
stupid, stupid, stupid, frigging moron.....!!

Should be a nominal fee , say $10 that states before you leave a gunstore from your purchase, the staff had to give you a quick 5 min handling, safety how to load/unload and dont be a 💩head brief
problem with that, is at my LGS, they hand me a piece of paper that states that they "showed me" the proper use of the gun, and i check off the boxes, that they did, when in fact, they did not.

maybe cuz i am a regular customer, maybe cuz i have a ccw, but, i cannot see that working either
Ridiculous and unconstitutional. These are the kind of compromises that open the door to any number of criteria one must meet before being allowed to exercise their constitutional right.
not all states, are a "right to constitutionally carry states"

mine (RI)is not, MA, is not, CT is not.....NY is not, and i suspect a few others are not as well.

and here is that list

not all states, are a "right to constitutionally carry states"

mine (RI)is not, MA, is not, CT is not.....NY is not, and i suspect a few others are not as well.

and here is that list
I bet there will be some sphincter tightening in those blue states should the SCOTUS rule against New York's current regs. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.
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I have to say the news story reported the incident fairly, treating these buffoons as the abberation they are, and refraining from demonizing the range and their customers, which is what I would have expected. Thank God for the range officer, who showed how real gun owners respond to that kind of behavior.
I agree in principle there should be some kind of "don't be an idiot who uses guns for selfie props and don't point guns at people as a prank" training before people can own a deadly weapon but, as Bassbob said, any limitation on a right like 2A has to stand up to strict scrutiny at the Court, which is damn hard to do. The government has to prove the law is narrowly tailored to accomplish a compelling government purpose and that the means chosen are the least restrictive possible to achieve that purpose. If the law doesn't meet that standard it gets struck down as unconstitutional.
I agree in principle there should be some kind of "don't be an idiot who uses guns for selfie props and don't point guns at people as a prank" training before people can own a deadly weapon but, as Bassbob said, any limitation on a right like 2A has to stand up to strict scrutiny at the Court, which is damn hard to do. The government has to prove the law is narrowly tailored to accomplish a compelling government purpose and that the means chosen are the least restrictive possible to achieve that purpose. If the law doesn't meet that standard it gets struck down as unconstitutional.

If you think about it it's kind of set up like the 1st amendment only less dangerous. That is "Self policing".
I agree in principle there should be some kind of "don't be an idiot who uses guns for selfie props and don't point guns at people as a prank" training before people can own a deadly weapon but, as Bassbob said, any limitation on a right like 2A has to stand up to strict scrutiny at the Court, which is damn hard to do. The government has to prove the law is narrowly tailored to accomplish a compelling government purpose and that the means chosen are the least restrictive possible to achieve that purpose. If the law doesn't meet that standard it gets struck down as unconstitutional.
i agree with @Bassbob said about infringing on the "constitutional carry" being infringed on, (and as i said, not all states are a right to carry),however, the country is spilt 50/50, (as i showed in the map i posted) . it won't take too much for one state to switch sides, to maybe perhaps clamp down with more gun laws.

let's hope it does not happen, and i hope i am wrong, but i just don't see a "switch over" to the red side, given the enormous amounts of slanted media, reporting on all the shootings taking place each and every day, and the mamma's crying over thier dead child's body, who "never did nuffin' wrong" (but was in a gang) speech.
Coincidentally here's another contestant for the 'Darwin' award. Damn, what a stupid putzzz !!! Seems he may have had an ulterior motive though, unlike the idiot at the indoor range.

Update - I read this guy was captured and arrested the following day but I lost the link before I could post it. I agree, he had real intentions and some kind of STUPID ulterior motive that we'll never known.
Found the link again, the guy was a convicted felon. He probably just wanted a free trip back home (prison) where he belongs.

Could'a been. But damn it's hard to understand that mentality. I hadn't seen this follow up. Thanks for posting it.
