
stupid, stupid, stupid, frigging moron.....!!

If a buddy pointed a gun at my head that friendship would end quickly and violently. I’m not surprised that there are such class A morons in the world but it’s still stunning.
Social media is full of them daily.
I cant say what I want sooo…

Many individuals that lack brain power post their firearms pointed at darn near everything daily … themselves, their friends, pets, lovers, you name it ..
usually has “ he was such a good child” from mom after their mugshot
Social media is full of them daily.
I cant say what I want sooo…

Many individuals that lack brain power post their firearms pointed at darn near everything daily … themselves, their friends, pets, lovers, you name it ..
usually has “ he was such a good child” from mom after their mugshot
Remember the short-lived fad a couple years ago of idiots pointing their pistols at their own crotches, and the one guy that put a .45 slug through his scrotum? Yeah, the morons abound.
I’m pretty sure even in the free states pointing a gun at someone’s head is against the law and is actionable endangerment or brandishing.
Agreed and although those idiots have been banned I strongly believe law enforcement should have been called to investigate. This type of stupidity is giving law abiding citizens a black eye and provides fuel to the anti gun supporters.
Agreed and although those idiots have been banned I strongly believe law enforcement should have been called to investigate. This type of stupidity is giving law abiding citizens a black eye and provides fuel to the anti gun supporters.
frankly, it is nearly the same thing for the trucking industry i was once in, for many, decades.

it only takes ONE moron to muck it up for the entire industry, due to the haters.

those that hate trucks,

those that hate guns.


many times, all the good that was accomplished, that took A LONG TIME to obtain, is struck down in a nano second.
I watched this thread/video for 2 days trying to figure something to say here, I can't. It's just that stupid!

Stupidity exists all day, every day, everywhere, so keep you eyes open and be safe out there.
problem is, way too many feel "so safe" that they got a gun, but of those, how many actually get any sort of safety training?

for instance, in my state, in order to obtain a "Blue Card", an actual card, that is blue in color, that ALLOWS one to purchase a gun, MUST read a booklet on gun safety, then MUST take a written test, and pass with (if i recall) a score of 75%, to then obtain that coveted Blue Card, to go out and buy guns.

now, of course, way so many would say that "it's all common sense, and you do not need to read any book"

here-in lays a moron that apparently thought "he knew it all, and has common sense"

personally. my thoughts are,

1) mandatory 2 hour safety class (to be paid for by the new gun owner) on gun safety. maybe about $100.

2) after obtaining a score at or above 80%, then that person would be
on "probation" for 2 years. any incidents, and his/her rights to bear arms, purchase arms, or obtain a CCW permit, will be taken away from them, for a period of no less than 5 years. (the judge can ADD more time if he thinks the person just isn't "getting it".)

3) then if that person re-applies for a gun purchase? ccw permit? MUST now take a 6 hour class, at triple the price of the original costs. then will be on probation for 25 years.

this BS of that moron holding a gun to the other guys head, sends a message that some people just, SHOULD NEVER look at a gun, much less hold one, or own one.

of course, my list will never happen......
problem is, way too many feel "so safe" that they got a gun, but of those, how many actually get any sort of safety training?

for instance, in my state, in order to obtain a "Blue Card", an actual card, that is blue in color, that ALLOWS one to purchase a gun, MUST read a booklet on gun safety, then MUST take a written test, and pass with (if i recall) a score of 75%, to then obtain that coveted Blue Card, to go out and buy guns.

now, of course, way so many would say that "it's all common sense, and you do not need to read any book"

here-in lays a moron that apparently thought "he knew it all, and has common sense"

personally. my thoughts are,

1) mandatory 2 hour safety class (to be paid for by the new gun owner) on gun safety. maybe about $100.

2) after obtaining a score at or above 80%, then that person would be
on "probation" for 2 years. any incidents, and his/her rights to bear arms, purchase arms, or obtain a CCW permit, will be taken away from them, for a period of no less than 5 years. (the judge can ADD more time if he thinks the person just isn't "getting it".)

3) then if that person re-applies for a gun purchase? ccw permit? MUST now take a 6 hour class, at triple the price of the original costs. then will be on probation for 25 years.

this BS of that moron holding a gun to the other guys head, sends a message that some people just, SHOULD NEVER look at a gun, much less hold one, or own one.

of course, my list will never happen......
PA is a Shall Issue state, no requirements, other than age, to purchase a firearm or to get your CCW. You do fill out the forms and get an instant check. My instant checks are usually returned before I can get the forms filled out.

There are those whose checks take much longer, up to a day wait sometimes, so I'm guessing they have some history that is being sorted through. There are voluntary safety classes available as well as other types of classes too.

So stupid doesn't disqualify you here but it can all be revoked for certain criminal convictions.
PA is a Shall Issue state, no requirements, other than age, to purchase a firearm or to get your CCW. You do fill out the forms and get an instant check. My instant checks are usually returned before I can get the forms filled out.

There are those whose checks take much longer, up to a day wait sometimes, so I'm guessing they have some history that is being sorted through. There are voluntary safety classes available as well as other types of classes too.

So stupid doesn't disqualify you here but it can all be revoked for certain criminal convictions.
yeah, until i got my CCW, i had to wait 8 days to pick up my gun purchase.

then when the "crap hit the fan" during the pandemic, our goobener went and put an "up to 30 days" wait period, as the local PD's were swamped with ccw applications, and they asked for help.

so, having a ccw now, entitles one here to walk in, choose, buy, and walk out same day. and the background check is also done while we fill out the form.
problem is, way too many feel "so safe" that they got a gun, but of those, how many actually get any sort of safety training?

for instance, in my state, in order to obtain a "Blue Card", an actual card, that is blue in color, that ALLOWS one to purchase a gun, MUST read a booklet on gun safety, then MUST take a written test, and pass with (if i recall) a score of 75%, to then obtain that coveted Blue Card, to go out and buy guns.

now, of course, way so many would say that "it's all common sense, and you do not need to read any book"

here-in lays a moron that apparently thought "he knew it all, and has common sense"

personally. my thoughts are,

1) mandatory 2 hour safety class (to be paid for by the new gun owner) on gun safety. maybe about $100.

2) after obtaining a score at or above 80%, then that person would be
on "probation" for 2 years. any incidents, and his/her rights to bear arms, purchase arms, or obtain a CCW permit, will be taken away from them, for a period of no less than 5 years. (the judge can ADD more time if he thinks the person just isn't "getting it".)

3) then if that person re-applies for a gun purchase? ccw permit? MUST now take a 6 hour class, at triple the price of the original costs. then will be on probation for 25 years.

this BS of that moron holding a gun to the other guys head, sends a message that some people just, SHOULD NEVER look at a gun, much less hold one, or own one.

of course, my list will never happen......
I know plenty of smart people who know how to study and can pass almost any test with a perfect score; however, many of them lack the common sense needed to handle a firearm safely.
problem is, way too many feel "so safe" that they got a gun, but of those, how many actually get any sort of safety training?

for instance, in my state, in order to obtain a "Blue Card", an actual card, that is blue in color, that ALLOWS one to purchase a gun, MUST read a booklet on gun safety, then MUST take a written test, and pass with (if i recall) a score of 75%, to then obtain that coveted Blue Card, to go out and buy guns.

now, of course, way so many would say that "it's all common sense, and you do not need to read any book"

here-in lays a moron that apparently thought "he knew it all, and has common sense"

personally. my thoughts are,

1) mandatory 2 hour safety class (to be paid for by the new gun owner) on gun safety. maybe about $100.

2) after obtaining a score at or above 80%, then that person would be
on "probation" for 2 years. any incidents, and his/her rights to bear arms, purchase arms, or obtain a CCW permit, will be taken away from them, for a period of no less than 5 years. (the judge can ADD more time if he thinks the person just isn't "getting it".)

3) then if that person re-applies for a gun purchase? ccw permit? MUST now take a 6 hour class, at triple the price of the original costs. then will be on probation for 25 years.

this BS of that moron holding a gun to the other guys head, sends a message that some people just, SHOULD NEVER look at a gun, much less hold one, or own one.

of course, my list will never happen......
Ridiculous and unconstitutional. These are the kind of compromises that open the door to any number of criteria one must meet before being allowed to exercise their constitutional right.

Maybe we should have similar litmus tests for the first amendment. No doubt words kill far more people than guns. Especially if you narrow that down to accidental or negligent discharges.

Think of it this way. The main argument for CC is self defense. Against what? Morons with guns. Morons that are intrinsically exempt from safety mandates, background checks and waiting periods.

We all agree responsible gun owners should get some sort of training. But making it a law is preposterous and dangerous. Next thing you know California would be mandating you shoot as well as Jerry Miculek before you can buy a gun.
Ridiculous and unconstitutional. These are the kind of compromises that open the door to any number of criteria one must meet before being allowed to exercise their constitutional right.

Maybe we should have similar litmus tests for the first amendment. No doubt words kill far more people than guns. Especially if you narrow that down to accidental or negligent discharges.

Think of it this way. The main argument for CC is self defense. Against what? Morons with guns. Morons that are intrinsically exempt from safety mandates, background checks and waiting periods.

We all agree responsible gun owners should get some sort of training. But making it a law is preposterous and dangerous. Next thing you know California would be mandating you shoot as well as Jerry Miculek before you can buy a gun.
The only issue with mandating being able to shoot like Jerry Miculek is that you would need an NFA tax stamp for your finger.