First I want to thank you Okie, so…….
Thank you.
TXB I won’t let you wait for the media….
Let me say first that this is nothing against the law enforcement that acted appropriately and with expertise and professionalism. They did what they had to do to stop the carnage and Nashville should be extremely proud of them.
That being said what happened on Monday morning was a tragedy similar to the to many tragedies that have happened so many times.
6 innocent lives were lost that day, but 7 tragedies happened that day as the 7th tragedy was the shooter. She is a victim of society and how people with mental illnesses are treated and cared for.
Are we all not children of god?
The biggest tragedy that is happening because of what happened on Monday is those in charge are using this to push an agenda using lies and untruths.
Society needs to do better at accepting those that don’t fall into a stereotypical way they believe they should act or be. We are all different and instead of ridiculing someone for being different we need to stop and listen, I learned early on in my management career that sometimes it’s best to stop talking and listen.
My opinion.
Well said sir. I'm white and was adopted and raised by a Mexican American family since the age of 1.5. I grew up in an area that was 90% Hispanic. And it wasn't easy. I got prejudice from Hispanics and Whites. It's only through the grace of God and my awesome family and friends that I survived.
Some people out there do not have the support system I had(and still have). When you feel alone and with nothing to lose it's very easy to go down a bad road. I was blessed to be around people who loved me for who I was and didn't try to change me. My family was great at channeling my enthusiasm to positive things (paint the fence, mow the lawn, etc, etc....

Over my almost 65 years on this earth I have tried to be a good listener to those who I sensed were feeling like I had felt(isolated at times).
I worked in mental health clinics and hospitals in Texas and Arkansas. The majority of people with mental health issues were great people, they just needed help and someone who cared. A few times I worked with juveniles and I would see their family and could sense there was something not right. And it made me very sad to see the juvenile patient have to return to that environment.
There's a lot of hate on the internet. And that makes even tougher on someone who is not social to begin with and has a different style. This doesn't excuse or condone the violence from people in this situation. Violence against others is always wrong. But again, when you're isolated it's very easy to lose your moral compass and think there's only one solution.
I was one of the "lucky" ones who grew up in a tough environment but was able to survive. There's a lot of people to thank for that. Every day I'm grateful for those people.
I hurt when I hear of tragedies that could possibly have been avoided if a person would be shown love instead of being ignored because they were different.