exist for handguns. Still, people under 21 get them--illegally I might add. Doesn't seem to deter some...
Banning video games is a real knee-jerk answer. They are a symptom of a far greater problem in our society, not a cause of those problems. Again, how would this have prevented this tragedy? Can you even cite a single case where a video game led to mass murder?
My friend, you have fallen victim to the fraudulent logic of the left. We need to do SOMETHING and we need to do it NOW!!! If it saves even one life, it's worth it! We need to end all gun violence and we need to do whatever the government and their "experts" say we should do!
I don't wish to ignore the hurt and pain the families of the victims are experiencing. I can't begin to imagine how it must be for them. Nevertheless, none of the things you propose will bring their loved ones back. Furthermore, nothing you advocate for can guarantee another tragedy won't happen. Even if you could eliminate all guns from society, criminals with evil intent will devise plans to commit their crimes. Remember what a bunch of terrorists armed with box cutters did on 9/11?