The problem with alien contact was described by Carl Sagan (RIP). If they are advanced enough to develop the technology to travel here, then they may have missed the timeline so to speak to see anything worthwhile like the cartoon with the cavemen. Or maybe they are enroute and by the time they get here we will have been long gone. Or vice versa. It's extremely hard to explain the time/distance factors involved to people and how going to the nearest star even at light speed would take four years. If anything is out there, odds of contact would be nearly impossible.
I also recommend Annie Jacobsen's book, Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base. She documents how the CIA and the USAF used UFO interest by the public to divert interest from the A-12 Oxcart/SR-71 development on the base. Also, Area 51 was surrounded by huge sections of land used for atomic testing and so this prevented a lot of snooping for fear of radioactive contamination.The agency I worked for in the Air Force on active duty and as a reservist from 1973-2011 was OSI. OSI was chartered in 1947 to investigate serious crimes, fraud, terrorism, and espionage for the Air Force. Due to the number of UFO sightings reported, OSI special agents were assigned to run Project Grudge, which later became Project BlueBook. The project ran from 1952-1970 and the reports were declassified in 1975. I never worked on the project but knew a number of agents who did. A link to a synopsis is attached below and more is available on line.
Throughout my years as an agent, we had great fun with agents of sister agencies with their persistent questions about what we were hiding in Area 51. My standard response was, there was no evidence of aliens but even if there was, as a mater of policy would deny it, which lead to more questions and more denials.
Anyway read the article and you be the judge.
P.S. There was no evidence of extraterrestrials
Project Blue Book Part 1 (UFO Reports)
In late 1975, OSI declassified their investigative files of reported Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) sightings and sent them to the National Archives for processing. The reports revealed that OSIwww.osi.af.mil
The problem with alien contact was described by Carl Sagan (RIP). If they are advanced enough to develop the technology to travel here, then they may have missed the timeline so to speak to see anything worthwhile like the cartoon with the cavemen. Or maybe they are enroute and by the time they get here we will have been long gone. Or vice versa. It's extremely hard to explain the time/distance factors involved to people and how going to the nearest star even at light speed would take four years. If anything is out there, odds of contact would be nearly impossible.