
Is Constitutional Carry a Mistake?

Yes there is. Tyrannical autocratic governments and criminals come to mind. I can think of many others. Perhaps you meant to say that you believe training is what responsible people should pursue? As we speak, members of the US House and Senate are attempting to pass legislation that would make training with a group of 3 or more people a felony. Were you aware of that?
Where can I look this up to read it? I'm not surprised they would be but reading the details is always the best. Responsible people almost always go the extra step to learn about things that are either new to them or downright dangerous unless they know by reviewing what they already know,.
Where can I look this up to read it?
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — A bill to restrict paramilitary training in Maine in response to a neo-Nazi who wanted to create a training center for a “blood tribe” was signed into law by Democratic Gov. Janet Mills on Friday.

The law, which the governor signed without public comment, allows the attorney general to file for a court injunction to stop paramilitary training that’s intended to sow civil disorder — and to bring charges that carry a penalty of up to a year in jail.

Rep. Laurie Osher of Orono introduced the bill after a prominent neo-Nazi and white supremacist, Christopher Pohlhaus, sought to set up a training center on property that he ultimately sold before carrying out the plan.

Rep. Laurie Osher of Orono introduced the bill after a prominent neo-Nazi and white supremacist, Christopher Pohlhaus, sought to set up a training center on property that he ultimately sold before carrying out the plan.

“I welcome people to come to Maine and live here and work hard and make Maine a better place. But I’m not welcoming of people who want to make Maine a white ethno-state,” Osher, a Democrat, said Friday evening. “This bill is making it clear that anyone who has that intent is not welcome to do that here.”
Opponents argued that the measure could trample on constitutional rights, while supporters said it aims to prevent the creation of shadow military forces for purposes of creating civil unrest.
Attorney General Aaron Frey said militias that don’t follow the orders of civilian leaders were already prohibited by the Maine Constitution, but that applies specifically to groups parading with guns in public or outfitted in clothing that looks like real military uniforms.

Without the new law, he said previously, he had no way to bring a criminal case against someone using military training to create civil disorder, as authorities say Pohlhaus sought to do.

Pohlhaus has hinted that if he were to try again to establish a training facility, he’d be careful to ensure the property was not in his name to avoid arousing suspicions.

Vermont took a similar action last year by banning people from owning and running paramilitary training camps. That bill came in response to a firearms training facility built without permits that neighbors called a nuisance.

The Vermont law, which came in response to a property known as Slate Ridge, prohibits people from teaching, training or demonstrating to others how to make or use firearms, explosives or incendiary devices to cause civil disorder.

It does not apply to law enforcement or educational institutions like Norwich University. Violators face up to five years in prison, a fine of up to $50,000 or both.
AP 4/12/2024

Sorry for the long post Making a link is beyond me. Not defending Christopher Pohlhaus views. Listened to an interview with him on the radio and felt like I needed a shower after. HOWEVER, we don't or shouldn't pass laws directed at one individual or group on individuals. You can also damn well bet that this is the first step to shutting down all firearms training except that approved, by Big Brother/Czarina Mills
I might make that bet too, but I also question the ability of anyone to "estimate" the households with a firearm 124 years ago as well. The survey I heard quoted 35%. Keep in mind, it's a survey.
(y) I recall in collage the professor stated that only 4% or welfare recipients was on welfare because they wanted to be and had no intention of ever getting a job. Called out B.S. When questioned why I felt that way I told him that it was impossible that I personally knew all 4% and was related to half of the lazy sods. Surveys and estimates are about as accurate as divining goat guts. BTW I passed that course, but just. Even back then I suspect it was because I refused to toe the party line, but it might have been that I was drunk 100% of the time:whistle:
Florida has had an unauthorized militia law forever. The militia training prohibited is that which facilitates civil unrest
What constitutes an unauthorized militia and who decides whether or not it's unauthorized?

In the 18th century The Militia was for lack of a better term an actual military unit.

They were civilians that came together as an actual unit and trained every so often.

Which is of course what the National Guard does now.

And I'm not saying the National Guard is the militia. What I'm saying is I'm not sure how effective a militia unit would be if they don't train with other units.

When I was in the guard we did joint training with the Army. When I was in the Army we did joint training with the Guard.

I'm pretty sure that the type of militia units the government is worried about aren't working together.
What constitutes an unauthorized militia and who decides whether or not it's unauthorized?

In the 18th century The Militia was for lack of a better term an actual military unit.

They were civilians that came together as an actual unit and trained every so often.

Which is of course what the National Guard does now.

And I'm not saying the National Guard is the militia. What I'm saying is I'm not sure how effective a militia unit would be if they don't train with other units.

When I was in the guard we did joint training with the Army. When I was in the Army we did joint training with the Guard.

I'm pretty sure that the type of militia units the government is worried about aren't working together.
The governor has to authorize drilling or parades of a military like organization
Driving, operating a motor vehicle on public roads- is a privilege, not a right, so they tell us. The RTK&BA is an ENUMERATED pre-existing RIGHT. That right inheres in the individual, not in the state or any paper or law.
Call it a right or a privilege, whatever you like, that's splitting hairs. Seems pretty sensible to me that asking that folks who want to carry/wield deadly force on our streets know how to use them.
Call it a right or a privilege, whatever you like, that's splitting hairs. Seems pretty sensible to me that asking that folks who want to carry/wield deadly force on our streets know how to use them.
Seems sensible not to allow any more than 10 rounds to a whole lotta people.

And if you want to assign a constitutionally protected right the same value as a driver's license you got issues none of us can solve. :rolleyes:
Call it a right or a privilege, whatever you like, that's splitting hairs. Seems pretty sensible to me that asking that folks who want to carry/wield deadly force on our streets know how to use them.
Seems pretty sensible to me that, before one can vote they should pass a basic test on history, civics, and economics. That in order to ensure a harmonious society that there be only one religion or maybe none. That people that speak out against the Gov. need be shut down until they can prove what they a saying is 100% true, maybe not allowed to gather, and most certainly not allowed free unrestricted movement. (we need to know where these people are). Seems pretty sensible to me that people that can't work need to be taken care of and the best way to do that is to place them all in a camp where they can be provided for with the lowest administrative and effective cost to the taxpayer. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Then there is the ever-present question of how we ensure people know how the use/carry guns safely and who decides what acceptable is, Michael Bloomberg, me? Automobiles are as dangerous as firearms and access to them are unrestricted. Don't even talk about driving tests. Nonprofessional driving tests are a joke, then again who gets to decide. The NRA used to have (has?) a program called Eddie Eagle where they went into schools to teach gun safety for free. The anti-gunners fought it tooth and nail. The next time some @$$hat says "it's for the children" call em out as a hypocrite and a liar. As for right V privilege there is this pesky thing called the Constitution that is allegedly the foundation of our system of government and what all laws are based on. Splitting hairs? My left foot.
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We all have the right to defend ourselves. Against starvation, animals, neighbors, foreign nations...doesn't matter, we have the right to defend ourselves. That's more or less the arguments made in the Federalist.

Yep, that presents some amount of risk. I certainly get the training argument, I don't want to be shot by some jerkoff who can't safely handle a firearm. It's a sane and sensible idea...lol...but, "shall not be infringed" has a meaning.

At the end of the day, we would all consider ourselves the "best dictator" to determine what and how much risk is or isn't worth restricting a person's right to defend themself. As dictator of the world, I'd absolutely take everyone else's guns away, that's easily the safest thing to do.
I've said this before on this topic but I believe that the kind of person who would benefit from training will usually seek it out themselves.

The kind of person who wouldn't benefit from this training is going to sit in the back of the mandatory class and ignore everything you say no matter how many times you make them take that class.

I've heard other people suggest that in the sixth grade or thereabouts the school should have a block of instruction on the Hunter's Safety class. Everybody takes it but passing isn't a requirement to "graduate" from the 6th grade.

When I was in sixth grade they gathered up all the sixth grade girls and they took him to a classroom and basically explained the birds and the bees to them.

I mean, not being a female myself I don't know exactly what the content of the class was but it was basically The Sex Talk.

If the school can take that upon themselves why couldn't they do a firearm safety class?
The Night Rider, JMHO any school administrator that thinks it's okay to have a "talk" with 6th grade girls needs a life threatening *** kicking. (He didn't make it? Damn the bad luck, pass the biscuits.) Schools need to go back to teaching English YES ENGLISH, math, science, history, civics, etc. Sports, art, music are extracurricular activities and stay away from the social education/indoctrination :poop: That's the parents job/responsibility. If parents won't do their job, then it is not our responsibility to pay someone else to take up the slack. Sucks to be the 1st generation or two but soon parents will be forced to go back to being parents.
Then I'm a grumpy old Bast*** so what do I know;)
The Night Rider, JMHO any school administrator that thinks it's okay to have a "talk" with 6th grade girls needs a life threatening *** kicking. (He didn't make it? Damn the bad luck, pass the biscuits.) Schools need to go back to teaching English YES ENGLISH, math, science, history, civics, etc. Sports, art, music are extracurricular activities and stay away from the social education/indoctrination :poop: That's the parents job/responsibility. If parents won't do their job, then it is not our responsibility to pay someone else to take up the slack. Sucks to be the 1st generation or two but soon parents will be forced to go back to being parents.
Then I'm a grumpy old Bast*** so what do I know;)
1. You're talking about something that happened almost 50 years ago.

2. Again, I didn't participate so I don't know how the subject was addressed or whether or not parents were given an opportunity to opt out. I'm not even sure who proctored the class. It may well have been a qualified medical professional.

That said, I do agree that it's the parent's place to teach their children this not the school's
Call it a right or a privilege, whatever you like, that's splitting hairs. Seems pretty sensible to me that asking that folks who want to carry/wield deadly force on our streets know how to use them.

Sure ! It's sensible to encourage Relavent Competency , and Important Knowledge. Heck , thru my 2A volunteering I do a lot of imparting . And been known to spontaneously do it on my own .

It's the Government Mandated Poll Tax and Gatekeeping that's wrong .

And Murphy meeting green apples , most of the Government Mandated Curriculums impart very little skills or important knowledge . They are 90% plus just and additional Poll Tax , and time sucking barrier to discourage citizens from applying or following thru.
1. You're talking about something that happened almost 50 years ago.

2. Again, I didn't participate so I don't know how the subject was addressed or whether or not parents were given an opportunity to opt out. I'm not even sure who proctored the class. It may well have been a qualified medical professional.

To my best understanding, back in the day it was primarily dealing with " a phenomenon occurring roughly every 30 days " . Typically with movie or other materials provided " as public service " by manufacturers of products related to said phenomenon, no doubt featuring brand placement.

Back in the Era when there would have been complaints about virtually anything , they typically were non controversial.