

The FBI Director admitted that 600,000 known "get-away" illegals have come across the southern border in FY23, with 50-100% more "suspected' get-aways during the same period.

And the risk of in-country terrorism has increased due to the influx.

This was the same clown-show that said the border was secure the last 2 yrs. :rolleyes:
I know it is not an idea that the country accepts, but a solid one none the less that I stand behind.

The Nuke. Good thing I’m not President.

We tested over 900 devices in Nevada area for decades. Prob explains a ton of cancer in the US.

Nonetheless, if we can do that, why not put a few strategic devices underground in Iran?

Drop a penetrating MOAB low yield Nuke into the Iranian nuclear cave construction sites thru the vent shafts.

They dont straighten out immediately with terrorism worldwide, a few more. Make that area a mini Nevada test site if you will.

Sends a nice message to rest of the world too.

War will go on for ages. Always has. Always will. Time to maybe change it up. Worked on Japan 😉

Is it a pandora’s box? Yep
I dont think Russia, China, N Korea, India or Pakistan would use theirs in return. Suicide for their countries.

Could a lot go wrong? Yep
Thats war.
Let our inept Govt vote on it for articles of war. Which they would vote No. so makes it all a mute point anyway.
Theres my stance.
Tired of all the terrorist savages.

“An important part of the nuclear age occurred at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), now known as the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). Between 1951 and 1992 a total of 928 nuclear tests were conducted at the NTS, 828 of which were underground.“
When have these tactics ever worked? Atrocities only make the target fight harder as they know the alternative. Remember Stalingrad?
I know it is not an idea that the country accepts, but a solid one none the less that I stand behind.

The Nuke. Good thing I’m not President.

We tested over 900 devices in Nevada area for decades. Prob explains a ton of cancer in the US.

Nonetheless, if we can do that, why not put a few strategic devices underground in Iran?

Drop a penetrating MOAB low yield Nuke into the Iranian nuclear cave construction sites thru the vent shafts.

They dont straighten out immediately with terrorism worldwide, a few more. Make that area a mini Nevada test site if you will.

Sends a nice message to rest of the world too.

War will go on for ages. Always has. Always will. Time to maybe change it up. Worked on Japan 😉

Is it a pandora’s box? Yep
I dont think Russia, China, N Korea, India or Pakistan would use theirs in return. Suicide for their countries.

Could a lot go wrong? Yep
Thats war.
Let our inept Govt vote on it for articles of war. Which they would vote No. so makes it all a mute point anyway.
Theres my stance.
Tired of all the terrorist savages.

“An important part of the nuclear age occurred at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), now known as the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). Between 1951 and 1992 a total of 928 nuclear tests were conducted at the NTS, 828 of which were underground.“
Although you make a very compelling argument I’m on the fence with using nuclear weapons. However the next time an American is targeted whether it be a civilian or member of the military I believe in a near endless carpet bombing barrage is in order until we end their ability to fight back.
Enough is freaking enough.
We don't have to nuke Iran. Experts believe Israel possesses 90 plutonium-based nuclear warheads today and has enough plutonium in its stockpile to develop 100-200 weapons if necessary. If Israel finds itself up against the wall they will use what ever means it takes to protect themselves.