
Is the .45’s Stopping Power a Myth?

I carried a .45 for thirty plus years. I love the .45. However, 9, 40, 45, etc. are all the same. I've seen the ER pics comparing wound channels. There is no discernable difference between them. Pistol calibers are a defensive tool. .357 was the supposed holy grail of one shot stopability, but it's all a myth. I watched the video of a perp shoot a clerk pointblank in the chest with a .357 and she stood there arguing with him for another couple of minutes before eventually going to her knees and bleeding out. Stopability is a term we love to throw around, but it's all horse pucky. Pistols are merely defensive weapons. If you want to put down a threat, shoot them with a carbine in a rifle caliber.
Carbine? Rifle?
I don’t know how long your legs are or what size pants you wear but a commander (45) IWB is about as much as I can get away with.
I’ve heard it said that bigger is better but I’ve also heard it said that it’s not about the size it’s how you use it.

At a range one day I overheard a conversation between a trainer and a trainee (elderly woman)… she had just been through a class and was asking about which was the best gun for her to buy. (She had shot several), the trainer was pushing a popular “tactical Tupperware” model of Austrian origin. And when she asked why the trainer went on to tell her about allllll the ways she could upgrade the sights and the high cap mags she could get (I live in TX). When the instructor walked away I leaned over and said “the gun you should buy is the one you are most comfortable with, the one you can manipulate efficiently and effectively. The brand is not important”.
I feel the same way when it comes to caliber of choice… which could be influenced by the environments you find yourself in on any given day.

That being said I spend 90% of my time with a commander (45) IWB with a spare mag or two…
I have and love a Range Officer Elite Compact...Just an awesome weapon. Sits next to the bed with a spare mag.
For work...CZ75 Compact (9mm) or Hellcat. Because most of the agencies I work with carry 9mm

I would love to carry a double stack 45 ACP for the ammo. But that being said...I would rather have someone carry something they will practice with, carry with and enjoy. I would rather someone hit the target multiple times with 9mm or .380 etc...than miss with a 45 acp