
Mileage Tax Proposal?

It is likely, if the current administration has its way, there will be very few gasoline powered vehicles by mid-century. My 2002 Ford Ranger won't be running on a regular basis much past 2030. Around that date electric cars will start becoming the norm. One way to phase out in the gasoline engine in to radically increase the price of gas. The average person won't be able to afford to drive a car that runs on gas. Those that control the production of electricity will rule the world.
There's likely one huge problem with that philosophy? - Only when the lights are on? Ying and Yang?
What did SA and numerous other companies just experience and many others have in the not so distant past? Some, storm, other natural disaster, glitch or hack and many things get screwed up, malfunction or cease to exist. Battery back ups can only last so long. Never ever put all your eggs in one basket. One gets fried the next one may too?
Also, what your laptop's connected to for internet service/messaging may also be your answer to some degree for phone and TV service as well? For example, with a cell phone equipped with "hot spot" you can also hook up your laptop or TV. There's usually always variables for communication. Many areas of the country are different as far as what's usable. Check with local friends to see what they use? It may work better for you too?
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So you still have internet/wifi service in your house/apt, or using wifi from another source? Just wondering due to your mention of "cutting the cord".
Scott he was very active on this thread until you asked him that question then he was gone, maybe someone cut the cord on him. 🙄😂😂😂
Don't forget about agriculture's tractors/equipment's fuel?
Is not always so cut and dry though. Not everything is upfront.
There are federal subsidies for some sectors as well as write off's for business expenses.
Not so much for all public sectors. If do it right, fuel is a write off, but still need to pay for fuel upfront.
Agriculture now.........who'd a thunk we'd be farming by aircraft and satellite? Farmers are no longer farmers, they don't even need to steer the equipment, many farmers now live in town and go to the farm only to produce. And when the satellite signal goes?? production stops. And you know who controls the signal, right? Dairy; the cows are prepped, milked and fed robotically, dairy's that used to employ 30 for a thousand cow herd now need only three. Corporate farming and multinationals have squeezed out the family farm, and get huge subsidies from Uncle F. Sam. Monsanto and others with patented Hybrid GMOs. A few big players on the government dole ( and under control/in partnership with Uncle Sammy ). Processing/distribution is by government licensing/approval. Food chain is closed with few other sources. Ready for meat grown in the Petri dish it's shipped in? Ah'heemmm......and when you get hungry......or your loved ones get hungry you will shut up, turn in your hardware for a loaf of bread; the 1st & 2nd Amend with be long gone from your mind. And to the dude's smiling hyperbole, I won't be around to hear their teeth grinding - they will be the first one's begging. Self sufficient will need a new definition and if you meet that definition it's futile cuz you hear the hungry hoard headed your way? They will trample you, no way to protect what you brilliantly planned for and succeeded in labor to built and produced. But Alas, now we've reached mass parity, the place many believe is next to heaven. Now that you have it, your soul will wilt while your conscience longs for the glowing, free, hopeful truths of reality.......in.........uh, my memory..........what was that ancient document???? Oh! Wish I had memorized it...........the.....the......DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and THE CONSTITUTION of the United States OF AMERICA

I'm not a negative person, quite the opposite, but a lifetime of observation of people, governments, cultures, behaviors, progressiveness, and Westernization and wealth building (we're broke, and worse, indebted to our enemies) how can the path lead elsewhere?
Agriculture now.........who'd a thunk we'd be farming by aircraft and satellite? Farmers are no longer farmers, they don't even need to steer the equipment, many farmers now live in town and go to the farm only to produce. And when the satellite signal goes?? production stops. And you know who controls the signal, right? Dairy; the cows are prepped, milked and fed robotically, dairy's that used to employ 30 for a thousand cow herd now need only three. Corporate farming and multinationals have squeezed out the family farm, and get huge subsidies from Uncle F. Sam. Monsanto and others with patented Hybrid GMOs. A few big players on the government dole ( and under control/in partnership with Uncle Sammy ). Processing/distribution is by government licensing/approval. Food chain is closed with few other sources. Ready for meat grown in the Petri dish it's shipped in? Ah'heemmm......and when you get hungry......or your loved ones get hungry you will shut up, turn in your hardware for a loaf of bread; the 1st & 2nd Amend with be long gone from your mind. And to the dude's smiling hyperbole, I won't be around to hear their teeth grinding - they will be the first one's begging. Self sufficient will need a new definition and if you meet that definition it's futile cuz you hear the hungry hoard headed your way? They will trample you, no way to protect what you brilliantly planned for and succeeded in labor to built and produced. But Alas, now we've reached mass parity, the place many believe is next to heaven. Now that you have it, your soul will wilt while your conscience longs for the glowing, free, hopeful truths of reality.......in.........uh, my memory..........what was that ancient document???? Oh! Wish I had memorized it...........the.....the......DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and THE CONSTITUTION of the United States OF AMERICA

I'm not a negative person, quite the opposite, but a lifetime of observation of people, governments, cultures, behaviors, progressiveness, and Westernization and wealth building (we're broke, and worse, indebted to our enemies) how can the path lead elsewhere?
And, you're being a bit more diplomatic than some. It's pretty easy to get fed up with tech.
I do get what you're saying. But, I also understand where I am too.
Agriculture now.........who'd a thunk we'd be farming by aircraft and satellite? Farmers are no longer farmers, they don't even need to steer the equipment, many farmers now live in town and go to the farm only to produce. And when the satellite signal goes?? production stops. And you know who controls the signal, right? Dairy; the cows are prepped, milked and fed robotically, dairy's that used to employ 30 for a thousand cow herd now need only three. Corporate farming and multinationals have squeezed out the family farm, and get huge subsidies from Uncle F. Sam. Monsanto and others with patented Hybrid GMOs. A few big players on the government dole ( and under control/in partnership with Uncle Sammy ). Processing/distribution is by government licensing/approval. Food chain is closed with few other sources. Ready for meat grown in the Petri dish it's shipped in? Ah'heemmm......and when you get hungry......or your loved ones get hungry you will shut up, turn in your hardware for a loaf of bread; the 1st & 2nd Amend with be long gone from your mind. And to the dude's smiling hyperbole, I won't be around to hear their teeth grinding - they will be the first one's begging. Self sufficient will need a new definition and if you meet that definition it's futile cuz you hear the hungry hoard headed your way? They will trample you, no way to protect what you brilliantly planned for and succeeded in labor to built and produced. But Alas, now we've reached mass parity, the place many believe is next to heaven. Now that you have it, your soul will wilt while your conscience longs for the glowing, free, hopeful truths of reality.......in.........uh, my memory..........what was that ancient document???? Oh! Wish I had memorized it...........the.....the......DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and THE CONSTITUTION of the United States OF AMERICA

I'm not a negative person, quite the opposite, but a lifetime of observation of people, governments, cultures, behaviors, progressiveness, and Westernization and wealth building (we're broke, and worse, indebted to our enemies) how can the path lead elsewhere?
Overly Dramatic and depressing.
Agriculture now.........who'd a thunk we'd be farming by aircraft and satellite? Farmers are no longer farmers, they don't even need to steer the equipment, many farmers now live in town and go to the farm only to produce. And when the satellite signal goes?? production stops. And you know who controls the signal, right? Dairy; the cows are prepped, milked and fed robotically, dairy's that used to employ 30 for a thousand cow herd now need only three. Corporate farming and multinationals have squeezed out the family farm, and get huge subsidies from Uncle F. Sam. Monsanto and others with patented Hybrid GMOs. A few big players on the government dole ( and under control/in partnership with Uncle Sammy ). Processing/distribution is by government licensing/approval. Food chain is closed with few other sources. Ready for meat grown in the Petri dish it's shipped in? Ah'heemmm......and when you get hungry......or your loved ones get hungry you will shut up, turn in your hardware for a loaf of bread; the 1st & 2nd Amend with be long gone from your mind. And to the dude's smiling hyperbole, I won't be around to hear their teeth grinding - they will be the first one's begging. Self sufficient will need a new definition and if you meet that definition it's futile cuz you hear the hungry hoard headed your way? They will trample you, no way to protect what you brilliantly planned for and succeeded in labor to built and produced. But Alas, now we've reached mass parity, the place many believe is next to heaven. Now that you have it, your soul will wilt while your conscience longs for the glowing, free, hopeful truths of reality.......in.........uh, my memory..........what was that ancient document???? Oh! Wish I had memorized it...........the.....the......DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and THE CONSTITUTION of the United States OF AMERICA

I'm not a negative person, quite the opposite, but a lifetime of observation of people, governments, cultures, behaviors, progressiveness, and Westernization and wealth building (we're broke, and worse, indebted to our enemies) how can the path lead elsewhere?
Like it or not, that gps/satellite-assisted guidance helps in overall seeding, irrigation, fertilizing, pest control, and overall crop yield.

I can't attest to the "...farming stops when the signal stops" statement. Around here the only time I don't see the farmers out working the fields is when it's too wet, ie., far too much rain, to get the equipment out there.
Like it or not, that gps/satellite-assisted guidance helps in overall seeding, irrigation, fertilizing, pest control, and overall crop yield.

I can't attest to the "...farming stops when the signal stops" statement. Around here the only time I don't see the farmers out working the fields is when it's too wet, ie., far too much rain, to get the equipment out there.
Yes there are advantages to Satellite intel. My point was farmers are now dependent on the system/government and if it is shut off or fails many would not have the "old school" common sense to function without it. Like the difference between a grass cutter and professional landscape manager there is a difference between a farmer and a tech dependent equipment operator.

The farmer works the soil,
The agriculturist works the farmer.

Eugene F. Ware - The Kansas Bandit

A farmer is always going to be rich next year. Philemon
Overly Dramatic and depressing.
You've posted a couple responses like that in this thread. Sorry to say...it's reality these days.

California already has large areas that make it illegal (yes - illegal) to perform DIY auto repairs:



We have lost our common sense, and our ability to think around problems. We are losing - death by a thousand cuts - the ability to live our daily lives without perpetual, all-encompassing government intervention (interference).

We all need to wake up, and pay attention.