The thing is, you simply CANNOT make a blanket statement of "The Hellcat prefers such and such bullet weight ("grain") in such and such profile"...because it WILL NOT be applicable to all Hellcats, and--more importantly--all shooters...because the shooter is a BIG part of the equation when it comes to reliability and accuracy in a specific load.My question is similar but I’m more interested in at least fairly specific answers (either from technical data or shooter experiences… or both). Not to be critical, but too many folks are answering with more so of general guidelines that are basically applicable to any firearm and all shooting in general. I realize this may be appropriate for maybe new gun owners or beginners, but a lot of folks (like me for example) may be more familiar with the “basics”and are just new to the specific firearm they’re asking about. After all, these forums are where we go for more reliable information about manufacturer’s products, instead of looking on www dot whatever where the results are either too confusing or flat out wrong. More so lately, with ammo shortages, difficulties finding range time & other factors, people are looking for information that unfortunately time & circumstances makes nearly impossible. In short, we’re not lazy, and we understand nothing beats range time and good ole time trial & error, but we’re looking specifics. Personally, and for defensive EDC purposes, does the Hellcat have a GRAIN preference? Are there particular brands found to be more reliable than others, etc.? That kind of stuff. Before I close, let me back up a bit. I have to give credit where credit is due. All you guys on here who take the time to help folks and to answer their (our) questions are great! The advice you give is necessary, informative and right on the money. In addition, the general guidelines and information you give ARE necessary for a lot of folks as well. So I want to end my post by saying thank you so much, and I look forward to any & all advice you can give! Thanks again! MM
For example, there can be a +P load that nearly everyone finds is incredibly accurate and reliable...but if you have a recoil sensitive shooter, that +P load will likely cause malfunction and definitely cause inaccuracy...despite everyone else saying it's "the best".
So, really...sometimes what you want to hear actually isn't the correct information.