
Reasons for Concealed Carry: My Interview with a Psychopath

well didn't i hear on the radio news this morning, that the GA 14 year old shooter was under FBI watch for making threats some time ago..??

why watch someone and not act when you see a pattern..??

As I understood it Old_Me, there were a few posts on Instagram a couple years earlier that were traced back to the kid's/father's house. The FBI interviewed them both in early 2023 but found no evidence to make any further inquiries to either one. The father was supposedly asked if the kid had access to any guns, the father supposedly said "None except when he's under my supervision" or something real similar. Then a few months later the father bought the kid his own AR style rifle for his B-day. The rest is history I guess since the kid apparently made no further posts/threats.

I'm sure they watched him for awhile after the interview, but then with nothing to go on had to let it go ... UNTIL!
i had been saying "bring back the mental hospitals" for a long time now, even here on this site.
I'm pretty sure many of us have been asking for them to return. On the other hand, it's very difficult under our current laws to forcibly admit someone, even just for short term observation who doesn't want to go. Yeh, there are a few ways to do it, but it's very difficult in most cases. And even if someone is suspected to be mentally challenged, one cannot get medical verification due to HIPPA laws.
The mentally ill used to be locked up, but then people started talking about the rights of the patients demanding those poor people be set free. God forbid we protect the average citizens from these dangerous loons. There is nothing to compel these folks to take their meds. Some of the meds have warnings against stopping cold turkey.
Some of these folks are just as dangerous as Charles Manson, maybe worse. While they are free to roam, we have every right to protect ourselves and others, just as we are free to protect ourselves from the vast criminal or terrorist element. It's not a conspiracy theory if people are out to get you.
Every word is truth. The day we saw our way to 'Main Stream' all those even with mental issues, is the day we saw issues with the public increase. Same with 'mainstreaming' certain kids into the schools. It only means more crime generally with those mentally ill trying to make their way through a society they don't understand or fit into, and the kids in school often end up either like the past week in Ga or holding the rest of the class back in order for the slower ones to keep up.

I feel so deeply mixed up in how/what the majority of society should do with these folks. But to do anything significant, requires voting in the legislators that are strong willed enough to effect laws that offer the protection to the majority. I know in most cases mental issues are not their fault. But often they receive help then are turned right back out with meds that will help them, but they don't want/like the meds so they don't take them. Then they go 'off the rails' again ... and it starts all over like a revolving door. The real answer totally escapes me and obviously others here and across the country.

During 30+/- years working in a public school system, I was there long before 'mainstreaming' and a good number of years after. I saw many fights, and I mean serious fights between kids who were just plain mean and others ... and kids who should never have been inside a public school due to other than just being a mean kid. Those are typically the ones who grow up to entertain shooting up a school full of kids who represent to them the kids who abused them in school. And often times there are those who are not only mentally ill, but down right mean and or evil.
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At one time people like Frank would never be allowed to roam free. I believe it was during the 80s that Congress, including President Reagan said it was cruel to keep people like Frank off the streets and in mental institutions. So the law that kept 'them' in was changed and 'they' let 'them' out. Just one of many things the Congress and Presidents have done to make our streets less safe. So we carry, legally or not legally, but will feel better being able to keep ourselves, loved ones and the innocent safer.
Actually it started with President John F. Kennedy signing the Community Mental Health Centers Act in 1963 as a means of facilitating the "transitioning of patients from inpatient psychiatric hospitals out into communities." As a result of all of these factors, deinstitutionalization began.

Then POTUS Reagan signed the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act in 1967 all but ending the practice of institutionalizing patients against their will.
Rose Kennedy wasn't "mistreated" (your quotation marks), she was lobotomized at age 23- supposedly without her family's consent- for acting up in the mental institution she was sent to by Joe Kennedy. The real story has been covered up by the family for decades- their right to privacy of course.
Actually I read a story many years ago that Joe Kennedy himself approved Rose's lobotomy when she was in her early 20's, since she was continuously becoming more and more irritable and embarrassing to the family. Upon Dr's advice, Joe agreed to the procedure. However it went terribly sideways and he always blamed himself for it.
Mental illness is not a big inconvenience or danger. And asylums were just minimum security prisons. At one institution I know of, the most common injury (for years) was a broken finger. Turns out this was a common punishment meted out by aides. The good old days weren't so great if you had a mental illness,
Sounds like a plan. I dealt with all three. You have to feel for the wanderers, those who mental faculties have disappeared and they have no family interested in taking care of them. Then there are those who, like my Mr. Mars( as he preferred to be called) who are insane but are a danger to the public, and the criminally insane, who may be loopy but have no compulsion against being a serious criminal.

The first need to be housed in comfortable quarters, the second, maybe not so comfortable, and the last in a jail, not a mental institution. All of the three are too far gone to be assisted, in the long run, by any type of psychological help. To me that is just a gimmick. While psychological assistance can work in those afflicted to a lesser degree, with those we have been talking about, it is just a waste of time!
SSpoken like a true officer
Mental illness is not a big inconvenience or danger. And asylums were just minimum security prisons. At one institution I know of, the most common injury (for years) was a broken finger. Turns out this was a common punishment meted out by aides. The good old days weren't so great if you had a mental illness,
And you think that's worse than the massive explosion in homelessness and the increase in mass shootings you errantly blame on wife beaters ?
They don't have to be crazy to be dangerous. Some folks are just predators. Anyone who ever spent much time around a middle school has seen it, that is the age they begin to show themselves.

A police academy instructor more than 50 years ago put it into perspective for me. "There is someone out there who wants to kill you. If you are both alive at the end of your shift, it is because the two of you have not yet crossed paths". That reality is, ultimately, why good people go armed.
I realized that so far almost everything I read in this thread had to do with mental illness primarily. There was lots of talk about that and how they are a primary source of bad things happening on the street. So, I went back and re-read every post looking for the other primary reason for the same things and didn't find it until this post of Mr Greener about half way though the entire thread.

He hit the nail right on the head by mentioning there are some people who are simply predators, not for any reason of mental illness, but just a total lack of respect for anyone else they might meet. This stems so much from kids growing up in broken homes, abusive homes, etc. As kids growing up are shown absolutely nothing but abuse and ridicule all their lives, there has been no family morals taught, no religion, or no idea of a nuclear family, or they have never been shown any respect, then they grow up with no respect for anyone else ... therefore predators. Most of these have no real mental issues, they simply have never been taught the right way. And we all pay for it at some point.
And you think that's worse than the massive explosion in homelessness and the increase in mass shootings you errantly blame on wife beaters ?
Stop making excuses for wife beaters. It Is one of the most common and most awful crimes. You can draw a direct line between domestic violence and other kinds of out-of-control anger violence as most every mental health worker knows. It makes logical sense. If you would torture a loved one, why not a stranger.

Who are you defending and excusing here pal?
I realized that so far almost everything I read in this thread had to do with mental illness primarily. There was lots of talk about that and how they are a primary source of bad things happening on the street. So, I went back and re-read every post looking for the other primary reason for the same things and didn't find it until this post of Mr Greener about half way though the entire thread.

He hit the nail right on the head by mentioning there are some people who are simply predators, not for any reason of mental illness, but just a total lack of respect for anyone else they might meet. This stems so much from kids growing up in broken homes, abusive homes, etc. As kids growing up are shown absolutely nothing but abuse and ridicule all their lives, there has been no family morals taught, no religion, or no idea of a nuclear family, or they have never been shown any respect, then they grow up with no respect for anyone else ... therefore predators. Most of these have no real mental issues, they simply have never been taught the right way. And we all pay for it at some point.
Actually, the persons you described do fall into a category of mental illness. It's called sociopathy. At the same time, I do agree that there are life long criminals out there that may not fit into any one box of mental illness. Most of them are not killers or murderers. Most are street thugs, burglars, car thieves, and the like. We have to protect ourselves from all of them since, as the old saying goes, "When seconds count, the police are just minutes away", still holds true today.
Stop making excuses for wife beaters. It Is one of the most common and most awful crimes. You can draw a direct line between domestic violence and other kinds of out-of-control anger violence as most every mental health worker knows. It makes logical sense. If you would torture a loved one, why not a stranger.

Who are you defending and excusing here pal?
For starters I'm not your pal. And to put it into perspective, your unhealthy obsession with wife beaters apparently leads you to spout off nonsense about them being some sort of significant percentage of people who kill other people with guns, which is like saying, I don't know, rubber tires are a significant contributor to motor vehicle deaths or birds are a significant contributor to plane crashes.
Actually I read a story many years ago that Joe Kennedy himself approved Rose's lobotomy when she was in her early 20's, since she was continuously becoming more and more irritable and embarrassing to the family. Upon Dr's advice, Joe agreed to the procedure. However it went terribly sideways and he always blamed himself for it.
I don’t think Joe K. Ever blamed himself for anything!
And you think that's worse than the massive explosion in homelessness and the increase in mass shootings you errantly blame on wife beaters ?
Agree…mental illness is more than a bother. Anyone who has experienced a violent mentally ill person quickly realizes that it is more than a bother.
Interesting subject as being involved with homicide for over 15 years in LE, I have met three or four true sociopaths in a criminal situation, as it often involved several victims. I have met them in Society as well with stronger tells, yet not criminals at all, but wouldn't drink any coffee they brewed... However, I believe today and from observations that the medical field is creating more, with the wholesale disbursement of psychotropic drugs. Just look any "school" shooting and not the anti-gunners BS over "mass". In the school shootings at a rate well above 90%, that are or were taking them and sometimes for many years. Deny the science if you wish, but just read the label and ask why the Hell are we giving these to millions and wonder why the homicides are "He/she were nice and I don't believe it."
Agree totally…interesting how they never talk about psychotropic drugs in these shootings. All the shooters are pure as the driven snow, no mental problems of any kind. Any street cop has seen dozens of psychos in his career, many of them violent. And many of them on long term meds, or not taking their long-term meds, take your choice.
Got ya…only served 23 years before injured/retired. I tend to be a bit touchy, I guess. Thank you for your service. I may have been retired for over 30 years but sure remember working the streets.
23 years on the street is a great career, brother. You impacted countless lives in ways that are often unseen. First responders and other helpers, especially police, fire, and EMS, see into the dark places of human behavior and it stays with you for a lifetime. It can wear you down. But there are great personal rewards from making a difference. You get through it with a commitment to service, courage, a good personal support system, and a sense of humor. With a big dose of sarcasm added in. It binds us together.

I am in awe of the magnificent young men and women who step forward to answer the call to serve in this environment. It is not for everyone, but as frustrating as it can be at times, most of us looking back on a long career would do it again.

A life of service to others is a life well lived. Thank you for your service my friend.
The Doc often posts entertaining and interesting articles. However, every hospital and medical office, bar one, here in central Virginia where I live prohibits firearms. I don't mind ignoring those signs because I'm happy to leave if someone happens to figure out I'm carrying a firearm and asks me to do so. I also carry a badge which says "retired" LE which gets me a bit closer to the door. But if I have to disrobe that piece is going to stand out and require some kind of solution. As far as I know staff and personnel are not excused from that prohibition. Oh my goodness, what to do, what to do?
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