
Carry vs No Guns sign.

Wal Martskie OMG, never. Smaller locally owned stores get my business, even if they (sometimes) are a few pennies higher the quality is sure to be better, and often someone known.

I have no problem admitting that some, perhaps many on this forum are more squeaky clean Snow White righteous than I but few would be as determined to exercise their Constitutional rights.

Ya just keep posting and the malodor of left leaning pseudo conservative Luke warm Constitutionalist wafts stronger. :giggle:
Wal Martskie OMG, never. Smaller locally owned stores get my business, even if they (sometimes) are a few pennies higher the quality is sure to be better, and often someone known.

I have no problem admitting that some, perhaps many on this forum are more squeaky clean Snow White righteous than I but few would be as determined to exercise their Constitutional rights.

Ya just keep posting and the malodor of left leaning pseudo conservative Luke warm Constitutionalist wafts stronger. :giggle:
In a lot of small towns WalMart is the only option. And in most rural areas Wal-mart is a lot cheaper than any grocery store for food. A lot cheaper.

That said, I agree. I don't give them my money, especially after they publicly went anti-gun with the ammo thing. My wife gets some things there, but I hate them with the intensity of 1000 suns. And for many reasons. The latest thing I heard was from my kid who tells me they now have only 2 human checkers. The rest are self checkout lanes.

F Wal-Mart. And BOA. And CitiGroup.
Thankfully , in the area I live in , there are few gun buster signs ( legal no cc signs ) posted. Mostly on Dr's offices and hospitals. If a store has a legal posted sign I go somewhere else.

Private entities , whether a store or private residence , have the right to decide if they want to exclude firearms from their building. I have the right to either disarm and then go inside or to go to a business that has no signs posted. I go where I don't have to disarm.
After reading all these replies here, my own opinion again is I may not like it when businesses post the no guns or CCW signs, I still respect there decision as long as they respect my decision to carry, most businesses unless privately owned really have no choice in posting if there corporate office states it. I have talked to a few managers that have these signs posted and was told they themselves have no issue, it was a corporate decision. As for not buying products in these stores that have these signs, to me is trivial, but it’s a personal decision if that’s how you feel, me, it doesn’t matter, just my opinion.
I don't care if it's a piece of spiral notebook paper written in crayon. If the owner of the store puts up a sign stating no weapons then IF, I enter, which is unlikely, it's without my firearm.

Thier property thier rules and I respect them. Same way I expect someone coming to my property respect whatever rules I choose to impose.
Wal Martskie OMG, never. Smaller locally owned stores get my business, even if they (sometimes) are a few pennies higher the quality is sure to be better, and often someone known.

I have no problem admitting that some, perhaps many on this forum are more squeaky clean Snow White righteous than I but few would be as determined to exercise their Constitutional rights.

Ya just keep posting and the malodor of left leaning pseudo conservative Luke warm Constitutionalist wafts stronger. :giggle:
When are you going to understand your rights don’t extend onto others’ property?
Wal Martskie OMG, never. Smaller locally owned stores get my business, even if they (sometimes) are a few pennies higher the quality is sure to be better, and often someone known.

I have no problem admitting that some, perhaps many on this forum are more squeaky clean Snow White righteous than I but few would be as determined to exercise their Constitutional rights.

Ya just keep posting and the malodor of left leaning pseudo conservative Luke warm Constitutionalist wafts stronger. :giggle:
I'm not familiar with any doctrine saying 2A applies to private property but I've also never looked into it. My initial reaction is the Bill of Rights generally applies to GOVERNMENT actions, not the actions of private companies. For instance, if you whip out a religious text at an athiest's house and start preaching, they have the right to demand you leave. If you walked into that same person's house with a loaded pistol and they objected they have the right to demand you leave. I would think that would apply to a private business, as well. If they ask you to leave your pistol outside and you refuse I would think they would then have the right to demand you leave without violating the Constitution, but I have not looked into that so I can't say anything definitively.
In a lot of small towns WalMart is the only option. And in most rural areas Wal-mart is a lot cheaper than any grocery store for food. A lot cheaper.

That said, I agree. I don't give them my money, especially after they publicly went anti-gun with the ammo thing. My wife gets some things there, but I hate them with the intensity of 1000 suns. And for many reasons. The latest thing I heard was from my kid who tells me they now have only 2 human checkers. The rest are self checkout lanes.

F Wal-Mart. And BOA. And CitiGroup.
The self check-out is reason enough for me to never go to a Walmart. First off, I don't work there and it's not my job to run the checkout. Second, it's just a way to not pay employees. I have never and never will use self-checkout. Walmart's destruction of small business is number two. Its reliance on corporate welfare is reason number three. I hate that company hard. We agree on that, no question.
Wal Martskie OMG, never. Smaller locally owned stores get my business, even if they (sometimes) are a few pennies higher the quality is sure to be better, and often someone known.

I have no problem admitting that some, perhaps many on this forum are more squeaky clean Snow White righteous than I but few would be as determined to exercise their Constitutional rights.

Ya just keep posting and the malodor of left leaning pseudo conservative Luke warm Constitutionalist wafts stronger. :giggle:
If someone comes to your house and starts swearing or calling your wife a whore or swearing at your kids, do you have to allow it? Remember they have the right of free speech...

What about a Clan rally in your front yard, freedom of assembly...
When are you and Sid going to understand that what remains undiscovered is no foul?
Your idea of carrying a firearm past a posted sign and then saying " I didn't get caught so it was ok " is no different then if you were to take a candy bar without paying and then saying , well I didn't get caught so it was ok" .

Just because you got away with it doesn't make it right to do.