
Springfield Ronin EMP 4 Failure to Feed

Grip ? Limp wrist ? If u r a new shooter
Not a new shooter. Had a very experienced friend check my grip and he didn't seem to think that was the problem. I bought the EMP Ronin a little less than a year ago. Never had a problem with it until fairly recently. Stovepipes are nearly constant. Been busy so haven't gotten around to calling warranty. Hopefully tomorrow. A very common problem I see from other threads here so could be it needsa good ramp polishing or a new spring or both. Hope it's something quick and easy!
Is the extractor still securely held in place by 2 pins? I have had one break in the past, and that caused the extractor to swivel slightly and cause some failures to eject.
Also, make sure that when cleaning the slide, the channel for the extractor is well-cleaned and lubed.
A polished ramp will definitely help.
I assume that you've had this issue with more than 1 mag?
My first 1911 ever bought, man do I hate it. Had major feed issues so I sent it back to them and they "replaced the extractor, reamed, and polished the chamber, recut and polished the barrel ramp, and refit the barrel." Got it back after like 2-3 weeks, went to the range and shot 200-300 rounds and then one of the extractor legs broke so it swings around. Also it would auto rack a bullet when I smacked a mag in with slide lock active.


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My first 1911 ever bought, man do I hate it. Had major feed issues so I sent it back to them and they "replaced the extractor, reamed, and polished the chamber, recut and polished the barrel ramp, and refit the barrel." Got it back after like 2-3 weeks, went to the range and shot 200-300 rounds and then one of the extractor legs broke so it swings around. Also it would auto rack a bullet when I smacked a mag in with slide lock active.
Unfortunately, it's going to need to go back to Springfield. Sorry you're having problems. The feed issues often go away with a lot of empty hand racking. 1911's are notorious for feed issues unless it's a high dollar custom. If it still has feed problems after you get it back for the extractor, rack rack rack. It will get better.
Why did you feel the need to "smack" a magazine into the pistol. Not sure I have ever smacked a magazine in even speed reloading.

Depending how hard the "smack",was it could have tripped the slide release.
EMP 3", ran great for ~~200 rounds, changed ammo manufacturer, still FMJ, brass, 1st round fires and ejects, 2nd round jambs in barrel, won't fully fall in, keeps the slide from closing fully, round is unfired, slide then sticks and won't move, not a safe scenario, purely an ammo issue, or need trip back to SA? It's done this twice now, not sure I want to try it again with different ammo as it leaves the unfired round stuck. Looking for opinions, from post above it looks like SA is good at addressing issues. TIA

**using spent casings, they will not easily push into the barrel on the EMP, on my other 1911', they drop in, no excessive friction**
EMP 3", ran great for ~~200 rounds, changed ammo manufacturer, still FMJ, brass, 1st round fires and ejects, 2nd round jambs in barrel, won't fully fall in, keeps the slide from closing fully, round is unfired, slide then sticks and won't move, not a safe scenario, purely an ammo issue, or need trip back to SA? It's done this twice now, not sure I want to try it again with different ammo as it leaves the unfired round stuck. Looking for opinions, from post above it looks like SA is good at addressing issues. TIA

**using spent casings, they will not easily push into the barrel on the EMP, on my other 1911', they drop in, no excessive friction**
I’d switch back to the old ammo and see what happens. If it still FTE’s then you’ve got diagnostic info for your call to Springfield.
You guys are scaring me, i just bought a used EMP. hope i didn't buy someone elses headache.
An old armorer buddy told me once that about 90 percent of 1911 failures are magazine, cleaning or ammunition related. Most of the rest need a slight polish on the feed ramp. That was his opinion and I have generally found it to be close to my experiences thus far.
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That may be the case here, all the ammo used works in my other 3 1911's with no issue, guessing it may be the ramp on this one. My biggest issue is its failure to release the 2nd round leaving it unfired with the slide jammed. Will give them a call this week. Appreciate everyone's input
My 3" Ronin EMP generally ran fine with FMJs, but with a variety of hollow points (Federal, Sig, etc), I had enough jams that I just couldn't consider it reliable for carry. Which was really the only reason I bought it, so it ended up getting traded in. Which was too bad - I really wanted to like that gun.