
Reasons for Concealed Carry: My Interview with a Psychopath

I appreciate the good doctor's assessment, but there is a component he is missing: the spiritual one.You can read of a guy like this in the Gospel of Luke. None of that, however, negates the underlying conclusion that one should go armed.
Exactly correct. The only cure for a psychopath is GOD. The only one I know of is Dr. David Wood. He does Christian apologetics on U-tube and is an incredible guy....a former psychopath. Look him up an incredible story.
Retired beat cop of 32 years, most of it in a large violent city. Dealing with the mentally ill was almost a daily situation.

Unfortunately the many shortfalls of our medical community and mental health failures get dealt with by LE. Many wind up being armed at some point while in crisis. I have been forced to discharge my weapon at and armed mentally ill person. Many times the system fails these people as it woefully under funded, and severe cost cutting experiments have been tried with disastrous effects on communities (like outpatient treatment and halfway houses).

LE spends much of it's time addressing mental health complaints, transporting people to facilities and Baker Acting people in crisis. To then have these same people ushered out the doors of these same facilities within the hour and sometimes before the officers can leave after doing paperwork..

The system is broke and people are dying on both sides because of it. I made it out but others fill my shoes now and the threat is real to the public and to LE..
Nope, the Doc is quite right. Frank is a psychopath. And the Doc said it but didn't...Frank is either possessed or oppressed, but I believe he's firmly possessed, as in perfectly possessed. This should be obvious. He did after all invite it in, and his behavior proves it. Unless someone, GOD, can reach him, he's lost.
Thank you Michael 333. I completely agree with your assessment. We all want a rational explanation for what we experience but sometimes it isn't possible. God exists as does the adversary. Chalking it all up to mental illness doesn't go far enough in explaining the evil we see in this world. The actions of politicians, mega-corps, etc. should be an indication of that. But take heart, we know how the story goes and who wins.
Actually, the changes to mental health laws and the demise of asylums began in 1968 with the passage of the Community Mental Health Act. This was a law that was championed by JFK because he had a sister that had been "mistreated" by the existing mental health system. As with most laws designed to "right" some kind of wrong, the "solution" went way beyond what any reasonable person would suggest as a remedy. CMHA '68 effectively dismantled the federal and state mental health systems, and turned that responsibility (and funding) over to community-based mental health programs. Many of these programs were mismanaged, funds were diverted, and centers shuttered. State hospitals were left out of the "solution", and have been closed, repurposed, or simply torn down. So, here we are now...with a totally dysfunctional mental health system.

I say, bring back Arkham Asylum! In the meantime, carry what you are good with.
Yep and the next big chunk of it was dismantled under Reagan and Clinton and Obama finished it off.
The mentally ill used to be locked up, but then people started talking about the rights of the patients demanding those poor people be set free. God forbid we protect the average citizens from these dangerous loons. There is nothing to compel these folks to take their meds. Some of the meds have warnings against stopping cold turkey.
Some of these folks are just as dangerous as Charles Manson, maybe worse. While they are free to roam, we have every right to protect ourselves and others, just as we are free to protect ourselves from the vast criminal or terrorist element. It's not a conspiracy theory if people are out to get you.
I couldn’t agree more. In thirty-six years of police service I have had to deal with all types of folks with some sort of mental illness. I don’t care what the proper diagnoses is, whether they hear voices, worship Satin, psychopath or other “friendly or enlightened terms, “ the bottom line is don’t turn your back to them and always consider that they could be dangerous to you.
Yes there are those with mental illness that can be a danger to themselves and others, but my concern is the perfectly sane person that for what ever reason decides or just defaults to bad things, lack of morales, lack of ethical values, the person that lusts for what you have & decides to try & take it, even if that means maybe taking your life or the life of a loved one & maybe having their way with a victim. Prisons are full of sane people that are just bad, some bad to the bone. If you ever realize how many sane mean evil criminals or sane drug induced criminals are out there you would start packing, then by default you are prepared for the "evil mentally ill" folks you may encounter
After spending a career in law enforcement and also being a paramedic on our Sheriff's Department, I became an RN. As such, I have seen what Doc Dabbs talked about first hand many times over the years. It used to be that states had state run mental hospitals. Today most do not. I remember in the late 1970's when Governor Jerry Brown (also known as Governor Moonbeam), closed all the state mental hospitals in the state of California. The states crime rate and homeless problem went through the roof. As long as we can keep these people in in-patient care where they get their meds as they should, most of them live pretty normal lives within the confines of the hospital grounds. The problem is that it is almost impossible to get these people committed to long term care, regardless of the violent crimes they may have committed. All that being said, mental illness is much more prevalent than what most people think. Most are harmless except maybe to themselves, but there are those that represent a very real danger to society. Although these people are out there amongst us every day, they are not the primary reason I carry, but they are lumped in with all the other bad actors out there in our society.
I think that lay people mislabel psychopaths and sociopaths as “insane” or “crazy” because the acting out behavior they engage in is so wildly different than typical behavior. That doesn’t make them crazy, though.

I provided educational courses quarterly to all staff at both sentenced and pre-sentenced facilities on how criminals think and how they select victims. As part of the training I would put up a picture of Ted Bundy and of guys from our narcotics unit, of a trans woman and others, then ask the staff to select the murderers out of the 12 pictures. The female staff picked guys from the narcotics field investigators as murderers “because they look so mean” (leathers, tats, chains, beards). Their second pick would be whoever was next in the ugly line. No one ever picked Ted Bundy. Male officers would look for “tough guy” clues, but I had deselected those at the start. Looking normal is an advantage for criminals when they are approaching the victim they’ve decided on.

I can’t recall a sentenced facility or pretrial facility that would allow you to carry inside the facility. It’s a good rule. Carrying outside? Yup, everywhere I can and a few I can’t.

Paranoid Schizophrenics can be dangerous, but tend to telegraph their thoughts and behaviors so openly you can often sort it out. But they can kill you just as fast as a clearer thinking sociopath. Most of the schizophrenics go off their antipsychotic medications as soon as they’re away from probation. They say it’s because the meds make them feel like crap, which was such a consistent report in so many settings I am inclined to believe it after many years of working with them. They will use pot instead, which seems to help their stability for a time. Then they can’t afford it, reoffend and get to live in pretrial.

I’m rambling - remember that all mental illnesses occur on a bell shaped curve and are rarely straight line black and white in presentation. These days even the grocery store is a dangerous place. Practice with your carry piece and have a good attorney on retainer.
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As with a few others on this forum I was a street cop for 10years and 2 more in training after I was shot 4 times by a sociapth and psychopath, drug dealer/user and all around dirt bag banger. He was not crazy. In my experience in a smaller city of about 100k most mental illness occurred from drug use and abuse. Fried brains. Is that a medical term? Whether it causes any of the approved terms I don’t care. We had a woman whose husband cut her head off and ran from the police with her head in the truck and wrecked on the freeway. A trooper friend found the head in the dark. Another friend found her headless body in the truck in the dark garage. Not sure what illness that guy had but crazy seems to fit the bill. I tan into a guy with 3 fingers on one hand who was hearing voices telling him to cut his arms off. He wasn’t possessed as Frank likely was, he was an ex drug abuser. I asked him how he would do it and he said a saw. I then asked how he was going to get the other one cut off with no arm to do it. He was stumped. See what I did there? He then decided it wasn’t a good idea. I put him on a mental hold and he never did cut anything else off.

In my humble opinion and history backs it up, asylums and hospitals opens those unfortunate to be placed in them up to experiments by doctors who for whatever reason want to see what makes them tick. Hitler didn’t make up eugenics we did and the Nazis learned from us. I’m not saying we don’t need them, but when you put poor souls into a place then can’t leave and no one cares for them they become experiments. It seems that after the Covid vaccines and many good healthcare professionals fired for not going along with the program, we are ripe for history repeating itself. Especially if money is involved and it is. Doc Fauci anyone. I have no idea what the solution is in a world where evil is running rampant in all parts of our lives. But a firearm is a good idea until we can all get along. I dont worry about the mentally ill but the predators who make a living out of crime.
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The mentally ill used to be locked up, but then people started talking about the rights of the patients demanding those poor people be set free. God forbid we protect the average citizens from these dangerous loons. There is nothing to compel these folks to take their meds. Some of the meds have warnings against stopping cold turkey.
Some of these folks are just as dangerous as Charles Manson, maybe worse. While they are free to roam, we have every right to protect ourselves and others, just as we are free to protect ourselves from the vast criminal or terrorist element. It's not a conspiracy theory if people are out to get you.
After thirty-six years in law enforcement I have come across a lot of folks with mental problems. It never mattered to me how they were diagnosed- Psychopath, Bi-Polar, anxiety disorder, whatever, what I learned was that no matter what “pretty and non-offending term they wish to be called”, never turn your back on them and realize that these folks may be dangerous, whether intentional or not.
After thirty-six years in law enforcement I have come across a lot of folks with mental problems. It never mattered to me how they were diagnosed- Psychopath, Bi-Polar, anxiety disorder, whatever, what I learned was that no matter what “pretty and non-offending term they wish to be called”, never turn your back on them and realize that these folks may be dangerous, whether intentional or not.
Exactly Fred and that’s a hell of a long time to do the job. Well done sir. I admire your commitment to our profession. This year would’ve been my 30th. I wish I would’ve had more but it wasn’t meant to be.
Actually, the changes to mental health laws and the demise of asylums began in 1968 with the passage of the Community Mental Health Act. This was a law that was championed by JFK because he had a sister that had been "mistreated" by the existing mental health system. As with most laws designed to "right" some kind of wrong, the "solution" went way beyond what any reasonable person would suggest as a remedy. CMHA '68 effectively dismantled the federal and state mental health systems, and turned that responsibility (and funding) over to community-based mental health programs. Many of these programs were mismanaged, funds were diverted, and centers shuttered. State hospitals were left out of the "solution", and have been closed, repurposed, or simply torn down. So, here we are now...with a totally dysfunctional mental health system.

I say, bring back Arkham Asylum! In the meantime, carry what you are good with.
Rose Kennedy wasn't "mistreated" (your quotation marks), she was lobotomized at age 23- supposedly without her family's consent- for acting up in the mental institution she was sent to by Joe Kennedy. The real story has been covered up by the family for decades- their right to privacy of course.
After thirty-six years in law enforcement I have come across a lot of folks with mental problems. It never mattered to me how they were diagnosed- Psychopath, Bi-Polar, anxiety disorder, whatever, what I learned was that no matter what “pretty and non-offending term they wish to be called”, never turn your back on them and realize that these folks may be dangerous, whether intentional or not.
Thank you and ALL LEO for your service!
Yes there are those with mental illness that can be a danger to themselves and others, but my concern is the perfectly sane person that for what ever reason decides or just defaults to bad things, lack of morales, lack of ethical values, the person that lusts for what you have & decides to try & take it, even if that means maybe taking your life or the life of a loved one & maybe having their way with a victim. Prisons are full of sane people that are just bad, some bad to the bone. If you ever realize how many sane mean evil criminals or sane drug induced criminals are out there you would start packing, then by default you are prepared for the "evil mentally ill" folks you may encounter
You obviously missed the memo titled HUG-A-THUG. The new model of corrections. everyone is "sick and fixable" :rolleyes: 🤬
" decides or just defaults to bad things, lack of morales, lack of ethical values, the person that lusts for what you have & decides to try & take it, even if that means maybe taking your life or the life of a loved one & maybe having their way with a victim. Prisons are full of sane people that are just bad..."
Thanks for the link, Mike. Obviously a topic that most of us are interested in. I watch Keith Graves with the Christian Warrior Training YouTube channel. He always ends with “Remember your ABC’S. Always Be Carrying.” Good advice!
Yes there are those with mental illness that can be a danger to themselves and others, but my concern is the perfectly sane person that for what ever reason decides or just defaults to bad things, lack of morales, lack of ethical values, the person that lusts for what you have & decides to try & take it, even if that means maybe taking your life or the life of a loved one & maybe having their way with a victim. Prisons are full of sane people that are just bad, some bad to the bone. If you ever realize how many sane mean evil criminals or sane drug induced criminals are out there you would start packing, then by default you are prepared for the "evil mentally ill folks you may encounter