
Post your Saturday night jams ... or your fav music ...

Wow! BobM you've brought up more old memories regarding music I might have liked way back when Anni was just a pup...... You know, way before he got really old! ;) (y) All I can say for sure is that when in high school and before I went into the service, I was pretty much RnR and even a little bit of Folk/Folk Rock. Dylan, Joplin, CCR, Doors, some Beatles, a limited amount of Kingston Trio and some Association, etc. Never got into the heavy metal stuff at all. Then while in the service I began to mellow I guess and started converting to country/country rock.

By the time of my discharge I was pretty much a converted country fan all the way liking stuff like Jimmi Rogers, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Tammy Wynette, Marty Robbins, et al. Then progressed to the Merle Haggards, the George Jones, and similar. Some/most of the newer comers calling themselves 'country' don't quite fit the bill as far as I'm concerned ..... Eric Church for example. OK, good but not country.

After I was married, it was all country all the time, and still much the same today. It is kind of an eye opener though to go back and remember some of the good stuff from way back when ..... regardless of genre. Thanks for the trip!👍👍👍
"Thanks for the trip!👍👍👍 "

- Anytime! Can relate, Wife was Johnny Cash fanatic, to me, he's good in small doses. ... He was a rocker way back when, many people don't realize or know that. Just like Beatles did many country ballads and tunes from here and UK when 1st starting out. Love music and enjoy it's history too. Take care
Another favorite tune:

☝️☝️☝️ Even being majorly a country music fan, I've always liked Moody Blues from as far back as I can remember. Back many, many years ago I got really into recording music with really good equipment. My favorite was an Akia reel to reel that I played with for a long time.

The sound quality with good tape was fantastic, the frequency response was far more than the average human ear could hear, and with a good set of head phones it could take you to a different galaxy. One of my all-time favorites was "Moody Blues" 'In search of the lost chord'. Man, I could loop that and listen for days I think.

They and their productions/crews were light years ahead of most others in stereo and other effects of the day!!! 👍👍👍 Best I can recall must have been in the early 60's?