
POTUS 46 News Conference


Founding Member
He was terrible but what is really terrible that this country can't find 2 younger people to run for president! I can't believe 2 OLD men is the best we could come up with. No wonder we are doomed.

Both parties have lost their way when it comes to governing our country. I agree that the U.S. is doomed.

Personally, I think there should be a law requiring retirement for politicians at the age of 70. Not surprisingly, that would mean 34 members of the U.S. Senate would have to retire. For Goodness sake, 2 members of the senate are 89 years old. That's ridiculous IMO.
I don’t believe in career politicians, period. I wish they got one term in congress, one in the senate and 8 max in the big chair, Period. (16 years Total MAXIMUM). Heck, Sleepy Joe’s been living on the gov’ teat for more than 50 yrs, and He is not the longest serving politician. The Founders had no idea we’d wind up with folks being “career” political hacks. You were a good man, respected by your peers. They’d send you to DC to represent them, Then you’d come back home to a REAL job. Ponder this, prior to WW2 Congress met for a few weeks per year (like most if not all State legislatures). Someone thought the probably should be there “full time” because of the war. The war ended 79 years ago and they’re Still “full time”. Once a gov’t precedence is set it lives Forever-and you can see the results today.
Actually mental acuity peaks at middle age and then slowly declines, so yes, age is a factor. I'd be willing to bet that both candidates would do poorly on a cognitive test.
I also would love to see both of them take the test. Trump might not ace it but I bet he would score very high. He is still sharp and on top of things. I feel sorry for Biden , in a way , because of people who are using him. He is gone and he can't help it.