
Potent Potables (aka What’s your poison?)

Tonights wine selection with some Waygu ribeyes

I'll be sipping this tonight. This is the third one off the list my tequila snob gave me, he's been on the money so far. ❤️
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An excellent choice. 👍

Cracked this Bowmore 15 last night and I have to say I really like it. It lets you know it's an Islay - the peat is there, but it also hits you up front with a mixture of sweet flavors and a nice, very smooth finish, and has more complexity than some of the other Islays that just hit you over the head with peatiness, but don't offer much else. @KillerFord1977 had me wondering if I'd missed the mark on this choice, but brother, I'm going to beg to differ on this one!

An excellent choice. 👍

Cracked this Bowmore 15 last night and I have to say I really like it. It lets you know it's an Islay - the peat is there, but it also hits you up front with a mixture of sweet flavors and a nice, very smooth finish, and has more complexity than some of the other Islays that just hit you over the head with peatiness, but don't offer much else. @KillerFord1977 had me wondering if I'd missed the mark on this choice, but brother, I'm going to beg to differ on this one!

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Glad you enjoyed it . 👍

Islay is a rough go for me … slang some Barley in scotland long ago at Highland Park. Even then, Islay scotch for me needs to be cold weather and in the mood. My HP 25 yr was a smokey, peated usual Islay, but I was in the mood. But 1 glass of Islay is enough for me


Warpigs Foggy Geezer.

With a name like that…how could I pass it up?

(My quasi-HK416 build has been dubbed “Warpig”…mainly because it originally wore a Noveske Flaming Pig diverter…)
Feel free!
15 years old. Started a band called Dead Friend's Hat ( interesting story in itself). We were originally a 3 piece ( as all of my bands over the years were for some reason) hard rock band, covering Zeppelin, Sabbath, Rush, Yes, etc.. For some reason a guy we decided to hire as a singer liked the blues. So me and him wrote a song called Blue Monday ( yeah I know). Anyway, we're at this bar called Archie's and there is a band. We ask to sit in on their break and they say yes. After we play this blues song the owner comes over and hires us for Friday and Saturday the next weekend.

Fast forward to the next friday, parking lot full of people and bar filled to capacity. We crank up and open with War Pigs. The owners were beside themselves. They motioned for us to turn it down, which we did not until they indicated we would not be paid unless we did. After the first song I got an ear full about how they thought we were a blues outfit. Nevertheless the place was full so they let us play both nights. They never hired us again though. Back in those days the band always got free beer. They claimed we drank more beer than the amount they agreed to pay us. That doesn't surprise me.

And yes, back in those days it wasn't too difficult for teenagers with facial hair to get into bars.