I'm not going into all the genius moves I made in my youth that are coming back to haunt me now, but the word of the day is definitely what's up Doc. As in the episode where Bugs breaks into Sing Song prison where Yosemite Sam is a jailer. Which is on the TV right now.
You're only as old as you feel. When you stop doing stuff you die. So do stuff. For example, I haven't been a contractor in over 13 years. We had a wicked storm and tornado come through the other night. Today I get a message from a lady who's house I sided and deck I built 22 years ago. She has some hail damage. Being the smart feller I am, I left them with a box of the siding at the end of the job. She asked me if I would be interested in doing some repairs. Which I will be doing Saturday. For free. Why ? Because she and her husband are old and I am not. And I don't need money. SO DO STUFF.