
Daffy Zone…..

I usually like a good play on words, especially on advertisements, but this is just a little over the top. If an employee did this, he/she needs to be reprimanded and educated. If it was done by management or direction of management, they should be terminated. Sorry if I peed on anybody's parade, but this is just plain gross, and not the least bit funny!!! Try explaining this to a 5-6 year old grand daughter.
I usually like a good play on words, especially on advertisements, but this is just a little over the top. If an employee did this, he/she needs to be reprimanded and educated. If it was done by management or direction of management, they should be terminated. Sorry if I peed on anybody's parade, but this is just plain gross, and not the least bit funny!!! Try explaining this to a 5-6 year old grand daughter.
sorry @jumpinjoe , but it is a bonafide restaurant, and menu item...

Fried balls of crab with house-made Seaman Sauce
Six fer 12.95 .. Twelve fer $21.95

go to the menu, scroll down to the soups/salads and F'er sharing page...(page 2..??)

and it is after all...seaman......as in sailor..???