
Chick-Fil-A And Repulsive Behavior

Oh it absolutely does reflect on corporate. This is a black eye.
Guess we'll have to agree to disagree with that. It's only a reflection if people make it. If you take an honest assessment of corporate owned vs franchise, you should see that it does not have anything to do with Chick Fil A as a corporation.
Guess we'll have to agree to disagree with that. It's only a reflection if people make it. If you take an honest assessment of corporate owned vs franchise, you should see that it does not have anything to do with Chick Fil A as a corporation.
Let me ask you this, have you ever owned a franchise??
Don't know why so many people have had bad experiences at Chick Fil A. I have never had bad food there. I beleive everyone, of course, just find it interesting. Now Popeyes, on the other hand, was terrible. I have had it twice, 2 different locations, and I won't try a 3rd.

As far as work ethic, I am so proud of my daughter. Got her first job a few months before she turned 18. Is one of the best workers in the store. She works at a pizza place, and for employees other than drivers or managers, she has the most seniority going on about 17 moths. She also stays late anytime she is asked to, and goes in when called in. They actually got ahold of her Tuesday to go in for a few hours and I think she is going in tomorrow night too, which she was scheduled off for. And she is a saver. She's currently got a nice chunk of change piling up.
Don't know why so many people have had bad experiences at Chick Fil A. I have never had bad food there. I beleive everyone, of course, just find it interesting. Now Popeyes, on the other hand, was terrible. I have had it twice, 2 different locations, and I won't try a 3rd.

As far as work ethic, I am so proud of my daughter. Got her first job a few months before she turned 18. Is one of the best workers in the store. She works at a pizza place, and for employees other than drivers or managers, she has the most seniority going on about 17 moths. She also stays late anytime she is asked to, and goes in when called in. They actually got ahold of her Tuesday to go in for a few hours and I think she is going in tomorrow night too, which she was scheduled off for. And she is a saver. She's currently got a nice chunk of change piling up.
You didn’t answer my question so I’ll take that as a no.
Remember all the talk of the Gig economy? When I was teen, I worked several gigs to pick up some extra cash, that even as a teen I didn't consider a job or even a part time job. It was someone, or some business, that need some simple unskilled labor once or on rare occasions and slipped me $20 or $50 for a couple hours of work.

Did anyone consider that the State Laws about Employment are so burdensome and complicated they make hiring extra help for a couple hours nearly impossible? Probably the state forms, required training, liability provisions and required indoctrination exceeded the amount of labor time needed several times over. Perhaps a manager was being innovative, to get a couple people help direct traffic for 2 hours a day for a couple of days, and compensate them fairly, without all the massive overhead thrust upon him by the state that forces him to have a bigger commitment to an employee than his own children.

These are folks that showed up for a 2 hours to point cars what direction they would go, and got voucher to eat at the restaurant for weeks afterwards....

As a teen I'd show up at football games at the Stadium and get an orange vest and spend 5 hours directing traffic and parking cars, to get $27, a Hot Dog, Coke, and a free seat in the end zone to see the game.

A time when every business has help wanted signs up, an employment shortage, business's increasing pay and benefits to get employees to come off the ever extended unemployment, I have a tough time believing these poor people were being exploited.
Remember all the talk of the Gig economy? When I was teen, I worked several gigs to pick up some extra cash, that even as a teen I didn't consider a job or even a part time job. It was someone, or some business, that need some simple unskilled labor once or on rare occasions and slipped me $20 or $50 for a couple hours of work.

Did anyone consider that the State Laws about Employment are so burdensome and complicated they make hiring extra help for a couple hours nearly impossible? Probably the state forms, required training, liability provisions and required indoctrination exceeded the amount of labor time needed several times over. Perhaps a manager was being innovative, to get a couple people help direct traffic for 2 hours a day for a couple of days, and compensate them fairly, without all the massive overhead thrust upon him by the state that forces him to have a bigger commitment to an employee than his own children.

These are folks that showed up for a 2 hours to point cars what direction they would go, and got voucher to eat at the restaurant for weeks afterwards....

As a teen I'd show up at football games at the Stadium and get an orange vest and spend 5 hours directing traffic and parking cars, to get $27, a Hot Dog, Coke, and a free seat in the end zone to see the game.

A time when every business has help wanted signs up, an employment shortage, business's increasing pay and benefits to get employees to come off the ever extended unemployment, I have a tough time believing these poor people were being exploited.
Like you i worked a lot of odd hours at odd jobs for pay and other things like food. wasn't on no payroll or did any paperwork. i done the work and they payed me with whatever i agreed on. and i was happy to get it. There was a lot of construction sites that needed clean up help after they was finished and they hired us kids to do it. nothing dangerous involved. just picking up scrap lumber and trash and putting it in a dumpster. was easy work for a kid for a few hours.
To my point above, there are more than a few states that forces business into a corner and then they and the media turn around and blame business for the situation they created.....

Sorta like the Illegal Immigration Sanctuary Cities and states, that either ban or sue business from checking if employees are U.S. citizens, then turn around and say it business fault for hiring illegal aliens....

Talk to someone in Construction or Restaurant field, for some segments of that field, there are those that hire illegal aliens and those that went out of business because they couldn't compete with the low labor rates. So I tend to roll my eyes when Authorities that created the situation by their poor policy, instead of taking responsibility for their policy turn around and blame small business's doing what they have to to survive in the environment they created, just trying to shift the blame to someone else....

So yes, I don't like the idea of businesses hiring illegal aliens, but the fact business can actual hire illegal aliens more than a rare exception, is a total indictment on Government at every level and not business. In our upside down culture, those to blame turn around and scape goat someone else, and the media goes along with it, and they actually get away with it....
Yeah, let's go back to the days when children worked in sweat shops for chump change. Nothing builds character like hard work and no money.
That certainly sounds a little excessive to imply people are here want sweat shops to be a thing. Being a teenager working a few odd jobs to make some cash is not a bad thing and it helps build character and good work ethic.

When I was in my teens I did a few odd jobs with the gratification that I was being rewarded for my hard work.

Forcing children into factories or other types of work is what a sweat shop is. Being compensated for doing a few temporary odd jobs either monetary or through trade is not a sweat shop.

My first odd job I did as a teen was shoveling snow for a few bucks. Did I make as much as a plow driver, no but I was unskilled labor and the work was 100% my choice to do even though the payout was considered low.

I've also bartered my carpentry services over the years with other tradesmen in different field for trade off work of electrical or plumbing.

Working for a trade off item isn't a bad thing either. I grew up very poor without much opportunity and working hard at an early age helped me develop a skill set that has provided a pretty comfortable living.
Yeah, let's go back to the days when children worked in sweat shops for chump change. Nothing builds character like hard work and no money.
A little bit of strawman? Don't you think?

Kids showing up to do a simple easy job for a couple of hours in return for a food voucher that lets them eat that favorite restaurant for a couple of weeks, is hardly a sweat shop....

Its a matter of whether this particular couple hours of work, that looks like they were reimbursed with value way over the minimum wage, was fair or not......

What is telling, at least for me, is the total absence of any reporting or consideration by those condemning it, what exactly was the role of government (that creates the environment business has to operate) in this, if the laws and policy of the state and city make it so this the only thing the manage can do to get a little extra help for 2 hours, then isn't it the State and City Governments to blame and not the manager?
Back in msg#58 I think it was, I probably painted with a too wide brush and it was not intentional. My post appeared to read as if I felt anyone/everyone not a part of either the 'Greatest' or the 'Boomer' generation were lost souls and will never amount to much. I didn't mean it like that. I know perfectly well there are still some great kids in all generations, I was only trying to say it appears there are fewer of them as the generations come.

So, If I offended anyone over that, I offer my sincere apologies. And just so you know, I have been lucky enough to work with many young people of every generation and most of them turned out pretty well ................. there was that one damn kid though that I should have pinched that little 'focker's' head off! ;):D:D:D
Back in msg#58 I think it was, I probably painted with a too wide brush and it was not intentional. My post appeared to read as if I felt anyone/everyone not a part of either the 'Greatest' or the 'Boomer' generation were lost souls and will never amount to much. I didn't mean it like that. I know perfectly well there are still some great kids in all generations, I was only trying to say it appears there are fewer of them as the generations come.

So, If I offended anyone over that, I offer my sincere apologies. And just so you know, I have been lucky enough to work with many young people of every generation and most of them turned out pretty well ................. there was that one damn kid though that I should have pinched that little 'focker's' head off! ;):D:D:D
Apologies offend me...🤣