

There is a colossal a$$-kicking mounting

and last night a city in ca has denounced isreal

This is a Dr. Suess political cartoon that ran in PM Magazine in October of 1941. Change Adolf to Hamas, First to Snowflakes, and Foreign to Jewish and it would fit what's happening today in America. History, indeed does repeat itself. As shocking as this cartoon was then it's even more shocking to think it could apply today. It's sad to believe.
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Iran threatened Israel and USA today.

Wipe Hamas and Iran off the face of the earth.
I feel bad for most Iranian, N Korea and Venezuelan citizens. Their dictators leave them in a crappy society.
12 or 16 times iran backed "militants" have fired rockets at US troops in Iraq and syria
USS carney shot down over 20 missiles from iran backed people...might be time to drop a tomahawk on an Tehran
Iran threatened Israel and USA today.

Wipe Hamas and Iran off the face of the earth.
I feel bad for most Iranian, N Korea and Venezuelan citizens. Their dictators leave them in a crappy society.
Terrorist countries use their citizens as pawns so the world cries foul after they are injured or killed in retaliation for the terrorist attacking others.
The whole world is against Israel for going to war against Hamas after what Hamas did on October 7th and yes it’s terrible what the Palestinians are going through but they were told to leave and Hamas told them to stay……..

I really have to wonder if the people who say they want "peace in Palestine and Gaza" are aware of the fact that a landmark peace deal was literally on the verge of being signed between Israel and Saudi Arabia (which, given its scope, would have very likely pulled in other countries in the region as signatories)? The most significant progress toward peace in the region was deliberately derailed by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and other Iranian proxy militias.

There are literally people protesting in the name of "peace" who are taking the side of those who have no such interest in such a thing. The irony knows no bounds....
I really have to wonder if the people who say they want "peace in Palestine and Gaza" are aware of the fact that a landmark peace deal was literally on the verge of being signed between Israel and Saudi Arabia (which, given its scope, would have very likely pulled in other countries in the region as signatories)? The most significant progress toward peace in the region was deliberately derailed by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and other Iranian proxy militias.

There are literally people protesting in the name of "peace" who are taking the side of those who have no such interest in such a thing. The irony knows no bounds....
Professional terrorism actors who derive their income from supporters of terrorism have no incentive for peace in the region.
Although humanitarian aid is arriving slowly into Gaza it’s been discovered that warehouses that have been setup to store and then distribute the aid are being found empty, I can’t imagine where the food and supplies are going????
Oh wait it’s also been reported that Hamas has months of stock piled food can anyone guess where the food and supplies being sent into Gaza by the UN IS GOING????
Not hard to figure out…….

And yet the world continues to condemn Israel…..

What a cluster F.