
How to Spot a Fake Expert

I’m an expert on Turkish Hi Power clones now … 😉😝
I find that people who use "junk" or "trash" to describe things are generally are smoke-blowers. Part of the problem is that undereducated people tend to imagine that black or white are the only choices in the color spectrum. They want to fight with anyone who properly qualifies their statement. This is another tell, I think.

BTW, fake experts are in every kind of enthusiast forum I have ever been involved in, not just this one.
Oh For the Love of God YES! Either stated or implied, seems as though 75% of new prison guards were scout, sniper, airborne/air assault, sec-ops, something or other. Guess the military has changed since I was in, there are no longer any remfs, truck drivers, cooks, medics, or even just plain old straight leg grunts.
Once listen to one fine young man telling his friend how the 45-70 was such a flat shooter compared to the 223. "Just look at the size of the case and how much more powder it will hold." I remember the quote distinctly because it was one of the few times in my life I engaged my brain before my mouth and said nothing.

Rendezvous With Destiny!!!
Oh, my particular favorite was someone who told me a .50BMG didn’t have to hit you to kill you—that a miss “within a couple feet” would be fatal because of “the shock wave”.

I asked him to explain how I was alive, as I’d worked in the pits at a .50 match once, with bullets passing “a few feet” over my head, many times.

Blank stare.
The answer is simple..... You're a ghost! AAaaaaahahahahaha!!!
Heard a salesman at Cabela's in AZ tell a customer, you whip this gun out and people will just run away, you'll never have to shoot anyone.

Use to hear a lot of Internet Rambo talk when I worked at a gun shop years ago.

Just remember, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS
sort of like blazin saddles....pardon me while i wip this out EEEEEHHHH