
Mandatory storage

In my experience many guns stolen from vehicles were not even locked. Thugs prowl neighborhoods looking for unlocked vehicles and many are successful. I have also had owners lie to me about a gun being stolen in a car burglary because they did not want us to know they had left an unsecured gun in the car. Best prevention is just don't leave a gun in the vehicle overnight. A gun safe can slow them down but a competent crook with tools can still get in.
Fair enogh, and I agree. But for the sake of argument, even if the car is unlocked, it's still stolen.
Just like if I leave my front door unlocked and someone comes in, it's still burglary
I don't agree with leaving a gun in an unlocked car, but, regardless of how I feel, it would still make a person a victim of a theft
Fair enogh, and I agree. But for the sake of argument, even if the car is unlocked, it's still stolen.
Just like if I leave my front door unlocked and someone comes in, it's still burglary
I don't agree with leaving a gun in an unlocked car, but, regardless of how I feel, it would still make a person a victim of a theft
Oh I agree, the crook is still the crook, but why make it easy for them and set yourself up for a loss?

Many years ago when CB radios were a big thing, car burglaries were rampant to steal the CB's. We set up a sting with an old Buick and a fiberglass whip antenna and an old CB under the dash. We had a radio alarm that told us when the wires were pulled. Our team made 5 separate arrests of burglars stealing that same radio in one night between 6pm and 6am. I often wonder how many other items were stolen during that rash of burglaries. No CB's anymore but now it seems to be guns, cash, phones, and dope they are after
Belt Fed I'm sorry I joked about your reply in this thread. I thought you were joking, you were not. My dad was an alcoholic often beat me and much worse my Mother. He came home one night was very drunk and mean. My Mom tried to calm him down, he knocked her down was hitting her in the face. I went to a closet where he kept a 410 shotgun was trying to find the shells when he saw me. He took the shotgun hit me numerous times with it breaking several ribs. One of our neighbors called the police. They arrested him and an ambulance took my Mom and I to the emergency room. I was 10 years old scared to death and I know I would have shot him.
Sorry you had to go through all that, mine was basically like yours except he always wanted to kill me when he was drunk and that was always when he was home. thankfully he was an over the road truck driver and wasn't home much. i don't know if he drank while driving. i doubt it as he never had a wreck and when he was drunk he got to a point where he couldn't even walk.
Oh I agree, the crook is still the crook, but why make it easy for them and set yourself up for a loss?

Many years ago when CB radios were a big thing, car burglaries were rampant to steal the CB's. We set up a sting with an old Buick and a fiberglass whip antenna and an old CB under the dash. We had a radio alarm that told us when the wires were pulled. Our team made 5 separate arrests of burglars stealing that same radio in one night between 6pm and 6am. I often wonder how many other items were stolen during that rash of burglaries. No CB's anymore but now it seems to be guns, cash, phones, and dope they are after
You know darn well they were not after the Buick !!
The CB was worth more …🤪🤪🤪🤪

Sorry Belt.. couldnt resist … oh, and I guess the new buick owner .. NM 😬😬😜😜😜😜
Sorry you had to go through all that, mine was basically like yours except he always wanted to kill me when he was drunk and that was always when he was home. thankfully he was an over the road truck driver and wasn't home much. i don't know if he drank while driving. i doubt it as he never had a wreck and when he was drunk he got to a point where he couldn't even walk.
sorry to hear that, and i too was a long haul trucker, (in my first few years) but never drank (and still don't) ....sadly many did, or way back then, did "speed".

it was a hard life being on the road, away from home, and family...many truckers thought (or knew) the spouse was "screwing around" too....

it takes a very strong woman (in moral code) to stay home alone with the kids and take care of everything with her man missing.

i am not making excuses (or defending) your dad, just saying how things were in "some homes"

God bless your mother for defending herself, and you.

i'm so glad, my wife never had to go thru any of that.
A large percentage of thug crime is committed with black market guns stolen in car and home burglaries. We really should secure guns, especially in vehicles. I don't know if new law is the answer. But if a member of my family were harmed by a stolen gun that was not secured, I would sue the living crap out of whomever failed to secure it in additition to whatever I would do to the criminal.
Hayes, while I can agree with your mindset, I'll take exception to your solution. There's no question we/all should make sure any firearm is secure if left inside a vehicle. There's no excuse to not secure it and the owner is without question responsible. But in one's home is a little different. First, if the firearm is inside the home and the home is secured, then the firearm should be considered secured from outsiders/burglers, etc. A man's home is his castle and it should be considered as such. Now I'm not talking about a child inside the home and having access to a firearm not secured. That's a whole different situation.

I'm not in any way negating anything you said, or making light of it, just pointing out a difference in the two scenarios. Acknowledging I would probably feel the same as you've described here. I do keep all my guns locked up in a safe at home and my home is secured when I leave home. To suggest I should be punished for a criminal breaking into my home and stealing a gun because it's not in a safe is just not right. The next question is 'what if' he steals the entire safe as well? In other words, where does the responsibility lie if we continue to play 'what if'?

No argument is intended, just discussion and various POV's.
here is the safe i'd like to have, but i'll bet it still won't be on the California DOJ list..!!!!!

I've recently bought a gun safe for my vehicle. It's made by Sentry, it comes with one cable, I bought another cable, so two cables, one on each side of the safe loop through seat pillers on both sides of the seat and the whole thing slides under the seat. It is invisible to the naked eye through any window. Cables are thick 1500# breaking force needed, there is not enough cable length to get much traction to yank on. The whole thing is pretty pry proof, could someone? Yes but they are not going to take 45 minutes to do it. The cable cannot be cut with bolt cutters, I tried with a sacrificial cable, not either of the cables in use.
I've had a couple of those. I'm not sure which kind you have but a battery operated sawzall will go through that cable in less than 30 seconds.

Anyway, as a last resort I would use one of them, and have, but if I were going to ever do something like that on the regular I would get an underseat safe that bolts to the floor.
We use a cable secured lockbox in our vehicles. I seem to have need for mine with nearly every trek into town. The cables on both are quite thick and "heavy duty rated," but don't think for a second that bolt cutters can't/won't defeat them. Still, I continue to see them as a worthwhile deterrent.
Oh I agree, the crook is still the crook, but why make it easy for them and set yourself up for a loss?

Many years ago when CB radios were a big thing, car burglaries were rampant to steal the CB's. We set up a sting with an old Buick and a fiberglass whip antenna and an old CB under the dash. We had a radio alarm that told us when the wires were pulled. Our team made 5 separate arrests of burglars stealing that same radio in one night between 6pm and 6am. I often wonder how many other items were stolen during that rash of burglaries. No CB's anymore but now it seems to be guns, cash, phones, and dope they are after
Oh, I am not saying you should make it easy. I am just saying it shouldn't be illegal, and even more so, it's quite hypocritical for the Left to victim blame
I've had a couple of those. I'm not sure which kind you have but a battery operated sawzall will go through that cable in less than 30 seconds.

Anyway, as a last resort I would use one of them, and have, but if I were going to ever do something like that on the regular I would get an underseat safe that bolts to the floor.
Luckily I carry a pair of catalytic converters for distracting those that travel with battery tools....😜

In all honesty there's not one damn thing we can do for a determined crook. All we can do is slow them down enough that they have to make enough noise to draw attention to themselves. In my situation our parking lots are covered in cameras and enough of our building/equipment maintenance crews and lawn crews are constantly passing my vehicle every 10-15 minutes. That and the cameras will at a minimum catch a plate and face. Very few people know I carry concealed weapons. My truck also has nothing on it that would state such a thing, NRA sticker or anything of the like.
Luckily I carry a pair of catalytic converters for distracting those that travel with battery tools....😜

In all honesty there's not one damn thing we can do for a determined crook. All we can do is slow them down enough that they have to make enough noise to draw attention to themselves. In my situation our parking lots are covered in cameras and enough of our building/equipment maintenance crews and lawn crews are constantly passing my vehicle every 10-15 minutes. That and the cameras will at a minimum catch a plate and face. Very few people know I carry concealed weapons. My truck also has nothing on it that would state such a thing, NRA sticker or anything of the like.
many times, the thugs are wearing "hoodies" and a ski mask....too many videos showing that.

also, they do have "look outs" that do indeed have guns.

seems stupid that they are willing to kill someone for a mere $200-300 worth of work.

the automakers need to engrave the VIN numbers on the catalytic converters.

also too, the scrap yards need to get positive IDs of the seller.

but, too many other scrap yards are run by fellow thugs.
many times, the thugs are wearing "hoodies" and a ski mask....too many videos showing that.

also, they do have "look outs" that do indeed have guns.

seems stupid that they are willing to kill someone for a mere $200-300 worth of work.

the automakers need to engrave the VIN numbers on the catalytic converters.

also too, the scrap yards need to get positive IDs of the seller.

but, too many other scrap yards are run by fellow thugs.
Our local scrap yard takes your photograph and makes a copy of your drivers license.