
finally, i got something


well it's been a long, long road in retirement, or shall i say "boredom" land.

after some time of searching and being denied due to "age discrimination"......yes, it's for real.

i finally got me a small "part time" job, one in which i really wanted to do, cuz it's all light duty (no back breaking) work.

gonna start in 2 weeks, as per the phone call just minutes ago from the supervisor

what was i looking/hoping for, that is easy to do, no one watching over my shoulder micro-managing me..??

building custodian........for a small office/building

i'm stoked too.....

the wife is behind me, the kids like that "gramps" doesn't wanna sit and rot, and the hours are great..

5PM to about 8-9 PM...weds/suns off....

sats, i can go in at about 2PM

i'll be driving to work, in rush hour traffic, when nearly everyone is going home, so i get to be sharp tongued, and road rage ready, like in my trucking days...

ain't life grand..?????

well it's been a long, long road in retirement, or shall i say "boredom" land.

after some time of searching and being denied due to "age discrimination"......yes, it's for real.

i finally got me a small "part time" job, one in which i really wanted to do, cuz it's all light duty (no back breaking) work.

gonna start in 2 weeks, as per the phone call just minutes ago from the supervisor

what was i looking/hoping for, that is easy to do, no one watching over my shoulder micro-managing me..??

building custodian........for a small office/building

i'm stoked too.....

the wife is behind me, the kids like that "gramps" doesn't wanna sit and rot, and the hours are great..

5PM to about 8-9 PM...weds/suns off....

sats, i can go in at about 2PM

i'll be driving to work, in rush hour traffic, when nearly everyone is going home, so i get to be sharp tongued, and road rage ready, like in my trucking days...

ain't life grand..?????

Cool! Congrats!
well it's been a long, long road in retirement, or shall i say "boredom" land.

after some time of searching and being denied due to "age discrimination"......yes, it's for real.

i finally got me a small "part time" job, one in which i really wanted to do, cuz it's all light duty (no back breaking) work.

gonna start in 2 weeks, as per the phone call just minutes ago from the supervisor

what was i looking/hoping for, that is easy to do, no one watching over my shoulder micro-managing me..??

building custodian........for a small office/building

i'm stoked too.....

the wife is behind me, the kids like that "gramps" doesn't wanna sit and rot, and the hours are great..

5PM to about 8-9 PM...weds/suns off....

sats, i can go in at about 2PM

i'll be driving to work, in rush hour traffic, when nearly everyone is going home, so i get to be sharp tongued, and road rage ready, like in my trucking days...

ain't life grand..?????


Congratulations. I normally work during the summer for extra money, but not this summer. The job can be physically demanding at times and this year have had several Dr. appts to try and get cleared. I'm still limited so that job is out this year.
well it's been a long, long road in retirement, or shall i say "boredom" land.

after some time of searching and being denied due to "age discrimination"......yes, it's for real.

i finally got me a small "part time" job, one in which i really wanted to do, cuz it's all light duty (no back breaking) work.

gonna start in 2 weeks, as per the phone call just minutes ago from the supervisor

what was i looking/hoping for, that is easy to do, no one watching over my shoulder micro-managing me..??

building custodian........for a small office/building

i'm stoked too.....

the wife is behind me, the kids like that "gramps" doesn't wanna sit and rot, and the hours are great..

5PM to about 8-9 PM...weds/suns off....

sats, i can go in at about 2PM

i'll be driving to work, in rush hour traffic, when nearly everyone is going home, so i get to be sharp tongued, and road rage ready, like in my trucking days...

ain't life grand..?????

Good for you old friend! It'll keep you from wasting so much of your valuable time on that damned computer too!!! ;):D:D
Congratulations. I normally work during the summer for extra money, but not this summer. The job can be physically demanding at times and this year have had several Dr. appts to try and get cleared. I'm still limited so that job is out this year.
yeah, i have many appointments, for various things too, and this is why i love working nightly.....( i never worked daily as a trucker, always nights)

also, this allows me time to go to the club and blast a box or 2 of ammo...

then of course...an afternoon nap.......i can't have anything interfere with my nap time..!!!
Congratulations! I could never just sit around and do nothing for any more than a day without feeling either guilty, or worthless as **** on a boar.
that's the thing, as a working person for an entire life, then you retire, the first year or 2, it's ok, but then you have to find things to do around the house, and we own a 170 year old house, so by God, i can always find something.......i'd rather actually work, then come home, and ignore the things around the house, cuz now i'd be "too tired" to do anything.....lol

for the record, i have been retired more than a couple of years.......but tried as i did to find a job, liquor store clerk, self serve gas cashier, i'd get that....."we are taking applications at this time"......yet..they were advertising for help..??

when they see a gray haired person, they look for ways to deny you....age discrimination........it IS alive out there.
jesus h. christ..

the amount of online forms i gotta fill out...."tasks" they are called..

like WTF...it's like reading Tolstoy's "War and Piece"

cuz i get a task to do, "piece by f-ing piece".........

what da fook ever happened to..."show up and get to work days"..????

christ, i got like (they say) up to 3 days to complete this shite......

imma gonna need a few more naps.

i had an online "issue" with the E-Verification of the I-9 form

oh, it was very easy to fill out, but i could not proceed to step 2 of it.

back in the old days, you went to the employer with your drivers license and SS card, and he/she would "verify" you are an American.........

well i don't have a pc camera, to show "live" on air, of my proof...

like WTF.....

so i put in a call to the hiring company...Hire Right

guy just called me minutes ago, and i told him flat out, "back in the old days...yadda-yadda"

he said, take your documents to the boss in 2 weeks, show them to him, he will verify......

like duh...........

what do these frigging companies think, that we are all set up with hundreds if not thousands of dollars in electronics..??

like BS to that.....

being set up with hundreds if not thousands of dollars in guns, ammo, reloading room equipment, is WAY MORE important...

don;t these people get that shite..???

anyway, now i can "proceed" with the next 42,000 steps in the hiring process......

jesus h. christ o' F-ing mighty.......
I know, it's overwhelming. Just wait until you get to the training part. This is the reality of corporate over-reach. They are very leery of illegals (believe it or not) and making sure of your background. I was involved in the hiring process for exactly three individuals as one of the interviewers in the chain of interviews. These positions were for department marketing section. We hired two, but several weeks later the cops came looking for one of them, but she must have gotten word since she didn't show up that day. So, only a 50% success rate.

The system is HR based rather than the person who you work for having the final say. HR is the legal arm of the company to protect the company interests and yours actually. Sadly, you and other honest applicants have to suffer through the HR anal exam because there are so many grifters out there, and because the HR types like to expand their power by influencing, or in some cases telling management who they can or cannot hire. :confused:
I know, it's overwhelming. Just wait until you get to the training part. This is the reality of corporate over-reach. They are very leery of illegals (believe it or not) and making sure of your background. I was involved in the hiring process for exactly three individuals as one of the interviewers in the chain of interviews. These positions were for department marketing section. We hired two, but several weeks later the cops came looking for one of them, but she must have gotten word since she didn't show up that day. So, only a 50% success rate.

The system is HR based rather than the person who you work for having the final say. HR is the legal arm of the company to protect the company interests and yours actually. Sadly, you and other honest applicants have to suffer through the HR anal exam because there are so many grifters out there, and because the HR types like to expand their power by influencing, or in some cases telling management who they can or cannot hire. :confused:
you mention this: "Sadly, you and other honest applicants have to suffer through the HR anal exam"

i had a colonoscopy a few weeks ago...seriously, he yanked out 9, yes 9 polyps.

i kinda know about "anal exams".......

Just injecting some black humor....

i get your point though.

back in my days, when i was hiring helpers for my garage,

"fill out this application".........when can you start"?

done deal.

in my trucking days, there was a process as well, not as in depth as this current one, but i keep up with trends, and it is getting deeper.
you mention this: "Sadly, you and other honest applicants have to suffer through the HR anal exam"

i had a colonoscopy a few weeks ago...seriously, he yanked out 9, yes 9 polyps.

i kinda know about "anal exams".......

Just injecting some black humor....

i get your point though.

back in my days, when i was hiring helpers for my garage,

"fill out this application".........when can you start"?

done deal.

in my trucking days, there was a process as well, not as in depth as this current one, but i keep up with trends, and it is getting deeper.
Yes, I've had the real anal exam several times myself.