
Show off your 1911

1911s are like a Honda Goldwings; they're the finest, and they all look the same with a different color here and there.
If I'm not carrying a 1911, it's just a substitute.
This Kimber Gold Match is more of a safe queen than a carry. I don't want a DA to hold it, I'd let people die first.

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i on the other hand took this 1967 colt out of the pretty display case of which it sat sat since 1967 in an old gun store
put on good grips to preserve the wood art work work on the grips
it is an absolute dream to shoot with , smooth, and black chrome , then i screwed up and let my wife practice with it, i get to clean it more than shoot it now, as she LOVES it and tries not to let it loose from her grip


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My favorite carries;
You can tell by the wear marks that I love the Remington Commander. It's from the 2nd year production of the Huntsville plant, I'm sorry they closed.
I'm a Kimber fan, I'm grateful to have the Ultra Carry, it's my 'Sunday go to meetings' favorite.
Both stay on target at 130'.
I hope the DA never gets to hold anything I have, but I don't wear a gun for decoration. I do try to match the style though.
10 years old and not carried anymore. Last year it was stripped to the frame, springs replaced and deep cleaned. I also took a red Scotch Brite and buffed out any small handling marks. Now it is pulling recliner duty and is the designated "House gun".

1911 House gun.jpg
So this happened. Went to the LGS yesterday to trade a couple things in, not expecting they'd have anything I wanted, so I figured I'd just use the credit on ammo or something. And there was a Dan Wesson 'Specialist' sitting in the case, looked like it maybe had 100 rounds through it. Needless to say...

DW Specialist.jpeg
NHC Classic and NHC President I currently own. I just recently got back into the 1911 game. It’s truly addicting. The two I let ago 10 years…..My TRP, and Professional. I regret ever selling my Pro. I had my FFL at the time and the profit margin was great on that gun. I’m kicking myself now. My days of selling any personal guns ended when I let my FFL expire.
Since this is a Springfield Armory forum.....

Springfield Armory TRP

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and even though strictly it's not a 1911, it's close enough...Smith & Wesson Performance Center 945 (never fired)

View attachment 36768.
Why never fired ?
Enjoy the quality of how a gun handles..

Like saying one got married for the house and $$$, but wont even touch their spouse in bed
I know, it doesn't make much sense does it? I managed to get 4 different versions of the 945 and I guess because they stopped making them I just put them away.
I guess from a collector's point of view it's nice to keep them as new but like you said, they need to be enjoyed.
Well I posted a photo of my "House gun" a week or so ago (10 yr old stainless Mil Spec) but since I saw this thread was back up I dug my SR1911 out of the safe. I used to carry this some but wanted to rid myself of the laser etched billboard so I got it engraved. Now I don't shoot it or carry it. It just lives in the safe, so I got it out to take it's picture.

Ruger BBQ.jpg
I’ve always favored SA guns. My EDC is an XDm 40. I love it. I’m over the “custom” (semi custom 1911’s.. although I consider Nighthawk a Custom. One smith builds the gun. My opinion) for awhile. Taking a break and want to do the production route. Upper ones. I once considered the TRP the best production 1911 made. Is that still the case?

What are your favorite 1911’s SA currently make? I want another TRP but them switching to cerokote I don’t like. I do like the Emissary (blued slide, different looking). Prodigy.. I haven’t gotten into the DS game yet. The Ronin, I seem to see so many great reviews on it over all others. I won’t lie. I’m a sucker for blued guns. I’ll shoot them, but prefer to limit carrying them. Both my hawks are DLC. I’ll carry a blued 1911 if it were my EDC, no problem, minor setback to refinish years later.

Come on fellows, catch my up on SA 1911 line up to pursue. (My wife’s EDC is the Hellcat. No complaints on it). Sticking to 1911’s… feed me. 😅😅😅😅… Vodka got me talkative tonight. Cheers
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Well I posted a photo of my "House gun" a week or so ago (10 yr old stainless Mil Spec) but since I saw this thread was back up I dug my SR1911 out of the safe. I used to carry this some but wanted to rid myself of the laser etched billboard so I got it engraved. Now I don't shoot it or carry it. It just lives in the safe, so I got it out to take it's picture.

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Beautiful. I’m not into engraved 1911’s much, but something about this one I really like. Amazing 1911 sir.
Colt Gold Cup Trophy 45 ACP Yes has the idiot scratch.
Sig 1911 POW/MIA 45 ACP Grips are toast, got a new pair if needed. I shoot all my guns...No safe queens in my house.
Rock Island Armory 1911 10mm Awesome gun for the money.


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