
pay cash or debit card..???


this :poop: needs to stop what we do with our credit cards, otherwise what will be next, our debit cards? Gift cards..??

pre-paid credit cards..???

lucky for me, i pay with my debit card, only once did i buy a gun with a credit card in person at the LGS, and maybe 2 times on Gun Broker

"Thanks to a recent move by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, headquartered in Switzerland), U.S. banks are starting to build databases on their customers’ purchases of firearms and ammunition. And, of course, they are ready and quite willing to share that information with federal law enforcement in the name of providing a public service to identify “mass shooters.”

so, anyone who just wants to "stock up" will now be considered a "mass shooter". rather than say a hunter or survivalist..??
The Revelation 13:16-18

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The technology to do this exists right now
Fundamental Change of America...mmm-mmm-mmmmmm.

Yes, the Digi-Currency thing is coming by EU design. Recall The Administration stated a vision for a monetary system similar to the EU for the North AmerIcas. We all know what a wonderful, prosperous and success the EU transition has become.

Buy too much gasoline…card denied. Take too much $ from the ATM…card denied. Buying a side of beef….card denied.
Cash is good, but when they start to limit how much can be withdrawn, expect there won’t be much of any in circulation. They can always and eventually will change the face of paper money to make George, Abe, Hamilton and the all other colonial manly-mens’ worthless and obsolete.
Have you noticed in some stores a sign by the register…”Due to coin shortage, please pay by Credit or Debit”.
We won’t need cash in the future, mom & pops are dwindling, downtowns are shrinking, more and more everything is being bought online and delivered.
Seems there’s a big rush for microchips, and that’s not merely for your leisure and convenience items. Every small retailer will be required to buy into electronic payment and accounting software devices, likely linked to the IRS, et al. They’ve already set limits ($600) on how much tax-free eBay/PayPal/etc sales and monies you can accept w/o getting a year end 1099.

Who says taxation with representation when they resort to another lame duck Omnibus Bill being forced through.
I exclusively use CC. If you make your monthly payment, you are literally payed to use it. I also enjoy the layer of protection against fraud and the ability to build my credit history. Now I understand others concerns with claims of abuse. I just figure if the government really wants my info, nothing will stop them.
Use a debit card for local purchases and CC for online stuff. Things may change but they will NEVER put a number on me or tracker with me knowing it. we already have a number, it's called SS. I actually may be wrong about the tracker, pretty sure these cell phones are trackable.
(With Most) cell phones you can turn off the GPS that would be used to track your location and movements however with the advent of crash detection and automatic emergency services notifications that works against you.
We tend to act as if this is something new but fairly sure the technology to do this has been around for ages. Using your debit card would be considered digi currency since transaction was completed without actual money changing hands. At my age I still carry cash but it is primarily for small purchases and tips. Can't see banks closing accounts since they are dependent on depositors. I also believe Armstrong landed on the moon :) .
Check out Privacy.com.
They generate burner cards for you to use per merchant and you can control the amount per spend, per day, per month, etc. You can even do one time purchase burner cards. Your bank/credit card company only sees the purchase from Privacy.com. Very secure, I use it all the time, and it costs $0. If you message me, I'll send you my refer code and I make $5 for future purchases.
Use a debit card for local purchases and CC for online stuff. Things may change but they will NEVER put a number on me or tracker with me knowing it. we already have a number, it's called SS. I actually may be wrong about the tracker, pretty sure these cell phones are trackable.
I think the cell phones are listening to us. Awhile back the wife and I were talking at breakfast. She was talking about buying new sheets for our queen size bed. It was just talk between us. No looking on line or anything. 5 hours later I was checking the local news, I had 3 pop-up ads for queen size sheets. Checked on acouple apps, more pop-up ads for queen size sheets. Has anyone else had this happen? Use to be they recommended you remove you cell phone battery for privacy. Cell phones are now sealed.
I think the cell phones are listening to us. Awhile back the wife and I were talking at breakfast. She was talking about buying new sheets for our queen size bed. It was just talk between us. No looking on line or anything. 5 hours later I was checking the local news, I had 3 pop-up ads for queen size sheets. Checked on acouple apps, more pop-up ads for queen size sheets. Has anyone else had this happen? Use to be they recommended you remove you cell phone battery for privacy. Cell phones are now sealed.
Yes. It's apps that are open that are the culprit. The phone itself with no programs running in the background isn't listening to you.